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Friday, March 31, 2023

47 Baby Names Inspired By Songs

When we found out we were expecting a son, I told my husband I wanted to name him “Cash.” His response was, “No way, that’s the most hipster thing I’ve ever heard." So we compromised and named our son Jackson, mainly because we both loved the name and the diminutive Jack. And partly because that was the name of one of our favorite Johnny Cash songs (music is a huge part of my family’s lives). If you, too, always carry a song in your heart, there are plenty of baby names inspired by songs and can carry extra meaning when naming your child.

Our son’s room is decorated in a “rock and roll” theme with guitars and song lyrics in prints all over the place. And quite frankly, it’s one of my most favorite rooms in our whole house. I always knew I wanted our kid’s name to have something to do with music or literature, whether it came from a song name, a character’s name, a musician’s name, or part of a song lyric.

Every time I hear the song “Jackson,” on one of my Johnny Cash albums, I always sing it to him and it makes him smile. Maybe one of these song-inspired names will have you singing to your little one, too.

"Andy Warhol" – David Bowie

Whether you name your kid after the famous painter Andy Warhol, or after the song about him, your kid is guaranteed to be creative, eclectic, and cool, right? David Bowie found great inspiration in the artist. In the above picture, Bowie is in costume as Warhol for the film Basquiat. Andy is derivative of Andrew, which means "strong and courageous" in Greek.

"Fancy" — Reba McEntire

If you name your daughter Fancy, she'll be as fierce and strong as the Fancy in Reba's song. As for the meaning, well, you can probably guess that one on your own.

"Me & Bobby McGee" – Janis Joplin

Janis Joplin arguably made this song famous (even though others had sang it before her), and it was her only top 10 hit.

Originally inspired by a secretary at Combine Music (where musician and songwriter Kris Kristofferson worked) named Bobbi McKee, they wanted to make sure this song could be about a man or a woman with the name "Bobby." So naming your child Bobby (or Bobbi) could ensure they are strong, free spirits in search of learning all they can about their world.

Bobby comes from Robert, which means “bright fame.”

"Daniel" — Elton John

Bernie Taupin wrote the lyrics to this song and Elton John wrote the music. Taupin was inspired by a story in TIME magazine about the soldiers who found it hard to return to normal life after coming back from serving in the Vietnam war. "Daniel" was written from the perspective of a younger brother of a veteran soldier.

Though the meaning is somber, the song is one of Elton John's most popular hits. Daniel comes from Hebrew and means "God is my judge."

"Eleanor Rigby" – The Beatles

Paul McCartney wrote the majority of this song, per songfacts: "McCartney explained at the time that his songs came mostly from his imagination. Regarding this song, he said, 'It just came. When I started doing the melody I developed the lyric. It all came from the first line. I wonder if there are girls called Eleanor Rigby?'" Though the song may be about lonely people, your kid won't be lonely with a name from a Beatles song. That's quite the conversation starter. Plus, Eleanor is a beautiful name meaning "bright shining one” in Greek.

"Eli's Coming" –Three Dog Night

Eli is a Hebrew name that means "ascension." Hopefully your kid won't be a heartbreaker like the one described in the song, but will be unpredictable and fun like the song of his namesake.

"Guinnevere" – Crosby, Stills & Nash

The song “Guinnevere” is about an anonymous person that David Crosby of Crosby, Stills & Nash loved.

Guinivere is a Welsh name (and the precursor to the name Jennifer) and means “white fairy.”

"For Emma" – Bon Iver

This song comes from Bon Iver's stay for three months in a log cabin in a snowy northeast Wisconsin. "I remember there was a day before I left that it was minus 20 degrees Fahrenheit, but the sun was shining and it was sort of a brilliant contrast," Iver said in an interview with Weekend America. And that comes through in the song, with its dark quiet undertones and the brightness with the louder chorus.

Your baby will be a bright light in the dark if you name her Emma. Emma also means "whole or universal" and comes to English by way of German.

"Rosalie" – Cole Porter

This classic Cole Porter song features the beautiful name Rosalie, and it was written for a 1937 comedy's opening number. Even if you don't name your kid after this particular song, Rosalie is a gorgeous, classic name of French origin, and means “rose.”

