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Monday, May 31, 2021

42 Memorial Day Instagram Captions To Glorify Your Feed

After a very long and particularly brutal winter, Memorial Day is finally here. Most states are beginning to lift Covid-19 restrictions, which means that your celebrations might feel a little more normal than they did last year. And that actually makes sense: Memorial Day is a day to honor the men and women who gave their lives for this country, and it’s also about freedom. The unofficial summer kickoff weekend usually means barbecues, time in the sun, beach days, ice cream, and maybe even some fireworks. Whether you’re doing all of that with a small group of family or some friends, you’ll want to document it on social media. And what’s a good Memorial Day post without a great Memorial Day Instagram caption to go along with it?

After all, you know that you’re going to want to post abut at least some part of your Memorial Day, even if you’re not really doing anything besides relaxing in your backyard. Maybe you want to snap a selfie of yourself finally in the sun, or maybe you want to share photo evidence of you spending time with a few friends. Maybe you want to remember what Memorial Day is really about, and you want to honor those men and women online. Whatever the case, we’ve done the hard work for you and have put together a list of Memorial Day Instagram captions ready to be used.

Patriotic Memorial Day Captions

  • "May we never forget freedom isn't free." — Unknown
  • "How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our heroes and she-roes!" — Maya Angelou
  • "It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God such men lived." — George S. Patton
  • "Home of the free, because of the brave." — Unknown
  • "In the face of impossible odds, people who love this country can change it." — Barack Obama
  • We don't know them all, but we owe them all.
  • All gave some. Some gave all.
  • “America was not built on fear. America was built on courage, on imagination, and an unbeatable determination to do the job at hand.” — President Harry S. Truman
  • "Those who have long enjoyed such privileges as we enjoy forget in time that men have died to win them." — Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • “Never was so much owed by so many few.” — Winston Churchill
  • We come not to mourn our dead soldiers, but to praise them.

Funny BBQ Memorial Day Captions

  • Cheers to the red, white, and brew.
  • Can't wait to hang with my grill friends.
  • I like the taste of freedom.
  • Sun's out, grills out.
  • Sun’s out, hamburger buns out!
  • Freedom tastes like charbroil.
  • I like big buns and I cannot lie.
  • Burgers and brews for the red, white, and blue.
  • Where there is a home, there is a barbecue.
  • Celebrating Memorial Day the only way I know how: grilling up some burgers.
  • If it involves fireworks, summer nights, barbecues, alcohol, and freedom, count me in.

Beach Memorial Day Captions

  • Don't worry, beach happy.
  • I can sea clearly now.
  • Hot sun, cold beer, the gang’s all here.
  • Swimming into summer like…
  • Beach hair, don't care.
  • Life is better when you’re under the sun.
  • I’m in a summer state of mind.
  • The beach is always a good idea.
  • Happy as a clam.
  • Happier than a seagull with a French fry.

Song Lyric Memorial Day Captions

  • "I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free. And I won’t forget the men who died, who gave that right to me." — Lee Greenwood
  • "Salute the ones who died. The ones that give their lives, so we don't have to sacrifice all the things we love." Zac Brown Band
  • "Oh beautiful for heroes proved in liberating strife who more than self, their country loved and mercy more than life." Ray Charles
  • "It's a party in the U.S.A." Miley Cyrus
  • “Summer, summer, summertime… time to sit back and unwind.” — DJ Jazzy Jeff & the Fresh Prince
  • "This land was made for you and me." — Woody Guthrie
  • "Red, white, blue's in the skies, summer's in the air and baby, heaven's in your eyes. I'm your National Anthem." — Lana Del Rey
  • “While the storm clouds gather far across the sea / Let us swear allegiance to a land that’s free.” — Kate Smith
  • “Only in America / Where we dream in red, white and blue / Only in America / Where we dream as big as we want to.” Brooks & Dunn
  • “I’m just a summer girl / I wear my flip-flops / And when I let my hair down / That’s when the party starts.” — Leighton Meester

Sunday, May 30, 2021

The 4 Best Toddler Booster Seats For Eating

If your toddler wants to sit in a “big kid chair” during meals, the best toddler booster seats for eating are the perfect step up from a high chair. These seats strap directly onto a regular dining chair and give your kiddo a literal boost so they can sit high enough to enjoy a meal at the family table. The best boosters for toddlers have straps or harnesses that prevent your child from falling out and they’re easy to clean — since, real talk, your child will likely be making plenty of messes while eating. Some are made entirely from plastic or foam, which you can literally just wipe down. Others have comfortable padding with removable, machine-washable fabric covers. Before choosing a new booster seat, double check the seat’s age and weight limits to ensure it’s appropriate for your child, and know that it's not recommended that your child use a booster seat before they can sit up unassisted.

Some booster seats have an attachable tray that you can use to serve your child their meal. These can be helpful since they can contain food messes, and they’re an additional security measure, too, since your toddler likely won’t be able to lift the tray on their own. These boosters can usually be used with or without the tray, so they’ll grow with your child.

Many booster seats fold down to a much more compact size for storage, and some are even designed to be easy to tote around.

These four booster seats are perfect for toddlers since they all have straps to keep your kiddo securely in place while giving them the boost they need to enjoy their meal with the rest of the family.

A Fan-Favorite Booster Seat

With more than 12,600 reviews on Amazon and a solid 4.3-star rating overall, this booster seat from Summer Deluxe is a favorite on the site with parents, and it’s easy to see why. The seat is made of plastic, but it has a pad for comfort that can be removed and tossed directly into the washing machine for cleaning. A three-point harness system ensures your little one won’t slip out. This pick can be used with or without the included dishwasher-safe tray, which offers some nice flexibility. And the seat’s height is adjustable between two different levels to accommodate your growing child.

Use the strap to secure the booster seat to your dining room chair. And when mealtime is over, the whole thing folds down for storage. Choose from a few different colors.

Enthusiastic Amazon review: "I actually have three of these because I use them in my preschool child care program for the toddlers. They're my favorite of all the booster seats that we use. The arm rests are supportive to the kids, and also keep the younger ones from squirming out of their chairs. Worth every penny!"

  • Recommended age range: 6+ months
  • Weight limit: 33 pounds

A Booster Seat That Can Adjust To 3 Different Heights

Children grow so quickly, but luckily, this booster seat from Chicco can keep up. This toddler booster seat features sturdy metal legs that can be adjusted to three different heights, allowing you to raise or lower it for your tot as needed. And if you choose to use the included tray, it, too, can be used in three different positions.

The booster seat is made from easy-to-clean plastic — give it a quick wipe, and you're good to go — and it has a three-point harness for safety. Multiple straps allow you to secure the seat to a dining room chair, while anti-slip feet ensure it won’t budge once in place.

The booster seat is lightweight, it folds down, and it has a carrying strap, so you can totally bring it to grandma's for the next family get-together. Choose from two colors — gray or lavender.

Enthusiastic Amazon review: "I have a home daycare and this is, by far, the best booster seat I have ever purchased. The fact that it's adjustable height makes it even more appealing for the variety of children that I feed. My older ones just need a little boost and the majority of seats are too tall for them. I was able to take the high chairs out of the kitchen because even my smallest are able to use these chairs. Love them!"

