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Thursday, September 30, 2021

The Most Magical Pumpkin Patches In The U.S. In 2021

A round-up of beautiful and fun places to pick pumpkins and enjoy more fall festivities this season.

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7 Sex Positions To Try If You Have A Bad Knee & Doggy Style Won't Work

If, like many people, you suffer from physical ailments such as bad knees, sex can sometimes be tricky. A stand-by like doggy style just isn't going to cut it if the thought of sitting like that for an extended period of time brings you discomfort. Still, even if you have common body aches and pains, having fun, enjoyable sex shouldn’t be off the table. Instead, get creative, try something new if you’re comfortable, and explore some of these expert-backed sex positions for bad knees.

You're not alone in this issue. One in four adults suffer from chronic knee pain, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. In addition to making day-to-day activities difficult, knee pain, stiffness, and discomfort can lead to problems in your sex life, but that doesn't mean that it has to be the end of it or that sex has to be boring. The truth is that there is no need to let pain ruin your sex life. In fact, you can have amazing sex with your partner while also saving yourself from excess suffering.

One big thing to keep in mind when it comes to intimacy is that oral and manual sex are just as valid as penetrative, and these are great options to keep in mind if one parter suffers from knee pain, sex educator and dominatrix Lola Jean tells Romper. In addition, she recommends seeing sex as a journey, one that can and should incorporate breaks as needed.

“We need to divorce ourselves from this really straight escalator, linear approach to sex that we often see in the movies,” Jean says. “Sex can be a really long thing that is not continuous right there and then — we should be able to build in breaks and move from one position to another, with the end goal being having fun and feeling good.”

There’s no one solution to the issue of knee pain and intimacy. Every person’s level of discomfort is unique and will call for different approaches, Kristin Sapienza, licensed physical therapist and founder of FemFirstHealth, tells Romper. “It all depends on the knee injury — you may feel pain with pressure on the knees, or you may have difficulty bending your knee,” she says. “If there's arthritis or even meniscus injuries, you’ll want to avoid extreme flexion in the knee, so extreme bending or sitting back on your knees may be very painful.”

If you're in search of ways to continue to have sex without excess pressure, here are seven sex positions for bad knees to help you maximize pleasure and minimize pain.


Finding the right sex positions for your body is essential when you have serious knee pain, which is why the classic missionary position is a solid option. “If you're receiving in the missionary position, you actually really don't have to do much,” says Jean. “You can be a really passive receiver.” The partner on top will be the one doing most of the movement.

Missionary is an excellent position for those with knee pain because it allows you to keep your legs extended with no external pressure on the knees.


Another great position for anyone who experiences knee pain is spooning, or side lying. Since you’re on your side, there is no direct pressure on your knees. This one is great because it allows you to avoid any positions that include prolonged crouching, squatting, or kneeling, which can put unnecessary force on your lower body, explains Sapienza. It will work if one or both partners need to alleviate knee pain.

One thing to keep in mind with this position, though, is that it requires quite a bit of movement, according to Jean. “It has a lot of depth, and there's a lot of intimacy with the skin-to-skin [contact], but it's really a movement that's mostly a bit of rocking,” she explains. Take it slow at first to determine whether it feels OK.


If doggy style was one of your go-tos but is no longer a sustainable option for you, planking is a great substitute, according to Jean. Essentially, this position requires the penetrating partner to “plank” on top of the other, with their front on the other person's back. “This one’s really good because there's a lot of skin-to-skin [contact], a lot of intimacy, and your heads match up together,” says Jean. Again, it works well for either partner with bad knees, since both people can keep their legs relatively straight.

To get there, Jean says it’s usually helpful to set up in a doggy style position, whether you're doing anal or vaginal sex, and then transition to one person being on the other person's back.

With A Pillow Under Your Butt

Using props for assistance is a great idea for any kind of body aches and pains, in general, but especially for the knees, according to Jean. As one specific position, you can try missionary with a pillow under your butt (this works best to alleviate pain for the receiving partner). Not only does this position make it easier to stretch out your legs, but, if you’re on the receiving end, it also allows your partner to penetrate you deeper for G-spot stimulation. If you’re on your side, try placing the pillow between your knees to reduce any pressure to the area.

“You don't have to get sex pillows, specifically,” says Jean. “You can get ones that are made for comfort, just to have the right alignment with each other.” Keep working the pillows until you get into a comfortable enough position, and you’ll be sure to have a great time.

Standing Up

Another position to consider for sex with bad knees is standing sex. If you stand up with your elbows braced against a wall, your partner should be able to comfortably enter you from the back, and neither of you has to put pressure on your knees. The thing to keep in mind, however, is to make sure that you are not holding up your partner’s whole body weight, Jean explains.

“Standing up can actually be quite difficult,” says Jean. If you can’t quite get the angle right from behind, try leaning back against the wall and having your partner enter you missionary-style from the front. Wrap your arms around their neck or waist for stability. And with the knees in mind, Jean also recommends keeping your legs as straight you can. “I also think when your legs are a little bit locked and not bent, it can be easier for people who might have bad knees,” she says.

Bent Over The Bed Or Counter

In the scenario that you and your partner both have bad knees, using a structure such as a bed, countertop, or table can be very helpful. “This could be something where I think you could be bent over with your face down or you could have your legs overhead,” says Jean. Try laying on the edge of the bed with your legs in the air, or bend over on the bed with your partner standing straight up (no knees bent) to enter you.

Happy Baby

Yoga poses are a great source of inspiration for sex positions for bad knees. “Think about a yoga pose that feels comfortable for you, and then basically find a way to have sex in it,” says Jean. “For example, when a person is on their back, they can easily get into yoga-like poses.”

One specific yoga-inspired position that Jean recommends trying out is similar to the happy baby pose, where the person on the bottom is holding their knees toward their chest and receiving penetration — while also getting a great knee stretch, she adds. This may not work for all types of knee injuries, but if it sounds appealing to you, it’s definitely worth trying.

Though it might be awkward to bring up knee injuries and discomfort in the context of sex, you should be open about all body aches, pains, and stiffness relating to sex and intimacy. If you find that knee pain is affecting your sex life or giving you cause for concern, talk to your doctor — be it a general practitioner, orthopedist, or physical therapist. “This is 100% something to express to their doctor, because having intimacy is a quality of life factor,” says Sapienza. “And they should be totally honest and express this to their partner, too.”

When it comes to the bedroom, advocate for yourself and what feels good to you — speak up for pleasure as well as pain — and hopefully you’ll find some things to do that make you forget you have knee pain at all.

Sources interviewed:

Lola Jean, sex educator and dominatrix

Kristin Sapienza, licensed physical therapist and founder of FemFirstHealth

Rep. Pramila Jayapal Shares Abortion Story Amid Access Fight

Content warning: This post contains mentions of suicide.

As Congress mulls over how to respond to conservative states’ attempts to severely restrict access to abortion services, Rep. Pramila Jayapal shared her own abortion story alongside two other members of Congress this week. In an interview with NBC News, Jayapal revealed she experienced suicidal ideation following the premature birth of her child in the mid-90s. When Jayapal unexpectedly became pregnant for a second time, she said it was the difficulties of her first pregnancy and her experience with postpartum depression that ultimately led her and her partner to decide on abortion.

“I just realized that there was no way I could have another baby at that time and that I could not go through what I had gone through,” Jayapal told NBC News. “I had gone through postpartum depression after Janak’s birth. I even contemplated suicide at one time and I knew that I was not ready to go through that again.”

Jayapal revealed she’d had an “incredibly difficult pregnancy” with Janak, who was born prematurely and experienced some health issues. “We knew they were going to live, but they were still having seizures,” the House rep said of her child.

When Jayapal discovered she’d unexpectedly become pregnant for a second time despite using contraceptives, she said she discussed the issue of abortion with her partner. “I knew that I was not ready to go through that again and that I needed to be strong for Janak,” she told NBC. “And so, I spoke to the person who became my husband, my loving partner, at the time. He was completely supportive, and I decided to have an abortion.”

On Thursday, Jayapal spoke again about her decision to have an abortion alongside Rep. Cori Bush and Rep. Barbara Lee in a hearing before the House Committee on Oversight Reform, which met to discuss how Congress should respond to states like Texas that have passed laws severely restricting abortion access. In Thursday’s hearing, Jayapal said doctors warned her after Janak’s birth that future pregnancies would likely be high risk for both her and the child and be similar to the difficult pregnancy she’d experienced with Janak.

“I very much wanted to have more children,” KIRO reported she told the committee. “But I simply could not imagine going through that again.” Jayapal has noted ending her pregnancy was one of the most difficult decisions she’s made, but stressed it is a decision women needed to be able to make for themselves.

“As one of the one in four women across America who have had an abortion, I know that terminating my pregnancy was not an easy choice,” Jayapal tweeted Thursday. “But it was MY choice.”

If you or someone you know are experiencing suicidal thoughts, call 911, or call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255.

Princess Diana's Childhood Home Has A 'Bridgerton' Connection

There’s more to Shonda Rhimes’s Netflix series Bridgerton than sex, intrigue, and amazing period clothing. There was also the Regency England-era gorgeousness of Bridgerton House itself to lust after. The opulent mansion was the perfect backdrop for Daphne and her Bridgerton siblings to lounge around on fainting couches or play the piano or simply walk and talk, their one true passion. And it seems that particular house has a Princess Diana connection. According to Bridgerton creator Chris Van Dusen, Bridgerton House was inspired by none other than Althorp House, the 16th century childhood estate where Princess Diana spent her teen years. And what’s more, Princess Diana’s brother Charles, Earl Spencer, was delighted to find out the news.