"Good Golly Miss Molly" — Little Richard

One of Little Richard's favorite DJs was Jimmy Pennick, and this song title came from his catchphrase, "Good golly miss Molly." Even though the song's origins are questionable (Is it about a whorehouse? Does balling mean dancing or something else?), it's still a catchy tune that everyone knows when they hear it.

Molly is an Irish name that means "star of the sea."

"Gracie" – Ben Folds

This sweet song is about Ben Folds’ daughter Gracie. Grace is one of the many common “virtue” names in English (like Faith or Hope) and speaks to forgiveness and understanding.

"Helena" — My Chemical Romance

Emo fans loved this song dedicated to Gerard’s grandmother back in 2004 — especially those of us with swoopy bangs, thick black eyeliner and black nail polish. But the name isn't so dark. Helena means "light, torch, bright," and it derives from the Greek legend of the beautiful wife of the king of Sparta.

"Gabriel and Me" — Joan Baez

This sweet song is about Joan Baez's son, Gabriel, and it's a whimsical tale of a horse that only she and her son can see. Gabriel is a Hebrew name that means "devoted to God" or "God is my strength.

"Gary Gilmore's Eyes" — The Adverts

Gary is an Old English name that means "spear." And that's pretty punk rock in and of itself.

"Happy Jack" — The Who

Jack is an English diminutive form of John, which means "God is Gracious."

"Hey Jude" — The Beatles

Paul McCartney wrote this song to comfort John Lennon's 5-year-old son, Julian, while his parents were getting a divorce. Originally titled "Hey, Jules," the title changed to “Hey, Jude.”

Jude is a Hebrew name that means "praised.”

"Dear Prudence" — The Beatles

This song was inspired by Mia Farrow's sister Prudence, a spiritual person who was friends with The Beatles. Legend says Lennon wrote this hoping to cheer Prudence up when she was depressed.

Prudence is another virtue name that refers to having good judgment.

"Come On Eileen" — Dexys Midnight Runners

Eileen is an Irish version of Helen and means "bright, shining one." Which is how the song sounds — bright and shining.

"Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds" — The Beatles

John Lennon's son Julian came home with a picture he drew of a classmate named Lucy, and he had sketched some stars in the sky around her and called it "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds."

Lucy is a Latin-derived English name that means "light.” How precious is that?

"Oliver's Army" — Elvis Costello

Want your kid to have strong political convictions and be a peace-loving kind of person? Naming them after this song may be a good choice. The origin of Oliver is contentious, some say it’s a French name meaning “olive tree” while others thing it’s a Norse name meaning “ancestor’s descendent.” Others still think it comes from German and means “elf army.”

"Peter Piper" — Run-D.M.C.

This fun Run-D.M.C. song is based on popular nursery rhymes. They of course used the tongue twister nursery rhyme "Peter Piper" to show off their vocal talents.

Peter comes from Greek and means “rock.”

"Matilda's Mother" — Pink Floyd

What song by Pink Floyd isn't whimsical, weird, and psychedelic? "Matilda's Mother" is no different. Though I'm not 100% sure what the song is about, it sure sounds awesome. Plus, you could always name your kid Matilda after one of the best Roald Dahl books of all time, right?

Matilda is a Germanic name that means "strength in battle.”

"Miss (Martha) King" — B.B. King

Martha is an Aramaic name that means "lady,” and this song is about B.B. King’s wife at the time of recording.

"Mona Lisa" — Nat King Cole

Obviously, Mona Lisa is the name of the famous Leonardo Da Vinci painting, and that's just what Nat King Cole is comparing his love to in this song. He loved her smile and mystique. The song was written for the movie, Captain Carey, U.S.A, and the song spent eight weeks in the number one spot in the Billboard charts in 1950. So whether you prefer Mona or Lisa, this is a sweet moniker for your little one.

"Ophelia" — The Lumineers

This Lumineers song is based on the Shakespeare character Ophelia in Hamlet. It’s a beautiful name that means "helper" in Greek.