  • Recommended age range: 6 to 36 months
  • Weight limit: 50 pounds

A Comfortable Booster Seat For Older Toddlers

If you’re looking for a toddler booster seat for slightly older toddlers (or even preschool-aged kids!), this one from Prince Lionheart is calling your name. According to the manufacturer, this seat shouldn't be used until your child is 18 months old, but it's okay to use until the age of 5 (or until they weigh 60 pounds). The seat is made from a combination of rubber and foam with a plastic back, all of which are waterproof and require just a quick wipe down to clean. Another plus? The seat actually has a suspended seating area, so it’s comfier for your child than a booster that simply sets foam directly atop hard plastic or wood. Slip-resistant feet and dual straps secure the seat on your dining room chair, while a three-point harness prevents even the wiggliest of kiddos from slipping out.

This pick doesn't fold down, but since it's lightweight, it should still be fairly easy to transport.

Enthusiastic Amazon review: "This booster seat is the best. Super cute and comfortable for my 3 year old. Great transition from a high chair to the grown up table. Easy to clean as well!"

  • Recommended age range: 18 months to 5 years
  • Weight limit: 60 pounds

A Super Portable Booster Seat

Other picks on this list can be transported if needed, but this booster seat from The First Years truly takes the cake when it comes to portability. The booster deflates so that it can fold into a neat little suitcase-like format, complete with a handle, and the whole thing weighs less than a pound. When your toddler needs to use the seat, simply inflate it with the valve, and you’ll have yourself a full-size booster seat in a snap.

This pick has straps that wrap around a dining room chair to hold it in place. The built-in three-point harness keeps your tot from sliding out. Choose from two colors — black or safari.

Enthusiastic Amazon review: "We have 2 kids and didn't want to buy a second high chair, this was the perfect solution! Not only has my 2&1/2 year old used it everyday at our table, but it's SUPER easy to take with us if we need to. Weighs nothing and sits at the perfect height and is SO easy to clip on to any chair! I'd buy it again as a gift for anyone with a toddler 1&1/2 or older!"

  • Recommended age range: 9+ months
  • Weight limit: 50 pounds

27 Supportive Texts To Send To Someone Getting Divorced Or Separated From Their Partner

With an estimated one out of two marriages ending in divorce, the chances are pretty high that you’re going to know someone who’s going through the dreaded D word right about now. But even if you want to be a totally supportive friend, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you can always hop on a call and have them pour their heart out to you, either. That’s when a quick “thinking of you” text can show your pal that you’re wishing them well sans the time commitment (and tirade of tears and rage). If you’re not sure what to say, here’s what to text a friend who is ending a marriage.

“With divorce, as in any life transition, it is difficult to know what to say,” Wendy Sterling, a certified divorce specialist, tells Romper. “For those on the outside, they often want to offer support and comfort, yet have a lack of awareness of what you want to hear.” That’s why most people might mean well but make a mess of their words when thinking of what they should say. And even if you want to empathize with the other person’s emotions, it might be hard to if you haven’t gotten divorced, either. So you want to try finding a way to show support that doesn’t sound condescending (i.e. “My partner travels a lot for work, so I feel like a single parent myself”) or might make the person feel like they’re making a mistake (i.e. “Did you guys try to work it out?”).

So keep it short and sweet when it comes time to text a friend who is ending a marriage, and your message will be even more meaningful.

Checking In Texts

How are you doing today?

Feel like going out? Drinks on me.

Do you need me to do anything for you?

Want me to watch the kids while you ______?

Just checking in on you.

I was thinking about you.

Sending you strength and lots of love.

Love you!

Supportive Texts

We will make it through this — together. I’m here to help you.

You are not alone.

I’m very sorry that things have ended between you two.

I know you’re going through a lot.

You have such strength; divorce isn’t easy.

I’m amazed at how well you’re handling it all.

You’re loved.

If you want to vent, I’m here.

Been There, Done That Texts

Divorce sucks. I’m here if you need a friendly ear.

I know what you’re feeling. You’ll get through this.

This can be so painful. Remember that I’m available to talk about it when you feel ready.

Whenever you have any questions, I can try to help you.

You’re going to have good days, and you’re going to have bad days. I’m here for all of them.

Funny Texts

Divorce sucks. You don’t.

Finally! We should celebrate!

About time!

Divorce. The end of an error.

Enjoy no longer having to pretend to like your in-laws.

And Here Are Some Things You Probably Shouldn’t Text

Here’s what you should do…

You’ll be fine.

You should try to work it out.

Your children might suffer because of your decision.

Can I give you some advice?

I never liked them anyway.

I told you this wouldn’t work out.

Let’s go out and find you someone new.

I knew you shouldn’t have ever married them.


Wendy Sterling, a certified divorce specialist

20 Photos Of Queen Elizabeth, Princess Diana, Kate Middleton & Other Royals Drinking Champagne, Beer, & More

Being a member of the royal family has its advantages and disadvantages. You don’t really get a whole lot of privacy; that’s a disadvantage for sure. But you do get access to some pretty great cocktails. And depending on how you feel about imbibing in an alcoholic beverage or two, I’m going to go ahead and slate that in the advantage column. Especially now that the royal family seems to be getting a bit more loosey-goosey with every passing year.

So much so, in fact, that Queen Elizabeth herself has launched not just one but two brands of own beer and even two different types of gin from plants on her property. The 94-year-old monarch has long been a fan of enjoying a glass of gin and Dubonnet at the end of a long day ruling over the United Kingdom, so why shouldn’t she have her own gin distillery on the grounds of Sandringham Estate? No wonder the family always spends their Christmas holidays at Sandringham when the gin could potentially flow non-stop.

Queen Elizabeth certainly has set the precedent for having a lovely little drink every now and then. And the rest of the family has followed suit. Pictures of every generation (well, the ones who are legally allowed to drink, anyhow) enjoying a cocktail show the royal family at their most relaxed.

One can almost hear the Queen herself saying, “It’s Miller time,” in her most dignified accent.

The Party Princess

Fans of The Crown probably already have a pretty solid image of Queen Elizabeth’s younger sister Princess Margaret as the party princess. So here’s a photo of her drinking a cocktail and smoking a cigarette in 1980 to seal the deal.

Don’t Drink & Buggy

Does anyone look cooler than Prince Philip, casually drinking a beer while he sits in a horse drawn carriage in 1966? Of course not.

Anniversary Toasts

To celebrate their silver wedding anniversary, Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth were toasted. And hopefully got toasted.

My Goodness, My Guinness

A visit to the Guinness factory in Ireland in 2011 had the Queen and her husband looking positively giddy with excitement. The beer must have been pretty delicious.

When In Rome

Queen Elizabeth got the ball rolling on her official visit to Italy by knocking back a bit of champagne before her speech. Good idea.

A Drinking Trio You Have To See To Believe

In 2014, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip visited Pope Francis in Vatican City and they all looked very excited about a bottle of wine.