Back in December, when watching Bridgerton on Netflix was the only thing any of us were doing with our holiday time, Van Dusen was busy live tweeting with fans who couldn’t get enough of the show. “The interior of Bridgerton House was inspired by my visit to Althorp when I was developing the show,” he tweeted. “Elegance. Opulence. And that #staircase.”

All these months later, the ninth Earl Spencer whose ancestral home is Althorp House in Northamptonshire, responded to that tweet. “Just seen this, below - such a compliment to those of my family who went before me, making @AlthorpHouse what it still is today.”

Princess Diana moved into the main house on the Althorp estate in 1976 when she was 14 years old alongside her younger brother and two older sisters. Two decades later, Princess Diana was brought back to Althorp House, a place she reportedly loved, to be laid to rest after her untimely death in a 1997 car accident in Paris. “Looking back, it was probably the happiest time of her life. You get the sense that she is coming home,” former Althorp House cook Betty Andrews told the BBC at the time. “Her father is buried here. I'm sure it is what she would have wanted.”

Guests can visit Althorp House and can even pay their respects to Princess Diana themselves. She is buried on an island in the center of an ornamental lake called the Round Oval in Althorp Park’s Pleasure Garden. Knowing that Bridgerton House has a connection to Althorp House makes it easier to imagine Princess Diana herself watching the Netflix series.

21 Halloween Quotes That Are Spooky, Funny, & Classic

Reminisce about the best parts of October 31 with these funny, smart, and sentimental quotes. The best Halloween quotes from celebs, scary movies, and authors will make you appreciate the holiday even more. It’s all about celebrating the magic of spooky season and all its wonderful weirdness.

So why do people dress up in costumes and ask neighbors for candy? As the family-friendly history of Halloween explains, Halloween celebrations date back to old Celtic traditions marking the change of seasons in late October. It was believed that the veil between the world of the living and the otherworld was thin at this time, allowing spirits to cross between the realms. In a nod to those traditions, modern people get to dress up as they please during the spookiest time of year. Whether you put a pumpkin on the porch or plan an elaborate family Halloween group costume, you’re keeping these traditions going.

To help you get in the right spirit for the season, here are a collection of quotes about Halloween. You’ll remember all the fun of dressing up to go trick-or-treating, as well as the horror movies that still give you a chill. The best Halloween quotes to post on Insta or other social media will make your October even spookier.

“This is Halloween, everybody make a scene / Trick or treat 'til the neighbors gonna die of fright”

— “This Is Halloween” from The Nightmare Before Christmas

Of all the great songs from The Nightmare Before Christmas, this one captures the spirit of Halloween perfectly. Also, what’s not to love about a town where it’s Halloween every day?

“I love that in celebrating Halloween, we can get lost in the magic of make-believe and fantasy no matter what age we are!” — Natalya Neidhart

Halloween is for everyone to enjoy. Whether you like silly, scary, or simply hilarious costumes, you’re never too old to dress up.

"They're here." — Poltergeist

This is the most iconic line from the movie Poltergeist , spoken by the character Carol Anne Freeling. It’s right before things start to get really freaky.

“Growing up, I remember planning for Halloween months in advance. It was, after all, my chance to be creative, artsy, original, and to just have fun!” — Natalya Neidhart

Halloween offers kids such a unique chance at self-expression. You can be a hero, villain, or something else entirely.

"A person should always choose a costume which is in direct contrast to her own personality." — It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown

Basically every line from It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown is quote-worthy. But this line, spoken sincerely by Lucy Van Pelt, is actually good advice.

“The great thing about candy is that it can't be spoiled by the adult world. Candy is innocent. And all Halloween candy pales next to candy corn, if only because candy corn used to appear, like the Great Pumpkin, solely on Halloween.” — Rosecrans Baldwin

Candy corn gets a lot of hate, so it’s nice to see someone standing up for the seasonal confection. Can you imagine a trick-or-treater’s bag without the little tri-colored triangles?

"Do you like scary movies?" — Scream

Sure, there’s no shortage of quotable moments from the movie Scream. But this line is probably the most memorable, and you immediately see the scene with Casey Becker (Drew Barrymore) on the phone.

“Seems like Americans just want it to be Halloween all year. The holiday just keeps getting more popular.” — Amity Shlaes

Well, who doesn’t enjoy a holiday that’s all about spooky stuff, costumes, and candy? Halloween deserves the hype.

“I remember, as a kid, wearing the Batman costume for Halloween and feeling empowered by that as a kid.” — Salim Akil

Halloween costumes can have such a transformative power. You can briefly become a favorite superhero or monster.

“It’s Halloween; I guess everyone’s entitled to one good scare.” — Halloween

Spoken by Sheriff Leigh Brackett, this line from the movie Halloween is iconic. And a bit ironic, because there’s definitely more than once scare over the course of the movie.

“It’s all just a bunch of hocus pocus.” — Hocus Pocus

Granted, every line from the Sanderson sisters is simply perfection. But this quote from Max is so memorable, too.

“When you are scared, but you do it anyway, that's brave.”― Neil Gaiman, Coraline

So re-watching Coraline is brave. Because the button-eyed Other Mother is still one of the scariest monsters of all time.

“So when I open the door on Halloween, I am confronted by three or four imaginary heroes, such as G.I. Joe, Conan the Barbarian and Oliver North, who would look very terrifying except that they are three feet tall and facing in random directions. They stand there silently for several seconds before an adult voice hisses from the darkness behind them: ‘Say 'Trick or treat!’” ― Dave Barry

Welcoming costumed kids to your home on Oct 31 is a treat all on its own. You never know what will turn up on your doorstep.

“The witches fly, Across the sky, The owls go, ‘Who? Who? Who?’ The black cats yowl, And green ghosts howl, ‘Scary Halloween to you!'” – Nina Willis Walter

Witches, owls, cats, and ghosts: it’s everything right about Halloween in one quick rhyme. Also, wishing others a “Scary Halloween” should become a tradition.

“I mean, I told you not to go in that house.” — Get Out

Get Out has some scenes of true terror, and there’s also sly moments of humor throughout the movie as well. This line, spoken by the character Rod Williams, is a clever “I told you so” moment.

“There are some things I know for certain: always throw spilled salt over your left shoulder, keep rosemary by your garden gate, plant lavender for luck, and fall in love whenever you can.” — Practical Magic

One of the dreamiest movies to watch around Halloween, Practical Magic is a classic for a reason. The witches in this movie defy stereotypes in some hilarious and heartfelt ways.

“Sticky fingers, tired feet; one last house, trick or treat!” – Rusty Fischer

This rhyme captures the spirit of trick-or-treating so well. Even when the experience gets a little tiring, it’s still wildly fun.

“I’m a mouse, duh.” – Mean Girls

The Halloween scene from Mean Girls is one of the movie’s best parts. And this line from the character Karen Smith is delivered perfectly.

“As the warm glow flickers from jack-o-lanterns, dark secrets are brought to light.” – James E. Garvey, The Legend of MacNawckett Castle

There’s always something mysterious about jack-o-lanterns. They can make even the coziest home look a little mysterious.

“All the candy corn that was ever made was made in 1911.” – Lewis Black

This one is for all the people who think candy corn is the worst. You’re in good company with that opinion.

"She'd always loved Halloween. A magic night. A night when anything could happen. Monsters could be real. Magic could whisper in the air." Cynthia Eden

There really is something special about this time of year. Hopefully your Halloween nights are still filled with magic and mischief well into adulthood.

Like candy corn and smiling jack-o-lanterns, these quotes about Halloween are all about celebrating the spookiest of holidays.

Prince William Reveals Prince George Loves Snakes

Every once in a while the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge give us a little tiny glimpse into the world of their children, and it’s always welcome. Shedding a light on the personalities behind the sweet faces of 8-year-old Prince George, 6-year-old Princess Charlotte, and 3-year-old Prince Louis paints us a picture of what their life really looks like behind the palace walls. Or in this particular case, slithering through the tall grass outside their country home of Anmer Hall, perhaps. Because according to Prince William, Prince George loves snakes.

Prince William and Kate Middleton were visiting Ulster University’s Magee Campus mobile petting zoo and chatting with students about the animals. Middleton admitted that the Cambridge family had welcomed “lots of animals during lockdown,” per The Mirror, as “animals are often like therapy.” They’ve welcomed chickens, for instance, which some could consider a nod to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Archie’s “Chick-Inn,” but it was one particular animal at the zoo that had Prince William thinking of his oldest son.

When he was handed an enormous snake to hold, he said, “George is obsessed with snakes, he’s going to be so upset he missed this.” Now I wonder if they’ll be adding python to their happy menagerie.

Prince George’s fascination with snakes is a bit of new information. Royal fans already knew that the future king was a fan of football (soccer), so much so that he had to be comforted by his dad when England lost to Italy at the Euro Cup in July. He’s also a fan of watching nature documentaries with his dad, which could be where his interest in snakes comes from.

As for his younger sister Princess Charlotte, she’s long been intrigued by spiders, particularly when she got to do fun homeschool assignments making spider sandwiches. And when she had her chance to ask Sir David Attenborough a question, she asked him if he liked spiders. I suspect the people at the mobile petting zoo knew about the Princess Charlotte/spider connection too, because Kate Middleton was given a tarantula to hold named Charlotte.

It sounds like the pet situation in the Cambridge household might lean away from the furry and cuddly animals in the future. Snakes and spiders at the palace? Why not.

Here's What Happens To Your Vagina As You Orgasm

It's no secret that many people are in pursuit of orgasms — though it isn’t and definitely shouldn’t be the only end goal of sex. Still, the big "O" is one of life's most wonderful pleasures, like a cool breeze on a hot day or a plate full of delicious food. Experiencing an orgasm can send shockwaves through your entire body, even though the center of action is happening downstairs. Besides all of those fuzzy feelings, you may wonder what exactly happens to a vagina during an orgasm.