"Peggy Sue" — Buddy Holly

Peggy, an English diminutive of Margaret means "pearl," and Sue means "lily of the valley," so Peggy Sue is made up of two very beautiful things. Now the song Peggy Sue was based on a woman named Peggy Sue Gerron who was dating Buddy Holly's drummer with The Crickets.

“Luka” — Suzanne Vega

I won’t lie: this song is a bummer... lyrically. Musically it’s a total bop, and the name Luka is rad. This gender-neutral name is Italian (and is also spelled “Luca”) and means “bringer of light,” which is sweet and heartwarming.

“Paloma” — We Are Wolves

This song, sung in English and Spanish, absolutely slaps and I love the name, which is of Mexican origin and means “dove.” (Fun fact, when you pop the Spanish lyrics into Google translate, “mía Palomita” comes out literally as “my little dove,” which is a sweet nickname.

Other baby names inspired by song titles...

  • Mary (“Proud Mary,” by Tina Turner – Hebrew; “star of the sea, bitterness, beloved”)
  • Johnny (“Johnny B. Goode” by Chuck Berry – Hebrew; “God is gracious”)
  • Georgia (“Georgia On My Mind” by Ray Charles – Greek; “earth worker, farmer”)
  • Alejandro (“Alejandro” by Lady Gaga – Spanish from Greek; “defender of mankind”)
  • Cecilia (“Cecilia” by Simon and Garfunkle – Latin; “blind”)
  • Kenneth (“What’s the Frequency, Kenneth?” by REM – Irish; “handsome”)
  • Rhiannon (“Rhiannon” by Fleetwood Mac – Welsh; “great queen, goddess”)
  • Jamie (“Jamie” by Weezer – Hebrew; “supplanter”)
  • Juliet (“Juliet” by Robin Gibb... also a whole bunch of others – Latin; “youthful”)
  • Romeo (“Romeo’s Seance” by Elvis Costello, see above – Italian; “from Rome”)
  • Gloria (“Gloria” by Laura Branigan – Latin; “glory”)
  • Tom (“Tom’s Diner” by Suzanne Vega – Aramaic; “twin”)
  • Caroline (“Sweet Caroline” by Neil Diamond – Latin; “free woman”)
  • Fernando (“Fernando” by ABBA – Spanish; “courageous adventurer”)
  • Delilah (“Hey There, Delilah” by The Plain White T’s” – Hebrew; “delicate”)
  • Dionysus (“The Cult of Dionysus” by The Orion Experience – Greek; “son of Zeus”)
  • Jolene (“Jolene” by Dolly Parton – French; “pretty”)
  • Jessie (“Jessie’s Girl” by Rick Springfield – Hebrew; “the lord exists”)
  • Louie (“Louie Louie” by The Kingsmen – French; “famous warrior”)

No matter which name you choose, naming your child after a song is one of the most rock-and-roll moves you can make as a parent. Hopefully at least one of these names that have been mentioned in popular songs will be music to your ears.

Did Taylor Swift Reveal Blake Lively’s 4th Baby’s Name? Fans Think So

Do Blake Lively’s pregnancies inspire Taylor Swift or do Taylor Swift’s albums inspire Blake Lively’s pregnancies? The two pals seem to be working in tandem with each other when it comes to babies and new music. And perhaps their worlds are all wrapped up in each other, because fans are pretty convinced that a song on Swift’s new album Midnights revealed the name of Lively and her husband Ryan Reynolds’ fourth baby. As is her tradition, of course.

Lively and Reynolds welcomed their fourth child together sometime earlier this year, making 7-year-old James, 5-year-old Inez, and 2-year-old Betty big sisters. The couple’s new baby may have also inspired a certain song on Swift’s new Midnights album, “You’re On Your Own, Kid,” which features a line that includes the phrase, “So long, Daisy May.”

Fans of Swift know all too well that she tends to draw deeply from her own life and the people who populate it. Which has them wondering if, perhaps, Daisy May might be the name Lively and Reynolds chose for their fourth child. While Lively subtly revealed on Super Bowl Sunday that their fourth baby had been born, she and Reynolds have not revealed the sex of that baby, but still fans are positive that Swift’s song is about their newest addition.