Working Up A Thirst

Do you know what really hits the spot after a polo match? A glass of champagne. At least according to Prince Charles, apparently.

To The New Couple

Prince Charles and Princess Diana were newly married when they traveled to New Zealand in 1983, and everyone wanted to toast the happy couple.

Cocktails & Evening Gowns

Princess Diana looked like she was really enjoying her cocktail during a presidential state dinner in Cameroon in 1990.

Newly Single & Living It Up

Princess Diana was fresh out of her divorce when she was feted in New York in 1995 as a noted humanitarian and had no problem partaking in the beverages.

The Heir Turns 21

Prince Charles gained a new drinking buddy when his oldest son Prince William turned 21. The two enjoyed some beer during their trip around Wales in 2003.

The Family That Drinks Together...

To celebrate Prince Charles’ 50th birthday in 1998, Queen Elizabeth had a drink with her oldest son. The tradition continues.

Like Father, Like Son

Prince William and his dad drink a beer after a polo match in 2004.

Prince Harry Joins The Party

Prince Harry enjoys a cocktail at a garden party in 2010.

Drinking Like A Local

In 2012 Prince Harry visited Belize and tried out a local drink. I think he liked it.

Now That’s A Beer

Kate Middleton must have really worked up a thirst during a 2017 rowing match in Germany, because that’s one big beer she’s holding.

Bottoms Up

Kate Middleton joined Prince William for a whiskey tasting in Scotland in 2014. She didn’t look as though she minded too much.

Beer In Bavaria

Prince Charles and his wife Camilla Parker Bowles are big fans of drinking beer in Bavaria together.

Down The Hatch

Camilla Parker Bowles had no problem getting behind a wine tasting in Crete in 2018.

Drinking On The Job

At a 2018 party in Dublin during a royal visit, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry drank a little champagne on the job. Nice work if you can get it.

Ludacris' Wife & Kids: Get The Know The Rapper's Family

At 43, Ludacris is a three-time Grammy Award-winning rapper with a career that spans more than 20 years and includes a number of notable film roles. Yet, none of those accomplishments mean Ludacris, whose real name is Chris Bridges, is any more clued in than other parents when it comes to figuring out why kids do the weird things they do. When not topping the charts, Ludacris is busy raising his three daughters — two of whom recently left the rapper struggling to understand why kids are obsessed with farts. Yes, farts.

In a video shared across TikTok earlier this month, Ludacris shared his exasperation at trying to get his two youngest daughters to stop saying the word “fart.”

“Daddy? Is this how you spell fart: f-a-r-t?” one of Ludacris’ daughters, who is sitting in the backseat off-camera, can be heard asking in the clip.

“Yes, but why are ya’ll spelling fart?” Ludacris responded as his daughters erupted into giggles with one celebrating their correct spelling of the word. It isn’t long before Ludacris’ daughters are spelling fart again (and again) and asking their dad if that’s still the correct way to spell it.

“I said yes,” a frustrated Ludacris said. “Why are we spelling fart? Let’s not spell fart anymore — and don’t do it.” Of course, the fart giggles and questions continued. “Alright, that’s enough,” Ludacris said. “No more farts! I don’t even want to hear the word fart.”

Fart jokes aside, this isn’t the first time Ludacris has joked about parenthood. While on vacation in March, the rapper shared a video of his two youngest daughters covering him in sand during a day at the beach. “When you are a Girl Dad, you damn near say ‘Yes’ to everything,” he wrote when sharing the video on Instagram.

But Ludacris has also taken inspiration from his daughters. In 2020, the rapper launched KidNation, an edutainment platform geared at educating and inspiring kids through music and music videos infused with positive messages about issues such as inclusion and acceptance and proper hygiene. In an interview with HuffPost, Ludacris said he’d been drawn to start KidNation after having been “influenced by my own children and wanting them to live in a better world than we live in.”

So who makes up the all-female family Ludacris has built:

Eudoxie Mbouguiengue, 34

After dating for roughly five years, Ludacris married Gabonese model Eudoxie Mbouguiengue in late 2014, just hours after the rapper had proposed on a plane en route to Costa Rica. According to Us Weekly, Ludacris had “Eudoxie Will You Marry Me” spelled out in a field their private plane was scheduled to fly over. The couple was then reportedly married later that same day in a small ceremony in front of family and close friends, People reported.

In June 2015, Mbouguiengue announced she and Ludacris had welcomed their first child together. Then while celebrating her birthday in May 2018, Mbouguiengue revealed she’d experienced a miscarriage earlier that year and had needed to have surgery. “This year didn’t necessarily start off right for us. I had a miscarriage and needed to have surgery,” she wrote when sharing the news on Instagram. “I spent hours focusing on the many ways the Lord has blessed me. How could I complain when God has blessed me with the opportunity to already experience motherhood?”

Mbouguiengue shares Cadence Gaelle, now 5, with Ludacris and plays an active role in helping him raise the two older daughters he has from previous relationships.

Karma Bridges, 19

Ludacris’ eldest daughter is Karma Bridges, a 19-year-old who graduated high school last year and announced plans to attend Spelman College, a private, historically Black women’s liberal art college in Atlanta, Georgia. Born in August 2001, her mother is Christine White, an Atlanta-based attorney who was involved with Ludacris prior to his relationship with Mbouguiengue.

When celebrating Karma’s 16th birthday in 2017, Ludacris described Karma as a “star” and lamented that time was “moving way too fast” for him as her father. “Since the day you came into this word I knew a star was born!” he wrote when marking her birthday on Instagram. “You are the culmination of hard work, dedication, love, honesty, integrity and loyalty. I'm so proud of the woman you are becoming and even more proud of how you are setting such a great example for your little sisters.”

Cai Bella Bridges, 7

In January 2014, Ludacris publicly announced he had welcomed a baby girl with a woman named Tamika Fuller. At that time, Cai Bella Bridges was roughly one month old, having been born in early December 2013. After a lengthy custody battle, E! News reported Ludacris was awarded full custody of Cai in January 2015.

In an Instagram post celebrating her birthday, Ludacris has noted that no matter how many birthdays Cai celebrates, she “will always be Daddy’s Little Girl.” “Nothing brings me more joy than seeing you with a BIG smile on your face,” he wrote.

Cadence Gaelle Bridges, 5

Cadence Gaelle Bridges, Ludacris’ youngest daughter, was born in June 2015 and, according to People, her middle name, Gaelle, reportedly means “a father’s joy.” It’s a fitting name for the daughter Ludacris has said “has me wrapped around her little finger.” She’ll turn 6 years old in 2021.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Anxiety In Children: Signs To Look For and How To Help

Over the last decade or so, talking openly about mental health and treatment has become more normalized. Because of this, parents today are on the lookout for signs of anxiety in kids so they can quickly help their children get the treatment they need. In order to be successful in this, though, parents need to know what to look for in their child.

How anxiety presents in adults is significantly different than how it looks in young children, which is also different from the signs of anxiety in teens or tweens. This means that even parents with the best of intentions can easily overlook their child’s symptoms and brush them off as minor behavior or social issues.

So, if you’re noticing changes in your child’s behavior, here are some of the different signs of anxiety in children, based on their age.