Orgasms for people with vulvas are something that many people are (rightfully) fascinated by — this topic has quite literally been studied at length. Still, there are plenty of things we don’t know. “The orgasm is a reflex, meaning it is a cascade of events that will always occur one after the other,” Nicole Prause, Ph.D., a sexual psychophysiologist and neuroscientist, tells Romper. “We do not know how orgasms are triggered.”

Doctors and researchers have figured out some things, though. As you become more and more aroused, it’s clear that your body may elicit this sexual response. "There is more blood flow to the vagina, clitoris, [and] labia minor (inner lips), and they all begin to swell," Stacy Rybchin, founder and CEO of adult toy shop My Secret Luxury, tells Romper. "Your own natural vaginal lubrication increases as well."

The Scientific Process Of Orgasm

When your pleasure continues to increase through the excitement phase and into the plateau, your vagina swells, your breathing and pulse quicken, and your muscles tense. Then you get to the climax of the sexual response phase: the orgasm. However, the in-between is what Prause finds compelling.

“We believe there is a unique state between ‘excitement’ and ‘orgasm’ that we are currently working to characterize,” Prause says. “It appears that this state involves a decrease in sympathetic tone and increase in alpha brain wave activity, which may indicate a separation from effortful attention towards the brain state that ultimately allows orgasm to occur.” In other words, you’re having somewhat of an out-of-body experience as you approach climax.

The orgasm is the angels-singing, clouds-parting moment you've likely been waiting for and working toward. It's true that it's the shortest phase of your body's sexual response cycle, but it's also the pinnacle of total and complete erotic pleasure for many people. During an orgasm, your vagina will likely feel like it's pulsing, with the intensity varying for everyone.

"At orgasm, the pelvic musculature contracts rhythmically,” Prause says. "Usually, these are eight to 12 contractions that start .8 seconds apart, then become further and further apart until they stop." She explains that it's not so much the vagina that's doing anything special at the time of orgasm — it's the muscles that surround it and support it doing all of the contracting.

Additionally, Prause says that women who've gone through pregnancy and delivery may have weakened orgasms for a while. "With events that damage these muscles (or their support structures) such as during childbirth, some women report that these contractions feel less strong," she notes.

The experience of an orgasm differs greatly between individuals and, according to a 2016 study in Socioaffective Neuroscience & Psychology, can also change throughout your lifespan. For Prause, who is currently studying female orgasms at her research institute Liberos, one of the biggest challenges is women misreporting orgasms. “Our main challenge at the moment is that about half our female sample reported having orgasms when we could not document it occurring physiologically,” she says. “It may be that some women misreport their climax, even in the lab when they know we are measuring, so it is not clear why that is happening.”

According to Planned Parenthood, one out of three women have trouble reaching climax through sex. As a scientist, Prause says, this is important to measure, and she cares very much about whether contractions actually physically happen. However, she is also a therapist. “I care 100% about whether you are enjoying what you experience as a climax,” Prause says. “Science is a wonderful mystery and source of curiosity, which I hope will not be used to [cause] shame or worry about the nature of what women enjoy!”

Getting to orgasm can sometimes be a mystery — after all, everyone is turned on by different things. What makes you orgasm might not make the next person climax, and the next person might hardly orgasm at all. If reaching the big "O" is something that you like to achieve during sex, there's no denying that you’ll know when it’s happening because you can quite literally see and feel the orgasm in action.

Study referenced:

Pfaus, J. G., Quintana, G. R., Mac Cionnaith, C., & Parada, M. (2016). The whole versus the sum of some of the parts: toward resolving the apparent controversy of clitoral versus vaginal orgasms. Socioaffective neuroscience & psychology, 6, 32578. https://doi.org/10.3402/snp.v6.32578


Nicole Prause, Ph.D., sexual psychophysiologist, neuroscientist, and founder of Liberos

Sources interviewed:

Stacy Rybchin, founder and CEO of My Secret Luxury

15 Icebreakers For Thanksgiving Dinner, Because Your Family Is *Awkward*

As far as decadent dinners go, Thanksgiving ranks right up there at the very top. And as one of the most memorable meals of the year, you’d think that everyone would be on their best behavior sitting around the table. Well, you’d be wrong. Family fights are par for the course during this marathon eating sesh, and can occur during any course actually, from starters right down to the dessert. So to ease the tension (and focus on that delish turkey instead), you might need to break out any one of these 20 icebreaker ideas for Thanksgiving dinner. Because having to chug Tums post-meal is so unpleasant.

But you think, “We’re family. Why do we need icebreakers?” Chances are, you probably don’t know everyone as well as you think you do. Plus, there might be some new faces ‘round the table this year who are looking for a way to be a part of the conversation without inadvertently fueling a full-on family fight. (It’s a lot of pressure, for sure.) And games are a good way to level the playing field (ha) and encourage everyone to engage with each other in a more agreeable way.

From silly to slapstick, tattoos to toilet paper, there’s something for everyone with these 20 icebreakers for Thanksgiving dinner. There’s even one that involves… murder. (Just don’t get any ideas, though.)

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Sometimes the hardest thing about Thanksgiving dinner is finding something to talk about, because what are you supposed to say to someone you haven't seen in a year? That's why I love TableTopics ($25, Amazon), a deck of cards with over 100 questions to get your dinner table conversation going. The questions are surprisingly probing, and you'll be shocked at how comfortable your guests get after answering a few. They even make a version that's specifically designed to get kids chatting, so you can even get the littles involved or get them a deck for their own table.

Who Am I?

Prepare a deck of cards with different celebrities and historical figures, and then have your guests attach a card to either their foreheads or their backs. Chaos and fun will ensue as everyone tries to figure out who they are. Word of warning: thinking carefully about your selections. (Think more “Dr. Jekyll” and less “Dr. Fauci.”) You can also play this game using HeadBanz ($12, Walmart) if you don't want to prepare the cards yourself. Though maybe sort through the cards first, and pull any names that might — eh — be problematic.

Camping Trip

I have a cousin who I play this with every year, and the game of patterns never gets old. Whoever is "it" will start the game by saying "I'm going on a camping trip and bringing... " and whatever item they bring will be part of a secret rule they came up with: It could be words that start with a certain letter, words that start with the player's initials, words with four letters, etc. It's up to the players to figure out what the rule is, and once you figure it out, you're on the camper's side. The game is over once everyone catches onto the pattern. Puzzling it out will keep kids and adults alike entertained for hours.

People Bingo

If you want to break the ice by getting to know your family members better, people bingo is perfect for you. All you need to provide your family members with is a people bingo sheet (I like this one from Icebreaker Ideas) and a pen or pencil, and then they'll be off to fill out the squares as quickly as possible while learning about their relatives in the process. Whoever gets bingo first wins. Pro-tip: make the bingo cards yourself to include family jokes and stories for extra fun.

Scavenger Hunt

A scavenger hunt is a fun option for anyone feeling ambitious in their icebreaker planning or for people who will have a ton of little ones they need to keep entertained at the party. Hide a series of clues around your house that will lead the players to an ultimate prize — perhaps their dessert or a surprise cocktail for the adults? Your guests will warm up to each other in no time as they scour the premises and try to figure out the solution to your clues.

Silly Superlatives

I did this with my friends every year in college, and it was hilarious. Give each of your guests a slip of paper with someone's name on it when they arrive, and have them come up with a superlative for whoever they picked and write it down on a piece of paper. At some point in the evening, host an awards ceremony to give them out, and let everyone guess who made their superlative. It's an easy way to remind everyone why they like each other, and it'll make the time pass more quickly.

Never Have I Ever

My favorite adult icebreaker, Never Have I Ever's mix of absurd questions and ability to get people to reveal fun facts about themselves will dispel any family tension in seconds. Maybe keep this one PG if there are young kids around.

Tattoo Stories

Bicycle Tattoo Stories - Games Party Games - Drawing and Card Game

No worries if you're not the most talented artist in the world (in fact, the more artistically-challenged you are, the funnier this game will be). Players take turns being the "customer" by picking cards to inspire their tattoos, then the other players ("tattoo artists") come up with a tattoo, draw it, and pitch the idea. Who knows? Somebody could end up getting one of the designs inked for real, post-party.

The Chameleon Board Game

The Chameleon Board Game

A "social-bluffing" game, the aim of "The Chameleon" is to find the "guilty" player (or to make sure you don't get found if you *are* the guilty player). But the real point of playing is to see how your fast your friends can think under pressure... and how bad (or good, yikes) they are at lying.

Fact or Fiction?

You've probably seen a version of this played on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon: Everybody gets an index card with their name on it, then writes down two true statements . about themselves... and one false statement. Read the person's name and statements out loud, then have everybody guess which one is false.

Toilet Paper Icebreaker

Some of you may know this one from “team building” exercises at work. It’s a little cheesy, but almost always generates some easy laughs. As people sit down, you pass around a roll of toilet paper and tell people to tear off as many squares as they like. Once everyone has their TP, you then have them count the number of squares they selected. However many squares a person has is how many “fun facts” about themselves they now must share with the table!

The Awkward Storyteller

I love the idea of this game. It requires people to use their imaginations and get creative, and is also suitable for kids as well as adults. Basically, one person starts with a story prompt card, that will say something like, “At the store I bought 300 hundreds limes.” The other players then ask questions about why the person did this, slowly building on each other’s questions, and together creating a goofball tale.

Kids Create Absurdity

This game is geared toward the kids, which is great, as sometimes the easiest way to find common, neutral ground is to keep it focused on little ones who have zero opinions on Supreme Court appointees. This game is sort of like Cards Against Humanity, but a much more PG version. Players fill in the blanks on things like: “My school bus driver smells like…” Possible answers are things like "rotten eggs, flip flops, exploding watermelons.” You get the gist. There are also goofy “random cards”, where you can hand someone a card that directs them to cluck like a chicken or something equally silly.