“Calling it now Blake Lively & Ryan Reynolds baby is going to be named Daisy Mae,” one fan tweeted, while another wrote, “I love coming to Twitter to confirm things like - yes other people also think Daisy May/Mae is the name of Blake Lively’s baby.”

While neither Lively nor Swift have confirmed fans’ suspicions, the singer has been known to share their daughters’ names in her music before. When Swift released her Folkore album in 2020, one of the songs was simply called “Betty.” That song also featured the names of Lively’s older daughters, and as we now know, Betty is the name of Lively’s third daughter. Swift is so close to the couple’s daughters that she thanked them in her speech at the 2021 Grammys, “I want to thank James, Inez, and Betty, and their parents, who are the second and third people that I play every new song that I write,” she said at the time.

Talk about a unique way to share your baby’s name.

Here's How To Get Easter Dye Off Hands Big & Small

Spring is here and that means Easter is right around the corner. The Easter holiday is always a delight for sweet-toothed children, and nothing says “making memories” like an afternoon of dyeing hard boiled eggs in a rainbow of pastels. But as the parent, the reality of the occasion is slightly less idyllic: Stinky odors, messy kitchens, and stained hands for days. I can’t help you with the first two problems, but those dyed hands are fixable. Here’s how to remove Easter egg dye from your hands without scrubbing off your skin.

First of all, it's a lot easier to prevent the stained hand phenomenon than it is to fix it, so take the time to purchase and put on some light rubber or plastic gloves before you start. But if you're reading this and it's already too late for preventative measures, you’re probably rolling your eyes. (Just don't smack your head; you've got dyed hands, remember?)

How to get Easter dye off hands big and small

The best way to get Easter dye off your hands is natural and completely non-toxic, meaning you can safely use it on even your littlest family member. Win! You’ll just need:

  • Baking soda
  • White vinegar (the same kind you probably used to make the dye in the first place)

The Easter egg dye removal process is simple. First, run your hands under a bit of water and sprinkle them with baking soda. Then add just a little vinegar to create a mild foam (go easy, this isn’t your second grade volcano science experiment). The abrasiveness of the baking soda should exfoliate the dye right off of your skin. Then, just rinse your hands — or your kids’ hands — under warm water. You might get lucky and see your normal skin tone again immediately, but sometimes you’ll need to repeat the whole process before the dye is fully washed away.

Other ways to get Easter dye off hands

Some parents opt for just using good old soap and water, but in my experience, this method comes up sorely lacking. Unless you want to look like The Hulk for the rest of the week, I suggest digging a little deeper. If you don't happen to have baking soda or vinegar on hand, another secret weapon is one I guarantee you do: Toothpaste.

To use toothpaste to get Easter egg dye off your hands, rub the toothpaste to the discolored areas. Work it in by rubbing back and forth pretty firmly until you see the color begin to lift. After you're done, simply wash the toothpaste off with warm water and dry. Aaah, minty fresh.

Last but not least, you might try good old fashioned rubbing alcohol for removing dye. (Does your grandma use it for everything under the sun the way mine does?) This method is definitely not as mild or appropriate for sensitive skin, so take that into consideration, particularly if you're planning to use it on young children. If it's the best choice you've got, pour just a bit of alcohol on a cotton ball and rub it on the affected area. In a pinch, non-acetone nail polish remover or hand sanitizer can each be substituted.

Is getting Easter egg dye off of your skin kind of a pain? Sure it is. But don't let the inconvenience of egg dye stains keep you from jumping in to do the holiday craft with your kids. A moment of scrubbing is more than worth a lifetime of memories. And besides, with such ultra simple home solutions, that dye will be gone in no time. Now if you could just say the same about all those hard boiled eggs.

20 Best Craft Kits For Kids

Kids who love to craft are kids who basically just love to make things. Anything! Which means even if you yourself aren’t a crafty person, you can still get the best craft kits for kids to keep them happy and occupied. You don’t have to look up a bunch of intense instructions on Pinterest or scour the house for supplies — these kid craft kits include everything you need for every type of craft your kid likes to make. Whether they want to create something specific like a friendship bracelet or a pillow cover, or just want a big box full of things like pipe cleaners and pom poms, there’s something on this list.