Signs Of Anxiety In Preschool Children

Parents of preschool-age kids are probably used to seeing their kids exhibit strong emotional responses to just about everything because that’s a normal part of development. Unfortunately, that’s also what makes it so difficult for parents to notice when something larger is going on with their child. Though it can sometimes be subtle, a common indicator for anxiety in preschoolers is exhibiting regressive behaviors, licensed mental health counselor and registered play therapist-supervisor, Andrea Vargas, LMHC, RPT-S, tells Romper. Some examples she gives include:

  • Sudden clinginess
  • Crying easily
  • Irritability.

In an email to Romper, clinical psychologist Venus Mahmoodi, PhD, agrees and notes that parents may see their child throwing tantrums even though they’re developmentally beyond that stage. What is difficult, though, is that preschoolers can regress for a variety of reasons, so you’ll want to be on the lookout for more than just that. Additional possible signs of anxiety in preschoolers are:

  • Complaints of headaches
  • Stomach issues
  • Nail-biting
  • Hair plucking/twirling

If your child is only exhibiting signs of regression, Dr. Mahmoodi advises parents not to just assume they’re being defiant, but to instead investigate a little. “Many times parents see these behaviors as defiance or willfulness, but once parents dig a little deeper and ask what's going on, kids are able to express their anxieties,” she says.

Anxiety In Elementary School Children

Younger elementary-aged kids may show similar signs as preschool-age children, however, as they continue to develop from kindergarten through fifth grade, the signs start to stand out a little more. Vargas notes the following common signs:

  • Difficulty focusing
  • Fidgeting
  • Clinginess
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Increased fears
  • Changes in eating habits
  • Crying easily
  • Irritability
  • Panic/Anxiety episodes
  • Complaints of stomach issues

“Going to sleep alone or staying asleep” are often signs of anxiety in elementary school children, Vargas notes, and she says kids who are experiencing a panic or anxiety episode may look like they are hyperventilating and/or sweating heavily.

Anxiety In Middle School Children

The middle school, or tween, years are when kids start really feeling self-conscious, regardless of whether or not they have a mental health condition. They’re often moody and closed-off by nature so, once again, signs of anxiety can be easy to brush off. However, Vargas emphasizes the importance of parents’ vigilance and points out the World Health Organization’s (WHO) statistic that “half of all mental health conditions start by 14 years of age but most cases are undetected and untreated.”

Some signs of anxiety in middle school kids, according to the peer-reviewed journal, Adolescent Health, Medicine and Therapeutics include:

  • Restlessness
  • Muscle tension
  • Difficulty sleeping and/or fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Panic episodes; racing heart, sweating, trembling, tight chest, shortness of breath

Anxiety In High School Children

By the time kids reach high school, their symptoms may start presenting a little more similarly to adults. However, many of them are easy to pass off as something circumstantial like poor teaching or a rift with friends at school. Vargas explains high schoolers dealing with anxiety may exhibit:

  • Difficulties focusing
  • Difficulties sleeping; either falling or staying asleep
  • Change in eating habits; overeating or not eating as much
  • Drop in grades
  • Crying
  • Irritable mood
  • Panic or anxiety attacks

What To Do

Again, the difficult part of anxiety is that many of the signs are also symptoms of other common conditions or situations, so Vargas advises parents/caregivers “rule out any medical reasons [or] medication side effects” that could be causing these behaviors. Once that has been ruled out, Dr. Mahmoodi suggests parents teach their children “to take deep diaphragmatic breaths” to help them re-center when their anxiety gets to be too much. Also, figuring out what is triggering your child is important, notes Vargas. “Spend time talking [or] playing with your child, be supportive, [and] try to figure out triggers” such as life changes, family, or changes in school, Vargas says

Additionally, Dr. Mahmoodi recommends parents, especially those of young children, know how to manage their own emotions in order to help their children. “I recommend parents use coping strategies for themselves to manage their emotions before engaging an anxious child. Calm your body with deep breaths and remind yourself that the child cannot express themselves as effectively as an adult,” she says.

Finally, understand that you may not be the best person for this job and that you may need to call in a professional. “Asking for help makes you a good parent,” says Vargas, “Have your child speak to someone if you have concerns, we need to normalize asking for help when we are struggling.”


Venus Mahmoodi, PhD, Adjunct Faculty and Affiliate Scholar, Teachers College, Columbia University and Clinical Psychologist, Khalil Center

Andrea Vargas, LMHC, RPT-S, Licensed Mental Health Counselor and Registered Play Therapist-Supervisor

25 Baby Names Like James In Sound & Meaning

There are three types of parents out there, if you ask me: the ones who like trendy baby names, the ones who like unique baby names, and the ones who like traditional baby names. There’s an argument for each name category, but there are so many great baby names if you like Henry, Jack, James, or another classic name. These are the names that will stand the test of time and never go out of style.

James is an especially stand-out name, because it has basically become a permanent fixture in the list of top baby names for decades. That being said, it’s also been rising in popularity as a girl’s name, but we can partially credit this to Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively, who named their daughter James in 2014. Both of these stats are right in line with general baby trends, too, because it seems that the majority of parents are more willing to be adventurous with baby girl names than they are boys, which is perhaps why names like James continue to top popularity charts for boys, and names like Ava stick around for a few years with girls before being replaced with something newer and trendier.

So, if you’re on the hunt for a timeless baby boy name, here are a few options that are just as classic as James.


Since the year 2000, Thomas, which means “twin”, has ranked somewhere in the top 100 most popular baby names, according to the Social Security Administration. Mostly, though, it’s remained in at least the top 50, so it’s definitely a name that’s here to stay.


For 12 straight years, Jacob, which means “supplanter,” has held the number one spot in the Social Security Administration’s most popular names, and it’s remained in the top 15 over the last seven years. In fact, the name goes all the way back to the Old Testament, so it clearly isn’t going anywhere in terms of longevity.


Either Max or Maxwell, which means “spring or stream”, would make for a great baby name. It’s timeless without being too traditional and has just enough of an edge that it doesn’t seem like an old-man name.


Oliver is a Latin name, meaning “olive tree”, which isn’t exactly inspirational, but somehow the name has stuck for generations.


Nathaniel, Nathan, or Nate are all classic boy names that aren’t too old-fashioned. Nathaniel is a Hebrew name that means “gift from God” and has been consistently popular for the last 20 years.


You probably know more than one Charles, so it’s definitely a name that’s stayed strong over the years, making it a fantastic baby name. It means “great man” and, if you name your baby Charles, has the cutest nickname, Charlie.


The name Zachary means “God remembers”, and it has been a fixture on the list of most popular baby names for more than two decades. It’s currently declining in popularity, according to the Social Security Administration, but in 2020 it was still ranked in the top 150 names.


For the last 19 years, Luke has ranked in the Social Security Administration’s top 50 most popular names. This isn’t overly surprising because the name, which means “light”, has been used all over the world in some form since the 12th century.


Does it get much more classic than John? It means “graced by God” and dates back to the bible’s New Testament. It’s basically been a fixture on the list of most popular names since then, and even in the last 20 years it’s remained in the top 30 most popular names according to the Social Security Administration.