This game is basically a series of ridiculous challenges and sounds pretty hilarious. The challenges are things like: “It’s you versus the most responsible player in the room. Both of you must dance like dad for 30 seconds. Group votes on the winner.” There are also funny penalty cards, like: “Show the group the last thing you googled.” There are some cards that get mildly risque, and that you might not want to ask Great Aunt Helen to do. Like: “Bring all the boys to the yard with your milkshake.” But you could always cull any inappropriate cards from the deck before playing.

Bonfire Of The Insanities

This classic family game involves everyone writing their most fervent, diehard political beliefs down on parchment, then throwing them all into a massive bonfire, around which everyone dances whilst wearing flower crowns and eating canned cranberry sauce. Okay, I may have just made this one up. By why not give your Thanksgiving a little Midsommar vibe this year? After the year we’ve had, it might be just the thing?

Wink, Murder

Come on, you’ve got to have a crazy cousin you’d like to kill off. Well, now you can (sort of) when you play Wink Murder. It can’t be more simple: one player is secretly picked to be the murderer. The murderer gets to “kill” other players simply by winking at them. It’s up to the survivors to figure out who the murderer is — and, ahem, why a particular player may have been chosen first to be whacked. It’s fun in both small and big groups, and the goal is to off as many people as possible without getting caught.

Just One Lie

A good get-to-know you game, guests chat each other up (preferably before the main meal), asking specific questions. You’re supposed to tell two truths, and as the name of the game connotes, one lie. It’s then up to your friends and fam to figure out what was the truth, and what was the tall tale. The big reveal can happen over dinner, when Grandma Beatrice can finally learn about that nipple ring you’ve been keeping under wraps.

Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza

Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza Card Game

Everyone will get a little silly (and a lot slap-happy) when you play Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza. Cards are distributed evenly amongst all the players, and one by one, cards are revealed as each player says, “Taco,” “Cat,” “Goat,” “Cheese,” or “Pizza.” If the card facing up matches the word being spoken, the players have to slap the pile as quickly as they can. The player with their hand on top gets to claim the cards. It’s more fun when you play faster so that you wind up slapping the cards — and each other.

Electric Fence Icebreaker

For an electrifyingly fun game, you can get the gang playing Electric Fence Icebreaker. Players build an imaginary fence and have to cross it without getting zapped. The fence itself can be a long piece of string or rope that can be tied between two stationary objects, like two chairs or tables. Players must try to climb over (and not under) it — and did we mention that the “fence” is waist-high? Also, they have to be touching a teammate with one of their hands at all times, or they lose.

So… Cards: A Collection of Questions for Deeper Discussions

SO … Cards: A Collection of Questions for Deeper Discussions

So much of our daily conversations barely skim the surface of who we really are and how we feel. That’s why you need the So…Cards game. It goes beyond your basic icebreaker games, delving deep and allowing you to have more mindful conversations with your kiddos and family. You might not just learn a little bit more about your guests gathered around your Thanksgiving table, but yourself as well. And that’s when you’ll really feel an attitude of gratitude.

Cardi B Talks About Her "Weird Postpartum Hormones" After Baby #2

Postpartum hormones hit everyone differently, but for some moms they’re especially rough. It can almost feel like those hormones are the boss of you, controlling your reactions and making you wildly emotional. Such appears to be the case with Cardi B, who shared on Twitter that she’s waiting until the day her “weird postpartum hormones” leave her body after giving birth to her baby boy at the beginning of September.

On Sept. 4, the “Bodak Yellow” singer gave birth to her second child with her rapper husband Offset by her side. Her new baby boy, whose name has not yet been shared with the public, joins 3-year-old sister Kulture Kiara as well as three other children, 11-year-old Jordan, 6-year-old Kody, and 6-year-old Kalea, from Offset’s previous relationships.

Now that Cardi B has gone through the whole birth process for the second time, she presumably knows what to expect. And it’s a whole lot of postpartum hormones. The new mom tweeted on Wednesday, “Can’t wait till these weird postpartum hormones completely leave my body. I be crying for no reason.”

Cardi B can probably expect anywhere from three more weeks to several more months with those postpartum hormones, as Healthline explains, although there is no hard and fast rule. Might as well throw on a sad movie and let those tears fall.

If Cardi B’s first pregnancy in 2018 is any sort of barometer for how she’ll recover, she’s already got the most important element covered. After giving birth to Kulture, she canceled a summer tour with Bruno Mars after realizing she simply wasn’t ready physically or emotionally. “I thought that after giving birth to my daughter that 6 weeks would be enough time for me to recover mentally and physically. I also thought that I’d be able to bring her with me on tour but I think I underestimated this whole mommy thing," she explained at the time. "Not only am I just not ready physically, I’m not ready to leave my baby behind."

This time around, Cardi B seems to already be practicing excellent self-care. And as far as crying for no reason goes? Let those tears fall where they may.

Here's What Sam's Club's Thanksgiving Hours In 2021 Look Like

It happens to the best of us. You spend so much time prepping your menu and dusting off your high school algebra skills to figure out what size turkey you need, then inevitably, on Thanksgiving day, you realize you’ve forgotten some essential item, like aluminum foil or, god forbid, butter. That's when you might find yourself wondering, is Sam’s Club open on Thanksgiving 2021?

Is Sam’s Club Open On Thanksgiving Day 2021?

First the not so great news: Sam’s Club will be closed all day on Thanksgiving 2021, which falls on Nov. 25 this year. The membership-only store is actually a subsidiary of Walmart (which is owned by Sam Walton, hence the names Walmart and Sam’s Club), and Walmart will also be closed on Thanksgiving day. This information is posted on the Sam’s Club website, and also on a press release statement put out by the brand.

Why Are Walmart & Sam’s Club Closed On Thanksgiving 2021?

The better news? Walmart and Sam’s Club stores are closed on Thanksgiving for a pretty good reason. Dacona Smith, executive vice president and chief operating officer for Walmart U.S. said in a press release, “Closing our stores on Thanksgiving Day is one way we’re saying ‘thank you’ to our teams for their dedication and hard work this year. We hope everyone will take the opportunity to be with their loved ones during what’s always a special time.”

Since Thanksgiving is supposed to be about expressing gratitude, it seems fitting that the employees get a break as a way of saying thank you for their work this difficult year and beyond. Walmart has historically been open on Thanksgiving Day but gave employees the day off in 2020 and 2021.

Sam’s Club will be open regular hours on Wednesday, Nov. 24 (the day before Thanksgiving) though the press release said that hours for Friday, Nov. 26, will be announced at a later date.

Kim Kardashian's Son Psalm Has Entered A Relatable Toddler Phase

It’s a tale as old as time; your toddler is just so adorable and kissable you just can’t get enough. But if they know you want a little snuggle, they have no time for you. Suddenly they’re the cool guy at the club who looks right through you like you don’t exist. Such is life with a toddler. Especially if there’s a television around. This is true even for Kim Kardashian, who just wanted a little snuggle with 2-year-old Psalm but he was too busy sucking his thumb and looking right through her. Typical.

As mom to 8-year-old daughter North, 5-year-old son Saint, 3-year-old daughter Chicago, and of course little Psalm, the Skims mogul is well versed in toddler behavior. She’s gone through it with her older three kids, who she shares with ex-husband Kanye West. Still, it’s a special kind of insulting. Perhaps particularly when you are one of the most famous people in the country.

Psalm doesn’t care. In a video shared to Kardashian’s Instagram Story, he is relaxing in bed watching television as his mom begs him, “Hey! Give me kisses!” and he sucks his thumb, ignoring her.

A woman who is rarely ignored. That’s the way toddlers roll; 256 million followers on Instagram? Big deal, I’m not kissing you while I watch my show.

Kim Kardashian always seems to have a good sense of humor about her kids and their hilariously chill reactions to her. Like when her daughter North mocked her “different” voice she claims she uses during her popular contouring videos. Or when North called her out for saying she was an Olivia Rodrigo fan. I’m seeing a pattern here with North, but it looks like Psalm might give his big sister a run for her sassy money one of these days. Not that his mom will mind. She always laughs it off.

Besides, toddlers resisting hugs and kisses from their loved ones is a way for them to assert their physical independence, as What To Expect explains, something parents all want to make sure their kids understand. That they are allowed to decide when they want people to hug them or kiss them and when they don’t. Even if that someone is their loving mom. C’est la vie.

CDC Wants Pregnant & Breastfeeding Women To Get Vaccinated

After Covid-19-related deaths reached a record high in August, the U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued its strongest plea yet, urging pregnant and breastfeeding individuals to get vaccinated against the virus. Vaccination rates among pregnant people remain relatively low, with the CDC reporting just 31% of pregnant people are fully vaccinated either before or during pregnancy. To help boost that number, the CDC has urged health care providers to strongly recommend that patients who are pregnant, nursing, postpartum, or looking to become pregnant get vaccinated against the virus as soon as possible.

“The CDC recommends urgent action to increase Covid-19 vaccination among people who are pregnant, recently pregnant (including those who are lactating), who are trying to become pregnant now, or who might become pregnant in the future,” the agency said in new guidance released Wednesday. “[The] CDC strongly recommends COVID-19 vaccination either before or during pregnancy because the benefits of vaccination outweigh known or potential risks.”

According to the CDC, more than 125,000 pregnant people had been confirmed to have Covid-19 as of Sept. 27. Of those, 22,000 have been hospitalized and 161 have died. In August, Covid-19-related deaths in pregnant people reached the highest number seen for a single month thus far in the pandemic when 22 pregnant people died as a result of the virus.