The most important thing with these craft kits for kids is to check out the age recommendations, and also take into consideration your own child’s skill level and attention span. Both of my big girls love crafts, but there are definitely some that my 8-year-old can handle all on her own that my 4-year-old absolutely can not. If you’re hoping to hand your kid one of these craft kits in the hopes that it’ll keep them happy and occupied without your help, you’ll want to look at the details and think about everything they entail.

But, again, even the least crafty adult can handle these craft kits. They include all the supplies and instructions, and a lot of them can last for several craft sessions. Pop an audiobook on, clear some space on the table, and get to crafting.

Mess-Free Sticker Activity

Skillmatics Dot It!

If the mess of pulling out crafts is one of your stressors, please feast your eyes on this Dot It! kit, which includes four double-sided canvases and 30 pages of stickers so your kids can easily peel and stick to create some sweet art. The kit comes in other varieties, including unicorns and animals, so there’s something for everyone. These are perfect, easy crafts for quiet time or even in the car.

Ultimate Slime Kit

Elmer's Deep Gue Sea Premade Slime Kit

Look, I know people have a lot of feelings about slime, but I’m going to tell you — this kit is amazing. No buying a bunch of ingredients to make your own slime. The tub itself of the Elmer’s Deep Gue Slime Kit comes with the slime already perfectly made, and there are several different types of add-ins to turn the slime into fluffy slime, crunchy slime, glitter slime — all the slime. My two girls split the slime up into smaller containers so they can make different kinds, and it’s so fun to play with. Invest in some tupperware to keep it closed up so it doesn’t dry out, and you really want to avoid getting it in hair or on clothes.

Pottery Making Kit

Pott'd Home Air-Dry Clay Pottery Kit

This gorgeous craft kit is perfect for slightly older kids who want to try their hand at pottery. Using air-dry clay, the Pott’d Home Pottery Kit comes with paints (you can choose from metallic, pastel, glitter, and regular), pottery tools, varnish, and enough clay to make eight to 10 average-sized pots or two very large ones. No kiln required!

Everything You Need Craft Kit

Kid Made Modern Over The Rainbow Craft Kit

If your kid likes crafts but isn’t so great at following a full-on DIY project, try this Kid Made Modern Over the Rainbow Craft Kit. This was our saving grace during the spring of 2020, and it’s full of everything your kids could possibly need, from gems and pipe cleaners to pom poms and googly eyes. I just hand my kids some glue and let them go to town.

Make Your Own Squishies Kit

Elmer's Squishies

If your house is also overrun by small squishies, the Elmer’s Squishies kit may be right up your family’s alley. This is a very cute craft that also feels like a science experiment as kids can mix up and pour into molds their very own squishies. And when they pop out, they can discover which ones they got and then play with them like a regular squishy. It’s perfection.

Sew Your Own Plushies Kit

Klutz Sew Mini Treats

Sewing kits can often be overwhelming and require a lot of extra work from parents, but this Klutz Sew Mini Treats kit is so cute and sweet and perfect for kids who can handle a needle and thread on their own. I love the little collection they can create with these, and it’s a great quite-time craft.

Nature Craft Kit

Green Creativity Pressed Flower Art Kit

Pressed flowers always make for beautiful art, and this Green Creativity Pressed Flower art kit is so fun. Your kids can explore their own yard, park, or neighborhood to find fallen flowers and then create beautiful pieces of art with this handy little press. This is definitely one that you can just hand off to bigger kids and let them have at it.

Paper Marbling Kit

Mondo Llama Paper Marbling Kit

Do you remember doing paper marbling? This was peak craft time for a lot of ‘90s kids, and now it’s back and couldn’t be simpler with this Mondo Llama Paper Marbling kit. The kit comes with everything you need, including a mess-free tray, so your kids can make some really sweet paper to use for letters, journaling, or just to put on display.

Paint Your Own Pets

Mondo Llama Paint-Your-Own Wood Pets Kit

Another Mondo Llama set, this Paint-Your-Own Wood Pets kit is a great choice for kids who like a craft that they can then interact with. The set comes with two wooden cats, three wooden dogs, and a little house, plus stickers and paint so they can decorate everyone to their heart’s content.