Vincent is not a name you hear all that often anymore, but it’s surprisingly remained in the top 125 most popular names since 2000. It has been used since the middle ages and it means “to conquer.”


Louis is a French name that means “renowned warrior”, so if you’re looking for a classic name that means strength, this is the one for you.


While it technically means “stone,” Peter also happens to be the first name of Spider-Man himself. That is reason enough to choose this name, but it’s also another fantastic classic name that won’t go out of style.


A Greek name that means “strong and manly,” Andrew has been popular since the middle ages and remained in the Social Security Administrations' top 50 most popular names from 2000 to 2019, only dropping to #52 in 2020.


Another boy name that has more than withstood the test of time, Benjamin is somehow traditional without feeling old-timey and means “son of the right hand.”


It probably comes as no surprise that Michael has been in the Social Security Administration’s top 15 most popular names over the last 20 years. The name means “who is like God” and will not be going out of style in the foreseeable future.


Unlike a name like Hank or Marvin, you can probably both picture your grandfather and a cute little toddler with the name William. It means “protection” and has remained popular since the 11th century.


Between the year 2000 and 2020, Leo, which means “lion,” has jumped from #389 to #36 in popularity according to the Social Security Administration.


Matthew is a name that means “gift of God,” so that’s already a good reason to choose it for your little miracle. He’d be among a lot of other gifts, too, because Matthew has been popular since the middle ages.


Personally, I get some serious Twilight nostalgia when I think about the name Edward. However, it was a classic long before Stephenie Meyer’s books. It means “wealth” and “fortune” and has been used all over the world for centuries.


Oscar has been around for centuries, and even today it doesn’t feel too old-fashioned. It means “deer friend” and it has a little edge, no thanks to Oscar the Grouch, of course.


Alexander, which means “defender,” is another name that has remained popular for centuries. In fact, it’s remained in the Social Security Administration’s top 20 most popular names since 2000.


A name that means “beloved,” David has remained popular since the middle ages and has ranked within the top 30 most popular names since 2000, according to the Social Security Administration.


If you want your baby to be loved by many, name him Anthony which means “praiseworthy.” It has been a popular name since the 4th century, so it’s obviously not going out of style any time soon.


Chances are high that you know a Daniel, Dan, or Danny because it’s remained a popular baby name since the middle ages. It means “beloved,” it’s not too old-timey, and obviously has some serious staying power.


Samuel, or Sam, means “heard by God” and is a name that somehow feels both classic and contemporary at the same time. This is because it has been a popular English name since the 1600s and has even remained within the Social Security Administration’s top 30 most popular names over the last 20 years.

The Best PBS Kids Shows To Educate & Entertain All Ages

Public broadcaster PBS has put out so many amazing kid shows that it has become a generational identifying factor. Your age can be determined simply by saying you watched Sesame Street pre-Elmo, or you were a huge Clifford The Big Red Dog stan. PBS Kids have maintained a tradition of putting out programming for kids that is once engaging and fun, colorful and sweet. A safe space for little ones that is so beloved Fred Rogers himself defended the publicly funded channel to the U.S. Senate in 1969 when there was concern it would be defunded.

“I feel that if we in public television can only make it clear that feelings are mentionable and manageable,” Rogers told Sen. Pastore at the time, per American Rhetoric, “we will have done a great service for mental health.” His words helped to save PBS from being defunded, and by extension save quality children’s programming.

PBS Kids shows tend towards being educational, no matter the age group watching, and as Fred Rogers noted, focused on helping kids deal with every day emotions. Whether it’s little toddlers figuring out numbers or preschoolers learning social skills or older kids delving into the creative world of their imagination, there’s never been a shortage of excellent choices.

Here are the best ones.

Sesame Street

There is no PBS Kids list without Sesame Street. The show featuring Muppets and adults and kids and songs and counting and cookies has managed to evolve seamlessly with every generation since it first aired on PBS in 1970. Sesame Street has never shied away from dealing with serious issues that affect kids, things like racism and bullying, mental health issues and fear. And I suspect it will never stop changing the lives of the kids who watch it.


Who knew a well-dressed, bespectacled aardvark would weave himself so deeply into the fabric of our lives? Arthur, the animated series geared to kids aged 4-8, is based on the books of the same name by Marc Brown. The main character, who opens each show by strutting down the street to a super catchy theme song by Ziggy Marley, deals with issues with his sisters D.W., his friends, and his parents that kids have been relating to since 1996.

Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood

How best to describe Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood? The sweet little show based on a character from Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood decades earlier, Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood has become massively popular with kids aged two to four who have taken to the show. Daniel and his friends deal with issues like anger over a new sibling, potty-training, and social struggles with new kids in town.

Bill Nye The Science Guy

It’s not just little kids who get to enjoy PBS Kids; older ones and even adults love Bill Nye The Science Guy. The show featuring the iconic scientist with the bow tie makes science not just easier for kids to understand, but also wildly fun. It’s been running since 1993 and it seems as though Nye himself has seeped into every corner of our lives. Lucky us.

Clifford The Big Red Dog

What dog-loving kid out there wouldn’t love a massive, talking red dog who can do things like get your ball off the roof for you? Clifford The Big Red Dog has been entertaining kids aged 3-7 with Emily and Clifford, her aforementioned big red dog, since 2000. The two pals have been going on gentle little adventures and generally living their best lives, singing songs and helping out their neighbors with all of their hard-to-reach problems.


Two brothers who are super passionate about nature and the wild world of animals team up with a lemur puppet for Zoboomafoo. This PBS Kids show ran for two seasons, fron 1999-2001, but the hosts are so infectious with their love of animals it really stands the test of time. There were spinoffs like Kratts’ Creatures and the animated show Wild Kratts too.

Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood

The show where it all started. Where other popular series were developed like Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood and the new Donkey Hodie. Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood was a quiet little trendsetter, a show that was gentle and kind and taught kids to talk about their feelings. No list of PBS Kids shows would be complete without it. Kids’ programming wouldn’t be complete without it.


Hear me out here; I know Caillou, the show about an especially whiney little boy and his family, has many a detractor. When it was canceled after a 13 year run on PBS Kids, parents celebrated mightily on social media. But let’s be honest here. That’s the best part of watching TV with your kids. Caillou and his little sister Rosie made kids laugh and bonded parents over their shared experience. You can’t ask for better than that.

Thomas & Friends

My kids loved Thomas & Friends and I imagine their kids will love it too. The British show about talking engines and boats and planes has been going strong on PBS Kids since 1984, and I suspect the merchandise has played no small part in that success.

Magic School Bus

This animated series starring the voice of Lily Tomlin as Miss Frizzle, a teacher with access to an incredibly magic school bus, is genius. It managed to be funny and informative in a way that kids found palatable. So palatable, in fact, that the 1994 series Magic School Bus was recently renewed on PBS Kids for a whole new generation to enjoy. And let’s not forget that amazing theme song, always an integral part to a great kids’ series.