“Although the absolute risk is low, compared with non-pregnant symptomatic people, symptomatic pregnant people have more than a two-fold increased risk of requiring ICU admission, invasive ventilation, and ECMO, and a 70% increased risk of death,” the CDC said. “Pregnant people with Covid-19 are also at increased risk for preterm birth and some data suggest an increased risk for other adverse pregnancy complications and outcomes, such as preeclampsia, coagulopathy, and stillbirth, compared with pregnant people without Covid-19.”

Healthcare providers have said misinformation and a lack of understanding about Covid-19 vaccines have contributed to low vaccination rates among pregnant patients. “I think most people who are pregnant are generally young and generally healthy, so they don’t really expect that if they were to get this infection, that they could be as sick as we are seeing,” Dr. Brenna Hughes, vice chair of Obstetrics and Quality at Duke University, recently told NBC News. “It’s surprising to me how few people realize it can happen to them until it does.”

The CDC has recently sought to combat misinformation regarding the safety of Covid-19 vaccines during pregnancy. Speaking from the White House on Tuesday, CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky stressed that studies and real-world data have shown the vaccines provide crucial benefits to pregnant people with very few safety concerns. “We are fortunate now to have extraordinary safety data with all of these vaccines,” Walensky said. “We now have data that demonstrates that vaccines in whatever time in pregnancy or lactating that they’re given are actually safe and effective and have no adverse events to mom or to baby. And we’ve actually seen that, in fact, some antibody from the vaccine traverses to the baby and, in fact, could potentially protect the baby.”

The CDC has urged healthcare providers who see pregnant and nursing patients to discuss the critical need for Covid-19 vaccines with them. “Reach out to your patients with messages encouraging and recommending the critical need for vaccination,” the agency urged. “Remind patients that vaccination is recommended even for those with prior COVID-19 infections. Studies have shown that vaccination provides increased protection in people who have recovered from COVID-19.”

Can Babies Lose Their Voice From Crying Too Much? Experts Explain

If your newborn has a witching hour of fussing, crying, and restlessness every night, you may have noticed they wake up a little raspy sounding for their next feeding. It almost sounds like they lost their voice, but while they may be hoarse from overusing their tiny vocal cords (even though they don’t sound tiny, that’s for sure), doctors agree they usually won’t lose 100% of their voice just from a crying fit or two. And thank goodness, because that just sounds pitiful.

Does Excessive Crying Cause Babies To Lose Their Voice?

“We rarely see a baby lose their voice from crying, but they can have hoarseness from vocal cord strain from crying,” says Gigi Youngblood, M.D., pediatrician at Children’s of Alabama, in an interview with Romper.

Christian Francom, M.D., is a pediatric ears, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist who oversees the Children’s Hospital Colorado Pediatric Voice Disorders Clinic. In an interview with Romper, he says your baby’s voice should come back just fine after a little rest.

“If your baby has a normal sounding voice that begins to sound raspy or hoarse after a prolonged bout of crying, the most likely cause is vocal cord strain. The good thing is this can often resolve on its own over a period of a few days if there are no further prolonged crying episodes. If your baby has crying episodes frequently, this can be a recurrent issue, but the voice should return to normal intermittently,” he says.

How Do Babies Lose Their Voice?

So, yes, while your baby can get a raspy voice from a long night of tears, it’s not very common for them to lose their voice altogether. In fact, there are several more likely reasons your little one sounds rough — postnasal drainage from a cold or virus can irritate their vocal cords, for example, and even lead to laryngitis.

"The most common cause is a viral illness that causes inflammation to the vocal cords and surrounding structures," says Matthew Wilber, M.D., pediatrician at Texas Children’s Pediatrics Pearland, in an interview with Romper. "This will usually be accompanied by symptoms such as runny nose, cough, sore throat, and possibly fever. The inflammation and hoarseness will resolve in a few days. Other less common causes include nerve paralysis, gastroesophageal reflux, trauma, or growths on the vocal cords from maternal HPV infection, among others."

How To Treat A Hoarse Voice In Babies

Francom says if your baby’s hoarse voice doesn’t go back to normal in a day or two, or if they have any other concerning symptoms, it’s best to call their doctor.

“Concerning symptoms associated with hoarseness would include high fevers, shortness of breath, increased breathing effort, noisy breathing, or hoarseness that never goes away,” he explains. “If your baby has these symptoms, he or she should be evaluated by a pediatric ENT where a tiny camera can be placed through the nose and used to look at the vocal cords. This is generally a well-tolerated procedure that does not require any sedation or medication, and can be performed on even very small newborns if needed.”

If you’re going to visit the pediatrician to figure out exactly what’s wrong, it can help to write down whether the raspy voice comes and goes, how long it lasts, or any other changes you notice.

“Hoarseness that lasts a short period of time after prolonged crying is likely related to vocal strain. Hoarseness that lasts several days in the setting of a cold is likely related to the virus. Hoarseness that is associated with other symptoms of reflux might be chronic, but stable. Hoarseness that is chronic and worsening as the baby grows could be a sign of more significant airway issues and should be evaluated,” Youngblood explains.

If your kiddo is sounding hoarse, these docs agree it’s best to make an appointment with their pediatrician. They will be able to diagnose the source of the issue and help you treat it, or refer you to any specialists (like a pediatric ENT) that you may need.


Gigi Youngblood, M.D., pediatrician at Children’s of Alabama, in an interview with Romper

Christian Francom, M.D., pediatric ears, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist at Children’s Hospital Colorado who oversees the Children’s Hospital Colorado Pediatric Voice Disorders Clinic

Matthew Wilber, M.D., pediatrician at Texas Children’s Pediatrics Pearland

Safeway's Thanksgiving 2021 Hours Are In Your Favor

There’s nothing like planning the perfect Thanksgiving meal — roasted turkey and all the fixin’s — and then getting distracted and burning the buttered rolls. In instances such as this, you'll need some last supplies, but are grocery stories, particularly Safeway, open on Thanksgiving day?

Safeway’s Thanksgiving 2021 Hours

Thankfully, Safeway is a safe bet on Thanksgiving, particularly if your turkey is still totally frozen. Safeway is open on Thanksgiving 2020, according to Holiday Shopping Hours. But open doesn’t mean that the store is holding its regular hours. You’ll need to call ahead to see what time they open — and more to the point, what time they close. Because standing outside of a closed store with a list in your hand isn’t exactly going to give you an attitude of gratitude.

Safeway’s Thanksgiving Deals

Depending on what time your bird got into the oven, it might be a few hours before your family sits down to eat the main meal. To satisfy grumbling tummies, this Deli Catering Tray Finger Sandwich Tray ($39.99) is a fast and easy way to serve up lunch — and woot, it won’t require more room in your already crowded oven. Just call ahead so that it’s ready when you arrive.

Once you grab a shopping cart and start cruising the aisles, though, you’ll find a bounty of yumminess that you can serve for your feast or as finger food while those hard-as-a-rock sweet potatoes finally finish cooking. There’s an abundance of appetizers, like the Hormel Gatherings Honey Ham & Turkey Party Tray, ($14.99), or the Deli Catering Tray Meat Lovers Tray ($49.99), a mountain of rolled meat that can serve between 20-24 people.

And if you thought that you might make it through the day (or ack, just the morning) with hyped up kids and crazy cousins crowding in the kitchen, you’re going to need your Mommy Grape Juice. So when a bottle isn’t enough, you can grab the Bota Box Wine Pinot Grigio. Three liters of the good stuff (which is the equivalent of four 750 ml bottles) costs $19.99 (member’s price).

Adult beverages aside, if there’s no room left in the oven for baking, you can always score a freshly baked Apple Lattice Pie ($10.49). Of course, apple and pumpkin anything are popular during Thanksgiving, but that doesn’t mean you can’t go all Golden Girls and serve this sinful New York Chocolate Platter cheesecake ($20.99) instead. Dorothy, Blanche, Rose, and Sofia would definitely approve.

And if you just don’t have the time, energy, or inclination to cook on Thanksgiving, now you don’t have to. Safeway has a handy dandy Order Ahead option which lets you order anything from apps to antipasto, roasts and turkeys to fruit and veggie trays. Just call your store ahead of time to ensure that you can get your order before the big day.

Even if you have your Thanksgiving meal all mapped out, there’s always going to be something that you’re missing. Thankfully, Safeway will safely get you through your Thanksgiving meal — as long as you get there early enough.

How To Get Grandparents More Involved, According To Experts

For new moms and dads, one of the most exciting parts of pregnancy is telling your parents they’re being promoted to grandparents. But if they don’t dive into that role over time, how can you ask grandparents to be more involved with your child? Whether Grandma and Grandpa stay away because of conflict between you and them, having to keep a safe distance for health issues, or reasons totally unknown to you, there are ways to talk about becoming (or staying) active with the grandkids.

Why It’s Important For Grandparents To Be Involved With Their Grandchildren

Jenna Glover, Ph.D., is a psychologist and the director of Psychology Training in the Pediatric Mental Health Institute at Children’s Hospital Colorado. In an interview with Romper, she says having involved grandparents is really beneficial to kids as they grow up.

“There are many positive benefits to having grandparents involved in their grandkids’ lives. One of the important things, especially for younger kids, is it gives them a chance to practice having different kinds of relationships and interactions with adults. Having a different perspective of someone who loves you and is invested in your well-being, but isn’t your parent, is very important,” Glover explains. “When it comes to teens, grandparents can get away with things parents can’t. Sometimes they can give advice to their grandkid that would be met differently than if a parent gave that same advice. Very few kids get an adult’s undivided attention, but because of their phase of life, grandparents can often offer that when they’re together, which has positive benefits for kids.”

Also, if your child ever goes through an adverse childhood experience, like experiencing trauma from abuse or neglect, having supportive adults around can help them avoid any of the negative consequences (like increased risk of chronic diseases and stress, according to the CDC).