Crafting Journal Kit

STMT Dreamers Become Doers Journal Set

My 8-year-old is a huge journaler, and she has this exact STMT Dreamers Become Doers journal set. It has the sweetest notebook inside, but also tons of paper, cute little craft pieces, and washi tape so that your kid can decorate journal entries, stories, or just random pages exactly how they want.

Soapmaking Kit

KiwiCo Crystal Ombre Soapmaking Kit

Soapmaking is a classic craft, but this KiwiCo Crystal Ombre soapmaking kit really ups the ante. It makes the coolest shapes and colors, and your kids will feel like total scientists while working on it.

Pom Pom Wreath Kit

Kid Made Modern Pom Pom Wreath Kit
Kid Made Modern

For older kids who want a craft that takes a little more skill and patience, this Kid Made Modern Pom Pom Wreath is so fun. There are eight different balls of yarn, six cardstock templates, and a wire wreath, so your child has everything the need. (This one is specifically recommended for kids ages 14 and up.)

Bracelet Making Kit

Spread Love Bracelet Making Kit
Natural Life

Who doesn’t love a bracelet making kit? This Natural Life Bracelet Kit comes with white elastic, 300 alphabet beads, and 700 mixed colored beads so your child can make any and all kinds of sweet jewelry.

Easy Poster Art Kit

Scratch Art Poster Book
Natural Life

This adorable Natural Life Scratch Art Poster Book is such an easy craft and has beautiful results. The book comes with 12 pages and a utensil to scratch each page and reveal some sweet, inspiring posters.

DIY Shaggy Pillow Kit

Beyond Your Thoughts Latch Hook Pillow Cover Kit

OK, latch hook crafts are so classic, and this Beyond Your Thoughts Latch Hook Pillow Cover Kit feels so retro. There are several different patterns, and the kit makes a 16”x16” pillow cover. This is another great one to do in the car or during quiet time.

Paint & Plant Flower Kit

Dan & Darci Paint & Plant Flower Kit

I’m absolutely getting this Dan & Darci Paint and Paint Flower Kit for my big girls. Meant for kids ages 5 to 12, this kit comes with a tin planter, three seed packets, six pots of paint, and more little detailed pieces so your child can decorate their own planter and then also add in a gardening aspect.

Birdhouse Kit

Beetle & Bee Build A Bird Bungalow

For another nice outdoor craft, this Beetle & Bee Build A Bird Bungalow kit comes with seven wooden pieces for your child to build their little bird house. Once they finish creating it, they can use the included paints, paint brush, and chain to finish decorating and hang outside.

Dream Catcher Kit

Creatology Unicorn Dream Catcher Yarn Craft Kit

Dream catchers are so lovely to hang in kids’ rooms, and this Creatology Unicorn Dream Catcher Yarn Craft Kit comes with everything your child needs to create one. There are plenty of ribbons, felt flowers, felt stickers, and even the horn and ears to make the unicorn topper.

Bouncy Ball Kit

Made By Me! Glow-In-The-Dark Power Balls

Another craft that your child can actually play with when they’re done is the Made By Me! Glow-in-the-dark Power Balls kit. This one might require some help from you, but it’s another fun one that will make your kid feel like a scientist as they make 18 super bouncy balls.

Paper Making Kit

National Geographic Paper Making Craft Kit
Barnes & Noble

Right up there with paper marbling is the classic National Geographic Paper Making Kit. The kit comes with everything your kids need to make 10 sheets of paper in a variety of colors with the pulp and included dye. It’s not exactly mess-free, but is still super fun.

Craft kits are such a great way for your child to express their creativity and have some fun, and these craft kits for kids offer plenty of options.

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Why '1883' Won't Get A Season 2, But The Dutton Family's Story Isn't Over

Yellowstone still needs to air the second half of Season 5 and 1923 is on track to deliver another nail-biting season in the near future, but what’s the status with 1883? Taylor Sheridan’s first prequel series on Paramount+ about the Dutton family ended over a year ago and that’s where those characters’ stories will end as well. Most of them, that is. The Yellowstone creator confirmed there won’t be a 1883 Season 2, but the Dutton family’s story is far from over.