Friday, May 28, 2021

Prince Harry & Robin Williams' Son Zac Open Up About Grieving A Famous Parent

In a new companion episode to the AppleTV+ mental health docuseries The Me You Can’t See, Prince Harry and Robin Williams’ son Zak bonded over the tragic shared experience of trying to grieve a famous parent. The two men are in a unique situation, as both have lost parents who were beloved by people around the world. Trying to find a way to deal with their own personal loss while also coping with the very public aspect of their parents’ personas was a difficult experience for them both.

Zak Williams lost his father, legendary comedian and actor Robin Williams, in 2014. The elder Williams struggled with addiction and mental health before dying by suicide at the age of 63. Zak was 31 years old. He opened up to Prince Harry and Oprah Winfrey in Friday’s episode of The Me You Can’t See: A Path Forward, telling the Duke of Sussex, “For my end, it was really hard to separate the initial process of privately grieving versus sharing the grieving with the general public, both the American public and the world," Zak Williams explained, per People. "I had trouble differentiating that grieving process at first. It was really challenging for me. I found myself really emotionally dysregulated, feeling vulnerable and exposed when I wasn't ready to be vulnerable. That created a major challenge for me."

It was a challenge Prince Harry understood all too well. His own mother Princess Diana died at the age of 37 in 1997 in a car crash in Paris when he was just 12 years old. He and his older brother Prince William had to walk through the streets of London behind her casket in front of millions of people.

“I think we have a lot of shared experience when you talk about that, when you see so many people around the world grieving for someone they feel as though they knew them better than you did in a weird way because you're unable to grieve yourself,” Prince Harry told Williams, “How are you showing more, more sort of, how are you grieving more for someone who is my parent and I'm unable to grieve myself?”

Both men struggled with alcohol and drug abuse as a result of their struggle to grieve their parents. Prince Harry explained in an earlier excerpt of AppleTV+ series that he “was willing to drink, I was willing to take drugs, I was willing to try to do the things that made me feel less like I was feeling.”

It’s difficult enough to lose a parent. But to be expected to grieve so publicly is an experience no one should have to suffer. No matter their age.

Kate Middleton's New Necklace Is A Sweet Nod To Her Kids

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are currently on a royal tour of Scotland. They didn’t bring their three kids, 7-year-old Prince George, 6-year-old Princess Charlotte, and 3-year-old Prince Louis, but Kate Middleton found a sweet way to keep them close to her heart. As she has done so often in the past, Middleton wore a necklace that held special significance. This time around, it was a simple gold necklace featuring the initials of her three kids.

Middleton visited Starbank Park in Edinburgh, Scotland on Thursday to help out with some gardening, and wore a green blazer, patterned blouse, and a gold Alphabet necklace by jewelry designer Daniela Draper with the letters G, C, and L. The necklace sells for around $700, and it’s a truly lovely way for traveling moms like Middleton to hold their kids close when they have to be away. (Or just to look fashionable, either way it’s a great purchase.)

If Middleton doesn’t feel like wearing this customized necklace with her kids’ initials, she can always wear her other Daniela Draper piece: A $1,400 round pendant engraved with her kids’ initials worn back in August 2020. Draper told People at the time, “The Duchess of Cambridge is an incredible role model — I look up to her as a young woman and a mother. Seeing her wearing one of my designs was a very proud moment. Everyone in the workshop thinks it's just amazing. It's good morale!"

The Cambridge kids aren’t the only ones to get a lovely tribute via their mom’s jewelry choices. When Prince Philip died in April, Middleton paid a subtle tribute to both Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth when she wore a four strand pearl choker to his funeral. The necklace was loaned to her by the Queen, and she had previously chosen to wear it for the couple’s 70th wedding anniversary in 2017. A lovely tribute to a long-lasting marriage, especially coming from one future royal consort to one who has just died.

It’s presumably pretty difficult for Middleton to spend time on the road away from her three kids, so wearing this necklace is a pretty beautiful way to keep them close to her.

CDC Investigates Reports Of Heart Inflammation In COVID-19-Vaccinated Teens

Teens across the country are now getting vaccinated with the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine at a speedy rate, and it seems some are experiencing a side effect. A vaccine safety group from the CDC is looking into reports of heart conditions developing in vaccinated teens, and here’s everything we know so far about the rare side effect.

Two vaccine safety groups affiliated with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Technical (VaST) Work Group, have been investigating cases of teens developing a heart condition known as myocarditis after receiving their COVID-19 vaccine. The report did not specify which vaccine these teens and young adults had received, although the Moderna vaccine has only been approved for adults above the age of 18 while the FDA approved the Pfizer vaccine for children aged 12 and up.

The report noted that there are “relatively few” cases of vaccinated teens and young adults developing myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart tissue that causes the heart to beat irregularly. The condition seems to be more prevalent in males than females, and it tends to occur within four days of the second vaccination.

The CDC advisory committee concluded, “Information about this potential adverse event should be provided to clinicians to enhance early recognition and appropriate management of persons who develop myocarditis symptoms following vaccination.”

Dr. Lawrence Kleinman, a pediatrics professor at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, told USA Today that myocarditis is “not common (in children) but neither is it a rare thing where its presence can be said to be definitively associated with the vaccine.”

A Kenmore, Washington-area teen named Evan Morud was one such case. He told KIRO7 News that he had “no medical record of any kind” before developing myocarditis, but 48 hours after receiving his second Pfizer shot, he started to develop chest pains. “I felt like my chest was really tight and my throat was really swollen up, like my lymph nodes and neck,” Morud said. “I was winded just standing up from a sitting position.”

Fortunately Evan went to the emergency room and was treated for the condition. And despite his experience, he still supports getting vaccinated. “I just want people to know what to watch for,” Evan said.

Knowledge is power, after all.

Is BJ's Open On Memorial Day 2021? Here Are Their Holiday Hours

Do you still need to pick up a bulk package of hot dog buns for your Memorial Day cookout? What about a new pool float for your kiddos? Well, if you want to shop at BJ’s on Memorial Day, you’re in luck. You can stock up on everything you need to make your Memorial Day celebration the best one yet on the actual holiday. (Hooray for last-minute shoppers!)

While Costco is closed on Memorial Day and Sam’s Club has limited hours for the holiday, the nation’s third-largest wholesale club, BJ’s, will open its doors to members for regular business hours on Monday, May 31. BJ’s shoppers will have a full day to check out all the deals BJ’s has to offer and fill their cart, or take advantage of the club’s curbside or same-day delivery services.

While most club stores will stick to their normal hours, it’s still a good idea to check with your local store before you head out on the day of just in case they have limited hours. You can use BJ’s store locator to find the contact information for the location nearest you.

Memorial Day 2021 Sales

BJ’s is helping their club members celebrate summer with their BBQ Faves Event through June 16. When you spend $50 or more in one transaction on select BBQ essentials like pickle spears, hot dogs, barbecue sauce, and paper plates, you’ll get a $10 reward loaded onto your membership card. Then, you can spend the $10 reward on anything at BJ’s from June 21 through July 4.