“We know one of the biggest protective factors for kids and helping them be resilient is to have a close and trusted relationship with an adult, and grandparents are in a wonderful place to fill that role. It’s one of the most important roles they can play,” says Glover.

How To Talk To Grandparents About Being More Involved

So, if your parents haven’t been involved with your kiddo, it’s important to have a conversation about why. Dr. Victor Fornari, M.D., board-certified psychiatrist and chair of Child & Adolescent Medicine at Northwell Health, tells Romper in an interview that you need to assess a few things honestly before jumping into that convo.

“Every adult child has a different relationship with their parents, so there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Many grandparents are naturally involved, and this conversation doesn’t have to occur. But when it does, it really depends on what the adults are asking. Are you asking for childcare? For the grandkids to have more of a relationship with the grandparents?”

Fornari explains that most grandparents want to be involved in playdates and activities, but if you’ve asked them to provide childcare and they’re not comfortable doing so, that can cause some distance. Start by just asking some questions.

“Think, ‘Mom or Dad, how often do you want to get together with us and the kids, whether it’s playdates, dinners, FaceTime, whatever it might be?’ It’s often the grandparent’s strong desire to increase it, so if the adult child is needing to ask for it, it suggests the grandparent has not been forthcoming. It could be because there’s some tension with one of the adult children, or the father or mother of the kids has conflict with the grandparents and they don’t want to be around the spouse.”

Of course, there are times when you have never had a great relationship with your parent. Fornari says family counseling can help mend that rift.

“Oftentimes that’s the relationship that could use a tune-up. If they haven’t repaired it in their own childhood or adolescence, it’s never too late to repair it during your adulthood. You can always get family counseling to try and improve the relationship, which usually ends up improving the grandparent-grandkid relationship. It really is sad when ties have to be severed, so every attempt to work on it is optimal, though I do recognize there are times when the relationship is so fractured and toxic where there is no alternative.”

If your parents have stayed away from your littles because of a conflict or sore spot with you, it’s actually best to set the issue aside for your kids’ sake.

“One of the most important things is not to transmit those conflicts to your children,” Glover says. “I would advise parents to be mindful about how you talk about those difficulties in front of your children. Talk about those conflicts with your significant other or the grandparent rather than in front of your children. Also, assume positive intent. Everyone probably has the grandkid’s best intentions in mind. Let your children develop their own opinions and relationships free of that conflict.”

If you’re trying to help your parents and child build their relationship, start conversations that will help them connect with each other.

“One thing parents can do is invite grandparents to share about their experiences,” says Glover. “Have them teach their grandchildren about their family trees, tell stories about when they were younger, and share memories the child’s own parents growing up. Those are fun, intergenerational ways to connect with kids, and they enjoy having a picture of their history and where they come from.”

And if your children and their grandparents are apart to keep everyone safe and unexposed to health issues, they can still find ways to connect. Making sure they do helps keep both happy and benefitting from their bond.

“The wonderful aspect of technology is we can do things like video conference, so having regular and unexpected check-ins via Zoom or FaceTime is fun,” Glover says. “I would encourage grandparents to look at getting involved in using different apps, like TikTok. I think teens and kids alike are pretty delighted when their grandparents are on apps like that. This is a really fun time to write letters and cards, so being able to have a pen pal is a great way to connect.”


Jenna Glover, Ph.D., psychologist and director of Psychology Training in the Pediatric Mental Health Institute at Children’s Hospital Colorado

Dr. Victor Fornari, M.D., board-certified psychiatrist and chair of Child & Adolescent Medicine at Northwell Health

The Best Store-Bought Bread Rolls For Your Holiday Table

Even if you bake your own bread regularly, it's a chore you might not have time for around the holidays. Between the pie crust and the cookies and the turkey brine, there are only so many things you can make from scratch. But there are plenty of ways to make store-bought bread your own, especially once you find the best brands. So as the Thanksgiving 2021 holidays come up, you'll want to know the best store-bought bread rolls available for your family dinner.

The best rolls serve different purposes. You'll want a crusty roll if you're looking to sop up mussel broth at the bottom of a bowl, and it's nice to have a par-cooked roll if you're wanting something hot and fresh. If you're serving sandwiches or sliders, a soft bun is heavenly. One of the easiest store-bought rolls to use is the frozen variety. They're perfect to use for adapting into pepperoni rolls or monkey bread, and they're amazing stuffed with cheese or baked into breadsticks. Although there are plenty of easy Thanksgiving recipes out there, getting the rolls just right is probably the simplest part of the holiday cooking. When it comes to entertaining for the holidays, fresh, hot rolls just make it a party.

We only recommend products we love and that we think you will, too. We may receive a portion of sales from products purchased from this article, which was written by our Commerce team.

Best Store-Bought Rolls For Picky Eaters

King's Hawaiian Original Hawaiian Sweet Rolls 12ct/12oz

King's Hawaiian rolls are the base for excellent dinners and leftovers alike. This pack contains 12 of the sweet, fluffy rolls that complement most any meal. They're also great for turkey leftovers. Just slather dijon and mayo on each roll, add turkey, cranberry sauce, and a little stuffing, top, and brush melted butter over the tops of each roll. Bake for 10 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit and you have a delicious treat. These rolls are ready to eat, easy to serve, and generally on sale for $5 or less. Even the most picky eater will get excited about these soft and sweet rolls.

Best Frozen Rolls For Thanksgiving Dinner

Galaxy Parker House Rolls, Set of 12
Williams Sonoma

Made with sweet dairy butter, milk, and eggs, these frozen dinner rolls from Williams Sonoma can help take your dinner to the next level. They are shipped out frozen, which means you can buy the rolls ahead of time and keep them in the freezer for up to a month before your event. To cook, let the rolls rise overnight and bake up some hot, fresh dinner rolls to serve with your Thanksgiving meal. The reviews are generally positive. “Easy to make and better than store bought. Served it at a dinner party and everyone loved them,” said one reviewer, with another calling them “restaurant quality.”

Gluten Free Dinner Rolls

Schar Gluten Free Parbaked Ciabatta Rolls

A light, fluffy alternative to traditional bread rolls, these gluten free parbaked ciabatta rolls are also free from wheat, lactose, and preservatives. This order is for 6 packages with 4 per case. “I hate gluten free bread and have tried most on the market. This is the one that tastes the best to me. I still have to cut it and toast it, but it tastes the most like wheat bread to me. Also, I can serve it to those who are not gluten free and they don't seem to notice it's not real bread as long as it is served hot. I first tasted it at a top notch restaurant which was the only place I could find it until I started ordering it online,” said one reviewer.

Best Dinner Rolls To Buy For Holiday Meals

Martin's Potato Sandwich Rolls- 8pk 15 oz (2 Bags)

This order includes 16 rolls total, and these potato rolls are made without high fructose corn syrup, artificial dyes, and trans fats. They also have a pretty devoted fan base. “I originally bought these because they were suggested in a recipe video I watched on how to make Shake Shack's Smash Burgers. Now I buy them for everything from a snack to turkey sandwiches. I'm addicted. They freeze very well, too!” said one reviewer. Others appreciate the ingredients. “I bought these because of the low sodium content, then found I really like the taste. They are the only buns I buy now. They are usually sold out at my grocery store,” said another reviewer.

Budget Frozen Dinner Rolls

Sister Schubert's Frozen Dinner Yeast Rolls

Bake and serve rolls make planning for your Thanksgiving meal easier, and these rolls in particular have their share of fans. And at less than $4 for 10 rolls, it’s a budget-friendly addition to your Thanksgiving spread. “These taste exactly like my mom's homemade fresh bread. I literally almost cried because they were so good. Actually got them as a substitute for bread dough I ordered. I am so glad I did. Bought two more bags that I do not plan to share,” said one reviewer. And some fans already associate these rolls with Thanksgiving. “These are the best rolls out, hands down!” said another reviewer. “They have a special place in my heart because we have these every year for thanksgiving and they remind me always of family time!”

Store-Bought Dinner Rolls

Dinn A Rolls, 18 Ounce
Whole Foods

Available at Whole Foods, the Ro Ro’s Baking Company Dinn A Rolls are 18 ounces of tasty goodness that will round out your family meal this Thanksgiving. “My daughter told me about these. Yummmm! These remind me of the homemade yeast rolls served in my elementary (decades ago). We were lucky because our cafeteria staff made everything from scratch!” said one reviewer. “These were the best rolls I’ve ever eaten. So, so good!” as another one commented. The rolls also have a 4.9 out of 5 star rating on Amazon, so it is safe to assume your family will love these.

Best Store-Bought Rolls For Thanksgiving

Enriched Yeasty Rolls

Simple and budget-friendly, these dinner rolls from Walmart are made with enriched flour. The pull-apart rolls can be used as a compliment to any dinner, as well as the base for tiny sandwiches packed with leftovers. Soft and yeasty, the rolls are baked fresh inside stores, making fresh-baked dinner rolls available anywhere you find a Walmart (AKA basically everywhere). And the cost of about a quarter per roll, it is a smart choice for families who are feeding a crowd this Thanksgiving. Just check your store’s hours before heading out to shop, because Walmart stores will be closed for Thanksgiving day.

Best Dinner Rolls To Make That Taste Homemade

Country Dinner Rolls
Chesapeake Bay Crab Cakes & More

Flaky and tender, these rolls are best served hot with a drizzle of butter. In particular, reviewers praised the rolls as a Thanksgiving side. “I tend to refrain from rolls and basically purchased these for the recipients of my Thanksgiving meals, however I ate one and then one became three. They are superb and easy to re-heat,” said one reviewer. “These are the best rolls I have ever eaten!!! The friends I had for dinner (who make home rolls and have grandmothers who make them as well) stated the same thing. I had a pan left in the freezer for several MONTHS, and they were still GREAT!! I will never buy any other rolls other than these!!!” said another reviewer.

Best Homemade Dinner Rolls From Independent Seller

Homemade Yeast Dinner Rolls

Did you know Etsy doubles as a bakery? Perfect, ready-to-go rolls will show up at your door. Place an order with Etsy seller Homestylesnacks a few weeks before your holiday meal to ensure time for shipping. You even get a choice of whether your rolls get brushed with butter or garlic herb butter, because butter improves everything. One reviewer praised the roll’s “wonderful taste and texture,” and another one called them “very delicious.” Another poster praised the “delicious rolls delivered in perfect condition.” It’s the easiest way to bring homemade dinner rolls to your family meal without doing any baking yourself.

German Rye Rolls

German Rye Roll

For something a little different, try out the chewy German Rye Rolls. A version of the classic German "roggen broetchen," these will add some serious flavor and substance to your dinner. “These rolls are delicious! Subtle rye flavor without caraway seed. Baking instructions deliver crispy outside, soft inside perfection. I will definitely be reordering!” wrote one reviewer. “I don’t think I have ever enjoyed bread so much,” said another reviewer. “The rolls were terrific too. I’m so impressed. The price was extremely reasonable — the quality unsurpassed.” Others praised the roll’s texture and taste, as well as the fact that the rolls can cook from frozen in about 10 minutes.

Make your Thanksgiving meal special with these delicious store-bought dinner rolls that taste as good as the homemade variety.

Best New Kids & Family Movies Of 2021

Movies like Soul, Over The Moon, Scoob!, and Trolls World Tour dominated our TVs in 2020, so families everywhere are likely in need of fresh content. Thankfully, plenty of family and kids' movies are coming out in 2021 to keep our little ones entertained and busy. Best of all? Parents will probably get a kick out of them, too.

First of all, Disney has more than 20 movies coming out in 2021, so there's already no shortage of entertainment from one production company. As for streaming platforms like Netflix, the company has announced that it will release one new movie every week throughout the year, though not everything will be family-friendly. Modern takes on classics like Tom & Jerry and Cinderella are also slated to premiere in 2021.

Now, as for when and how these movies will be released, that varies by who is producing them. So while some movies will be released directly on streaming services like Netflix or Disney+, others will head to theaters first before you can stream them at home. So bust out your trusty planner and make a note for all the new family movies coming out in 2021 and plan a movie night for the flicks that have already been released!

Finding 'Ohana

Two siblings, raised in Brooklyn, find themselves going on an epic adventure to find long lost treasure with new friends during their summer in rural O’ahu. But their quest brings them so many more successes and pitfalls than they could ever expect in this Netflix original film that is the perfect watch for the little adventurer in your family.

This Common Sense Media Selection for Families is noted for its positive character portrayals and positive messages about treating each other with respect, kindness, and love, regardless of their race or gender. Now that is a message parents can stand behind.

Release date: Jan. 29 on Netflix.

Flora & Ulysses

Disney's live-action adaptation of Flora & Ulysses by Kate DiCamillo tells the story of 10-year-old Flora, a comic book fan and cynic whose parents are recently separated. When she rescues a squirrel with superhero powers, they embark on an adventure filled with complications that changes Flora’s life and her outlook on life forever.

This Common Sense Media Selection for Families is rated PG and is a quirky, kid friendly film that deals with some real life issues, like divorce and struggling to fit in. It should be noted that the film packs a pretty emotional punch, but Ulysses and all of his super talents provides a handy, hilarious foil to all of Flora’s cynicism.

Release date: Feb. 19 on Disney+.

Tom & Jerry

The iconic cat and mouse rivalry comes to life in this new live-action mixed with animation Tom & Jerry film. Here’s what you need to know: Jerry moves into New York City’s finest hotel on the night before a major wedding is about to happen. The event planner, desperate to get rid of the mouse, hires Tom, the cat, to get rid of him. This sets the duo on a cat and mouse chase, where hijinks ensue, that threaten to ruin the event planner’s career, the wedding, and quite possibly, the hotel.

Release date: Feb. 26 in theaters and on HBO Max.

The Spongebob Movie: Sponge on the Run

SpongeBob Squarepants is back in The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run, which has already been released internationally prior to the film’s release in the United States. The movie follows SpongeBob and his best friend Patrick as they head out on an adventure to find SpongeBob's pet snail Gary who's gone missing. This journey brings them to the King of Poseidon who is holding Gary captive in the lost city of Atlantic City. It’s up to SpongeBob’s friends in Bikini Bottom to team up together and save him since Gary is so valuable to the community.

Release date: March 4 on Paramount+.

Raya & The Last Dragon

Humans and dragons once co-existed in the fantasy world of Kumandra, but were driven away by monsters. When the monsters return, it's up to lone warrior Raya to find the last dragon and stop them for good. But her journey isn’t easy. Luckily, with the help of some new friends, trust, and a whole lot of teamwork, they are able to track down the last dragon and restore peace in the world.

As if this didn’t sound intriguing enough, the film stands out for positive gender representations with Raya’s leadership and positive character strengths, according to Common Sense Media. How’s that for an animated Disney movie?

Release date: March 5 in theaters and with Premier Access on Disney+


When two parents are sick of saying "no" to their kids and co-workers, they decide to have a "yes day" — 24 hours where their kids control the day. Little do they know that this will bring them on an adventure all over Los Angeles. By saying “yes” to their kid’s most wild requests, they wear funky outfits, go to an amusement park, eat ice cream, and spend some much welcomed time as a family, together.

What's more, it stars Jennifer Garner as a fierce and protective mother who often finds herself playing “bad cop” with her children. It’s safe to say that she has a change of heart during the film.

Release date: March 12 on Netflix.

Arlo the Alligator Boy

In Arlo the Alligator Boy, a half human, half alligator boy decides to leave the swamp and search for his father in New York City. Yes, it is just a little bizarre as it sounds. In this animated film, Arlo heads to the big apple in search for a piece of his identity. It is there where he learns to accept his difference, no matter how different he may be from his friends, and finds a place where he truly belongs.

Although the concept might be a little out there, there is nothing better than a film that teaches you how to embrace who you are.

Release date: April 16 on Netflix.

The Mitchells vs. the Machines

This animated film tells the story of a teenage girl who has been accepted into the film school of her dreams. But when her whole family embarks on a road trip to bring her to college, their plans are interrupted by a technology uprising, and it's up to them to save the world. This is no easy feat, but since the family is pretty reliant on their smart phones and devices, they are able to outsmart the machines and eventually save the world, together.

How’s that for some family bonding? Let’s just say that this isn’t your average family road trip.

Release date: April 30 on Netflix.


In this 101 Dalmatians prequel, Emma Stone stars as a young Cruella de Vil, a fashion designer who becomes obsessed with Dalmatians. But she wasn’t always so villainous. Cruella, who grew up as Estella, always had an interest in fashion. When she meets the Baroness, a fashion designer, she is offered a job at her fashion house. But when Estella makes some discoveries about the Baroness, the two fashionable women soon turn into rivals, which pushes her to become the infamous villain that people know and love.

As far as origin stories go, this one is a good one.

Release date: May 28 in theaters and on Disney+.

Spirit Untamed

In this follow-up to 2002's animated film, Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron, a headstrong girl longing for a place to belong discovers a kindred spirit in a wild horse named Spirit. Lucky is a young girl who lost her mother in a tragic accident years prior. After ruining her grandfather’s party, she is sent to live with her father whom she doesn’t know much about. While living with her dad, Lucky is able to win over the trust of a horse, who she names Spirit.

Together, Lucky and Spirit are able to find themselves in each other, and allow them to save one another.

Release date: June 4 in theaters.

In The Heights

This movie-musical from the mastermind of Lin-Manuel Miranda tells the story of a bodega owner with big dreams who lives in the Washington Heights neighborhood of Manhattan. As businesses threaten to fail and other people threaten to move into the neighborhood, the residents team up to embrace their culture and preserve what is theirs while chasing their dreams at the same exact time. You will be so inspired after watching this film and won’t be able to get the catchy music out of your head. That doesn’t sound like too bad of a deal.

Release date: June 11 on HBO Max and in theaters.

Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway

In this sequel to the 2018 live-action animated film, Peter Rabbit ventures out of the garden and finds himself in a world where his mischief is appreciated — the real world. But when his family risks everything to find him, he must figure out what kind of bunny he wants to be — a city bunny or a family bunny.

Although Peter is a bit of a naughty rabbit, his adventures lead him to learn that sometimes, you have to listen to the ones who love you. This is a lesson that everyone can use to learn again, and again, and again.

Release date: June 18 in theaters.


Pixar's new film Luca tells a story about a young boy who has an unforgettable summer in a seaside town in Italy. The twist? He’s actually a sea monster who can transform into a human boy once he leaves the water. While Luca comes to love life on land (especially those shiny, motorized, vespas) his parents go on a quest to find their missing son who isn’t supposed to leave his family home. While Luca attempts to dodge his parents and those on a quest to find his real identity, he learns to embrace the best parts of life and the best parts about standing out. It’s a cute film with a super heartwarming, important message that all viewers, both young and old, can take to heart.

Release date: June 18 on Disney+.

The Boss Baby: Family Business

The Boss Baby and his older brother, Tim, are all grown up with kids of their own in this Boss Baby sequel. But when a new Boss Baby — the original Tim’s daughter — brings them together, she inspires a new family business and sets off a series of events that will seriously change their lives forever. Yes, the new Boss Baby is able to transform her dad and uncle back into babies for two days, where they must go undercover to prevent an evil genius from changing the world. It’s just as wild as it sounds.

Release date: July 2 in theaters and on Peacock.