If you’re in the market for a new mattress, you can also save up to $500 during BJ’s Memorial Day mattress sale through June 11. Yet another great deal available at BJ’s this Memorial Day is a $700 discount on select Whirlpool appliances through June 2. Even if you don’t want to head to the store, many of BJ’s mattress deals and Whirlpool appliances are eligible for free shipping on their website.

Take advantage of these deals and stock up on everything you need to celebrate Memorial Day ahead of the holiday. Or, since BJ’s will be open for the holiday, you can wait until the day of and use your shopping trip as an excuse to skip out on the chaos of your kid's cannonball splashes for a bit. Thankfully, BJ’s has your back no matter what.

Is Sam's Club Open On Memorial Day 2021? Their Hours Will Change

Memorial Day is going to be so fun this year that I won’t even care when my kids drip their popsicles all over the patio furniture. Come to think of it, I still need to grab a box of popsicles for them. But, is Sam's Club open on Memorial Day, or do I need to do my shopping over the weekend?

I also need a giant pack of hamburger buns, a new pool float, and lots of cups, so I’m very happy to report that Sam’s Club will be open on Memorial Day — their hours will just look a bit different on the holiday.

If you’re planning a poolside lunch on Memorial Day, but haven’t bought a thing, you’re in luck — club stores will open an hour earlier than normal at 9 a.m. on Monday, May 31. If you realize mid-day that you still need a bulk batch of baked beans to go with dinner, you’ll have until 6 p.m. to head to Sam’s Club.

On any given Monday, Sam’s Club’s doors are open for a full 10 hours so that members can shop for anything and everything the store carries. But on Monday, May 31, Sam’s Club’s members only have from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. to shop.

This means, however, that their employees have an extra hour to celebrate the Memorial Day holiday with family and friends. I, for one, will happily give up an hour’s worth of browsing big-screen TVs and pool floats if it means the hard-working Sam’s Club employees get a bit more time off.

The warehouse store may be changing up their hours for Memorial Day, but you’ll still have plenty of time to shop their Memorial Day Home Event on the holiday. If it’s too hot for you outside, you can spend the day inside your local (air-conditioned) store and save big on furniture, mattresses, appliances, and a variety of other home goods at Sam’s.

You can even score great deals for home furnishings that can make your Memorial Day even more enjoyable. Save up to $900 on select living room sets like a Winston reclining sofa, loveseat, and chair set marked down from $2,600 to $1,700 during the sale. Get a good night’s sleep after all of your holiday fun in the sun and $500 savings on a Serta Perfect Sleeper mattress discounted from $1,248 to $698.

If you’ve already got plans for Memorial Day, but still want to take advantage of these great home deals, you can still shop for more than a week after the holiday. The Memorial Day Home Event at Sam’s Club runs through June 9, with deals both online and in-store for members.

What Is An Epidural During Labor? Side Effects, Procedure, & Safety

Pain management is a very personal decision when it comes to labor. That might explain why if you’re thinking about ways in which to minimize the discomfort during delivery, you’re obviously going to think of an epidural. But like all things that pertain to pregnancy, it’s better to be informed so that you can make an educated decision about how to handle the hurting. So if you’re wondering what is an epidural, how it works, (and most importantly, how it could affect Baby), read on.

What Is An Epidural?

What can freak some folks out is that unlike any other needle you’ve probably been poked with, an epidural needle goes into your spine. Even more unnerving is the fact that you’re often warned by your labor and delivery team (the anesthesiologist, your , an OB/GYN and the labor and delivery nurse) to remain completely still while said needle is being inserted into your back. No easy feat, particularly if you feel an eye-crossing contraction coming on. “An epidural is an anesthetic procedure that introduces a tiny catheter into the area surrounding the spinal cord that is covered with dura and bathed in fluid known as cerebrospinal fluid,” Dr. Kim Langdon, MD, an OB/GYN tells Romper. “A drug, or anesthetic, is infused into the epidural space outside of the dura.”

Does Getting An Epidural Hurt?

Sure, getting a needle stuck into your spine sounds like it would be pretty painful, but the actual injection of the epidural needle won’t hurt as much as you anticipate — it should probably pinch at best. “Typically, anesthesiologists will numb the area with a benzocaine or some sort of lidocaine derivatives,” Dr. Vonne Jones, MD, OB/GYN, board-certified physician, providing care to women at Total Women's Care, in Houston, TX tells Romper. “But it usually doesn't hurt when the catheter is placed.” She says that sometimes when the epidural is being put in, the anesthesiologist may ask if you’re feeling any pain on the left or right side, just to ensure proper placement. But if anything, Dr. Langdon says, “Pressure is the usual symptom”, as the catheter is inserted.

When Is An Epidural Given?

When you actually get the epidural can vary, but it can depend on how far along you are in labor and your pain threshold. “Usually an epidural is given when the patient can no longer bear the contractions,” says Dr. Langdon. “An epidural is also given during a Cesarean section and other procedures that need numbing below the abdomen.” But also keep in mind that if you are delivering vaginally and close to pushing, your doctor might make the call that you’re too close to childbirth to get an epidural, so give some thought before you have Baby whether or not you want the option of an epidural included in your birth plan.

Can You Walk With An Epidural?

After your epidural is inserted and starts kicking in, you’re probably going to start feeling pretty fine. So fine, in fact, that you might just want to get up and take a walk around the hall. But not so fast there, momma. Once you get an epidural, you’re pretty much bound to your bed, says Dr. Kecia Gaither, MD, MPH, FACOG, a double board-certified in OB/GYN and Maternal Fetal Medicine, and Director of Perinatal Services at NYC Health + Hospitals/Lincoln. “With an epidural, you will not be able to walk during labor,” says Dr. Gaither. But once you’ve delivered, you’ll be able to walk around again, trusting that you’re steady on your feet. “Upon delivery, the epidural is removed and you’ll have the ability to feel and resume walking within a short period of time,” she says.

How Long Does An Epidural Last?

Once your epidural is in place and working, “there is a continuous infusion of the drug until the catheter is removed,” explains Dr. Langdon. You might even a control to give yourself a boost of the medication as needed, though it will be regulated so that you cannot overdose on the pain medication. and it’ll be set so that you can’t give yourself too much. "Once the epidural is removed, the medication will most likely wear off in about two hours," per University of Michigan Medicine.

That said, there might be a time when you have to put a pause on the pain meds. “If we’re concerned and we want to get the baby out sooner rather than later or the baby’s vitals start to change, then we can turn down the epidural and allow for some of that sensation to come back in order for us to get the baby out,” says Dr. Jones.

What Are The Risks?

Although an epidural can alleviate a lot of pain when it’s time to push, the procedure is not without its own set of risks. “You might experience fetal bradycardia, which is a low fetal heart rate, to pruritus, which is when your skin itches,” says Dr. Gaither, who adds that you could also get a fever or suffer a potential injury to nerves. But that's not all. “An epidural can lead to a spinal headache if there is inadvertent leakage of the spinal fluid from the spinal canal,” says Dr. Langdon. And in the study, Epidural versus non-epidural or no analgesia for pain management in labour, researchers found that women who opted for an epidural had “more hypotension, motor blockade, fever, and urinary retention.” If you’re worried about the potential risks, you can always discuss non-medical pain relief options during delivery, such as hypnobirthing and massage.

Is An Epidural Timed?

Once you get a taste of the good stuff, you probably won’t want your epidural to end — like, ever. Don’t worry, there’s no time limit when it comes to how long you can have it for. “An epidural is placed on a pump to give doses of anesthetic, so time really isn't an issue,” says Dr. Gaither. You’ll probably be given a button to press each time you feel that your epidural is starting to wear off, and that button will become your BFF during labor and delivery. “Once fully dilated, [the] pump is generally discontinued such that the mother can feel to push,” Gaither explains.

Can An Epidural Slow Down Labor?

It’s a complete Catch-22. Once you’re in active labor, you’ll mostly likely want your epidural to last as long as possible. But by having an epidural in place, it can actually slow down the progress of your labor, as the study Influence of combined spinal-epidural analgesia and epidural analgesia on the progress of labor found. In addition to making active labor longer than it may have been without an epidural, it can make a person’s ability to push ineffective, says Dr. Gaither, which is why the epidural pump is turned off during delivery.

Does An Epidural Affect The Baby?

This might be one of the biggest worries of a mama-to-be: Will the epidural adversely affect Baby? “The epidural is not going to harm the baby,” says Dr. Jones. “The epidural medication is going into the spinal cord of the mom, and if the blood pressure goes down drastically after an epidural, then that can sometimes affect the blood flow going to Baby.” That’s why you and your baby are constantly being monitored during labor and delivery to ensure that it doesn’t happen, Dr. Jones says. “But if that event happens, and we give the mom fluids and there's a medication that the anesthesiologist would administer.”

Will You Feel Pain During Labor If You Have An Epidural?

Here’s the thing about an epidural. While it can take away the serious sting from contractions, it might not completely render you pain-free either. While you might watch the tocodynamometer (the machine that monitors your contractions) and see them coming and going and feel nary a thing, at some point you might feel pain. Most likely with a good epidural, though, “The mother can feel pressure during labor,” says Dr. Gaither. And hopefully, nothing else.

It’s a deeply personal decision whether to get an epidural or not during labor and delivery. Ultimately, you have to listen to your body and, without the influence or judgment of anyone else, determine what makes the most sense for you and your baby.

Studies referenced:

Anim-Somuah, M., Smyth, R., Cyna, A., Cuthbert, A. “Epidural versus non-epidural or no analgesia for pain management in labour” 2018.

Zhang, M., Yang, H., L, H., Shi, H., Qu, Y. “Influence of combined spinal-epidural analgesia and epidural analgesia on the progress of labor” 2005.


Dr. Kim Langdon, MD, an OB/GYN with Medzino

Dr. Vonne Jones, MD, OB/GYN, board-certified physician, providing care to women at Total Women's Care, in Houston, TX

Dr. Kecia Gaither, MD, MPH, FACOG, a double board-certified in OB/GYN and Maternal Fetal Medicine, and Director of Perinatal Services at NYC Health + Hospitals/Lincoln

10 Times Prince William Teased Kate Middleton & Made Her Laugh

Every relationship needs some sort of touch stone. A common ground, if you will, especially if you are going to be spending the majority of your lives together in the public eye like Prince William and Kate Middleton. For this busy couple, their relationship seems to rely pretty heavily on Prince William teasing Kate Middleton with gentle dad jokes while she laughs. It might not sound like much, but after seeing the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge enjoy a little banter time and again, it really does appear to be working. Especially now that they’re parents of three and his dad jokes are more apropos.

The Duke of Cambridge has a decidedly cheeky sense of humor for a man who is going to be king some day. Especially whenever his wife is around to laugh gamely at his jokes. In fact, he admitted during an engagement interview back in 2010 with the BBC that their ability to tease each other was a big bonus for him from the outset. “The timing is right now, we are both very, very happy,” he said at the time. “We both have a very good sense of humor and we take the mickey out of each other a lot."

More than a decade later, they’re still “taking the mickey” out of each other. And still laughing.

DJ Kate & Her Fresh Prince

During a May 2021 visit to Scotland, the couple dropped in to check out Heavy Sound, an organization that helps at-risk youths by offering them a safe space to spend time on things like music production. When Kate Middleton tried her hand at dropping a beat, her husband said “please stop, that’s hurting my ears,” and of course she laughed.

A Royal YouTube Tutorial

Just in case Kate Middleton wasn’t sure how video cameras worked, Prince William explained in May 2021 at the launch of their official YouTube channel, “OK, you have to be careful what you say because these guys are filming everything.” To which she laughed and replied, “I know!”

Dressed Up Like A Christmas Tree

The busy parents of 7-year-old Prince George, 6-year-old Princess Charlotte, and 3-year-old Prince Louis visited military personnel in Cyprus over the Christmas holidays in 2018. And Prince William teased Kate Middleton about her dark green blazer by saying, “My wife is camouflaged against the tree.” In his defense, he wasn’t totally wrong.

Everyone Loves A Giant Spoon

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are notoriously competitive, so Prince William was in his glory when Kate Middleton came in last at the King’s Cup Regatta in 2019. She was gifted with a giant wooden spoon, and he loved it so much he even roasted her on Instagram with the caption, “It's the taking part that counts...” along with a spoon emoji.

Roasting Even When He Loses

You would think the tables would turn when Prince William’s sailing team lost against Kate Middleton when she sailed with Team New Zealand during their 2014 tour, but nope. He joked that he had been “sabotaged.”

A Banana??

Not everyone can pull off yellow, apparently not even the Duchess of Cambridge. At least that was her husband’s opinion; she wore a bright yellow dress first during a visit to Australia in 2014 and then again during a Zoom chat in 2020, and Middleton reportedly told a royal fan, “William says I look like a banana!” Too far, man, too far.

Kiss The Cook

In June 2016, Prince William and Kate Middleton attended a royal dinner gala at Houghton Hall, close to their country home of Anmer Hall. The duchess told the crowd that "William has to put up with my cooking most of the time," and he doubled down by responding that her cooking “is the reason I’m so skinny.” She laughed. And hopefully told him to cook for himself when he got home.

Dancing King

So I don’t know if Prince William was teasing Kate Middleton or the other way around when the couple were dancing in Tuvalu in 2012, but something was going on there. They were really having their own little moment as they tried their hands (and hips) at the traditional local dance.

A Poster Of Her Beau

Apparently there was a rumor going around that Kate Middleton had a poster of Prince William on her wall before she met him, and of course he had to tease her about it. Tom Bradby asked the duchess about this alleged poster in their 2010 ITV News engagement interview, and Prince William said, “It wasn’t just one, it was like 10, 20.” She shut him down, “He wishes. No, I had the Levi’s guy on my bedroom wall, not a picture of William. Sorry.”

She’s No Van Gogh

In 2018, both Prince William and Kate Middleton were invited to contribute to an artist’s painting. When Middleton added a tentative brush stroke, Prince William said, “It’s pretty much ruined the picture.” And, as with every other time he teased her, she laughed and laughed.