Space Jam: A New Legacy

LeBron James stars in this Space Jam sequel. Don't worry, those wacky Looney Toons characters do return in the sequel, but they look better than ever! Here’s what you need to know. LeBron James stars as himself, a basketball star, but ends up getting trapped in a vast digital space. In order to get home safely, he teams up with the Looney Toons characters for a high stakes basketball game (sound familiar to the first film?) against the Goon Squad in order to save his son and return back to earth safely.

Release date: July 16 in theaters and on HBO Max.

Disney's Jungle Cruise

Based on the famous ride at Disneyland, Disney's Jungle Cruise finds Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson as a charismatic riverboat captain on a mission to find an ancient tree that has the power to heal people and change the course of medicine forever. Accompanied by a researcher, Dr. Lily Houghton, and her brother, the riverboat captain takes Lily on a quest through the Amazon, where they encounter dangerous creatures and villains that threaten to hold their discovery hostage forever and use the powers for bad things.

Luckily, it’s the Rock, who always knows what to do in a high pressure situation.

Release date: July 30 in theaters and on Disney+ Premier Access.


Featuring new songs written by Lin-Manuel Miranda, Vivo is a brand new animated, musical film about a singing kinkajou, which is a small, monkey like creature who must travel from Havana, Cuba, to Miami, Florida in order to deliver a song on behalf of his owner and mentor. Through the power of music, Vivo embarks on an epic journey where he learns about teamwork and the transformational power of love.

While the film does have some sad moments and deals with some heavy topics, like death, the film’s vibrant landscapes, super catchy music, and strong themes make it a valuable addition to movies watched this year.

Release date: Aug. 6 on Netflix.

Free Guy

Ryan Reynolds stars as Guy, a bank teller in the background of a video game who decides to control the narrative for once. It sounds like a hilarious watch, especially for those video game lovers that are in your family, or for the people who can’t get enough of Ryan Reynolds’ hilarious humor.

It is important to note that Free Guy is rated PG-13 due to strong fantasy violence, language, and suggestive references throughout the film. Common Sense Media says that the film is best suited for kids over the age of 13 who can handle some explosive action sequences, guns, and iffy language. But, Guy’s ability to chase his dreams and find something more to his life is the kind of message that can stick with kids far beyond the time that the credits roll.

Release date: Aug. 13 in theaters.

The Loud House Movie

From Nickelodeon, The Loud House follows a family as they go to Scotland where they learn that they are descendants of Scottish royalty. Fans of the Nickelodeon series will love this new discovery, which puts Lincoln Loud and his siblings on the vacation of a lifetime. To make things even more special, the super entertaining film is a musical, which means that you will find immense joy in all of the musical breaks that happen in this super fun, animated film.

Even if you haven’t seen the original series, you will probably find something to love in The Loud House Movie, and you don’t even need to head to theaters to see it.

Release date: Aug. 20 on Netflix.

PAW Patrol: The Movie

Ryder and his team of pups are heading to the big screen in PAW Patrol: The Movie. Whenever there is trouble — no matter how big or small — Chase, Marshall, Rubble, Zuma, Rocky, and Skye are ready to save the day.

In this big screen adventure, Ryder and the pups are sent to finally put a stop to Mayor Humdinger. Equipped with new gadgets, gear, and a new pup, the Adventure Bay gang are able to save the day and bring justice to all of the crimes that have been committed over the years. Now that is one major reason to celebrate.

Release date: Aug. 20 in theaters and on Paramount+.


A new, musical take on this fairytale classic stars, wait for it, Camilla Cabello as Ella, Idina Menzel as her Evil Stepmother, and Billy Porter as a Fairy Godmother. But this isn’t your average Cinderella story. This Cinderella, or Ella, is an aspiring dress maker who wants to open her own dress shop, “Dresses by Ella.” A chance encounter with the prince at the market leads her to accepting an invite to the ball, with the hopes that she can sell her dresses there.

With the help of her fairy godmother, Ella is able to attend the ball in one of her designs and is able to impress the attendees, including the handsome prince, who wants to seriously impress Ella. This fun take on the classic musical, featuring songs that you already know, is empowering, fresh, and a lot of fun to watch.

Release date: Sept. 3 on Amazon Prime Video.

My Little Pony: A New Generation

When the magical land of Equestria loses its magic, it’s up to an idealistic Earth Pony and her unlikely friends to bring enchantment and unity back to their world and reunite the ponies, unicorns, and pegasi of the world, who aren’t living in harmony. This film teaches acceptance of other people, and is peppered in with musical numbers. Between a heart warming music, bright animation, and catchy songs, every person in the family will fall in love with My Little Pony: A New Generation, because it brings the beloved My Little Pony franchise to, you guessed it, a new generation.

Release date: Sept. 24 on Netflix.

Hotel Transylvania: Transformania

In the final installment of the Hotel Transylvania, Drac and the fellow monsters get turned into humans using a bit of monster magic, while the humans get transformed into monsters for the first time. This leads to some major crises for Drac, his family members, and fellow monster friends, who are all struggling with their new identities. Meanwhile, Johnny becomes a monster for the first time. Johnny and Drac must team up in their new bodies to race across the globe and find a cure for their new problems before it becomes permanent.

Release date: Oct. 1 on Amazon Prime Video.

The Addams Family 2

In this sequel to the 2019 animated film, the Addams family is back together again, finding themselves in some pretty wacky adventures. After the first film saw the Addams’ saving their neighborhood from a greedy developer, the family members are back and attempting to reclaim their bond, after new technology puts Wednesday and Puglsey skipping family dinners and spending time away from their family. In order to bring their children closer to the family, they embark on a road trip across the United States in a haunted camper where they meet brand new people that might even be kookier than them.

Release date: Oct. 1 in theaters and at home rental.

Ron's Gone Wrong

In a world where walking, talking robots have become children's best friends, Ron's Gone Wrong explores what happens when one robot friend doesn't seem to work and has “gone wrong.” Barney is a socially awkward middle schooler, who happens to get a malfunctioning “best friend in a box,” Ron. But the two have to learn to embrace their differences and malfunctions when they go on an action packed journey that brings them closer together.

If your child loves spending time with their iPad, then they will love this too relatable animated film, rated PG.

Release date: Oct. 22 in theaters.

Clifford The Big Red Dog

When a middle school girl named Emily gets a small, red puppy, she never expected to wake up and find him to be a giant, 10-foot dog. But, that’s exactly what Clifford is — a bright, red dog, who is far too big for the world. Emily and Clifford then embark on a super exciting adventure in New York City with Emily’s uncle while her mom is away in this live-action film, based on the beloved children's book series.

There is no telling what kind of hijinks will ensue, but something tells me that things are about to get very, very interesting.

Release date: Nov. 10 in theaters and on Paramount+.

Ghostbusters Afterlife

Find out what happens in this next chapter in the Ghostbusters universe. When a single mom and her two kids arrive in a small town, they begin to discover their connection to the original ghostbusters from the 1980’s in Manhattan and their secret legacy that their grandfather had left behind. Sounds intriguing, right?

It’s important to note that the film is rated PG-13 for supernatural action and some suggestive references, so if your kid is easily scared by action sequences, then you might want to skip this film for now, until it comes out on DVD.

Release date: Nov. 19 in theaters.


A magical family lives in a magical home in this new movie musical from Disney, featuring music written by Lin-Manuel Miranda, set in Colombia. In a home where magic is abundant, and every inhabitant has a special ability or power, things are set to get very interesting. But one young girl named Mirabel, is frustrated that she doesn’t have any powers. However, her inability might turn into her family’s greatest ability when their magic is at stake.

As if this didn’t sound interesting enough, the film premieres on Thanksgiving, which means it will make your slice of Thanksgiving pie that much sweeter.

Release date: Nov. 24 in theaters.

A Winter's Tale From Shaun The Sheep

A half-hour Shaun the Sheep holiday-themed special? Sign me up!

While the film is a super short movie, you will easily fall in love with this tale, which is about, according to Netflix: “The world’s favorite sheep stars in his very own winter’s tale. Shaun’s seasonal excitement turns to dismay when a farmhouse raid to get bigger stockings for the flock inadvertently leads to Timmy going missing. Can Shaun get Timmy back before he becomes someone else’s Christmas present? Prepare for a ‘Santastic’ adventure as everyone learns the true value of Christmas!”

Now that sounds like a good time.

Release date: Dec. 3 on Netflix.

West Side Story

Two teenagers from opposite sides of the city fall in love in this West Side Story adaptation from director Stephen Spielberg. If you aren’t a fan of the Broadway musical or the 1961 film adaptation, then you might not be aware about the super enthralling musical drama, which takes place in New York City in the 1950’s.

West Side Story focuses on the rivalry between two gangs, the Jets and the Sharks, who are at odds. But when Tony, a former member of the Jets, falls in love with Maria, the sister of the leader of the Sharks, things go awry. It’s a Romeo and Juliet love story for the ages that will make you fall in love with love again.

Release date: Dec. 10 in theaters.

Sing 2

The sequel to 2016's animated family musical Sing will star celebs like Matthew McConaughey, Reese Witherspoon, Scarlett Johansson, Nick Kroll, Taron Egerton and Tori Kelly.

In this next chapter of this hilarious, animated musical, Buster Moon takes his group of all star performers on the road as he prepares for them to perform in the entertainment capital of the world. But first, they have to convince the world’s most reclusive rock star to join them on the road. This is no easy feat, but leave it to the super talented animal singers to get the job done so they can live out their dreams as super star performers.

If you were a fan of the first film, then you will love the follow up film.

Release date: Dec. 22 in theaters.

Editor's Note: The movie Rumble has been removed from this list as the film’s release date has been moved to Feb. 18, 2022. Minions: The Rise of Gru has also been removed from this list as the film’s release date has been moved to July 1, 2022.