Note: Lots of spoilers for 1883 and 1923 Season 1 are ahead.

Why isn’t there a Season 2 of 1883?

To put it simply, you can blame the many, many deaths and the overall the nature of that era on the Oregon Trail. The main character and narrator of 1883, Elsa Dutton (Isabel May), died in the heartbreaking series finale from an infection after being shot through her liver with an arrow. Shea Brennan (Sam Elliot), the former Civil War captain who lost his wife and daughter to smallpox, also had a tragic ending when he died by suicide on the beach. Sheridan, of course, knew the tragic fate of these fan-favorite characters and the show itself, but network executives apparently weren’t aware of the full story.

“I know they read the scripts, but they don’t read scripts, so when they read the last episode of 1883, I don’t think they digested what had just happened, even though I made it quite clear from the very beginning,” Sheridan told Deadline in December 2022. “The story I heard is Bob Bakish [President and Chief Executive Officer of Paramount] watched it and said, ‘wait a minute, she dies! They all die? What do we do in Season 2?’ I said, there is no Season 2. They’re like, there better be a fu*king Season 2 because we already picked it up. I’m sitting here going, guys everyone is dead.”

The solution? Fast forward 40 years and we’ve got 1923. “Everyone is dead. I don’t know how to write the next season of this damn thing [1883] but I kept hunting history, and I kept finding things,” Sheridan said in the same interview with Deadline. “It’s the one great thing about the Dutton family; you can skip generations and put them in all these unique situations, and it has nothing to do with Yellowstone, nothing to do with 1883 and yet it’s tethered completely to them, but they’re all standalones.”

Further confirmation that 1883 is over came from the network itself. “The 1883 chapter has ended and the next installment is 1923,” a representative from Paramount+ told Country Living.

How is 1883 connected to 1923?

While each series in Sheridan’s Yellowstone universe tells its own story and introduces us to new characters in the Duttons’ ever-evolving family tree, they are still connected. There are two characters from 1883 that kinda, sorta make appearances in 1923: John Dutton I, son of James (Tim McGraw) and Margaret (Faith Hill), and his older sister, Elsa.

1923 is narrated by Elsa, as she did throughout 1883. As for John, he is in his 40s, married to his wife Emma, and they have a son named Jack. And though we don’t meet Spencer Dutton in 1883, we learn in 1923 that he is John’s younger brother. John Dutton I dies during a gunfight with sheep farmers early on in 1923, but the family lineage continues with Spencer.

There’s also Jacob Dutton (Harrison Ford) who is revealed to be James’ brother in 1923 and ultimately ends up raising James’ surviving children with his wife Cara (Helen Mirren).

What aren’t James and Margaret Dutton in 1923?

At the end of 1883, it’s presumed that James and Margaret Dutton go on to establish the family’s Yellowstone Ranch in Montana following the death of their daughter Elsa. They made a promise to each other that wherever she died is where they would stay, with Margaret vowing to visit her daughter’s grave every day until she was buried beside her.

So what happened to them? 1923 reveals that James Dutton died 10 years after settling in Montana from gunshot wounds he suffered while chasing horse thieves and Margaret froze to death in a snow drift sometime after her husband passed. James’ brother Jacob and his wife Cara go on to raise their sons, John I and Spencer, and take over operations at the Yellowstone Ranch.

The Dutton family’s story will continue in 1923 Season 2.

A lot has unfolded throughout 1883 and 1923 and we still don’t know who John Dutton III’s grandfather is. But more will surely be revealed when 1923 returns for Season 2. Hopefully very soon with Elsa narrating once again.

Review: Tree Hut Shave Oil Vs. Literally All Other Shaving Creams Out There

Even though I know it’s unattainable and probably the result of some serious photo retouching, I always find myself trying to get Barbie legs. You know how celebs on the red carpet always have the smoothest, shiniest, borderline plastic-looking gams? Yeah, those. But as someone with folliculitis — which means that anytime I shave, my hair follicles get inflamed, causing red, itchy bumps and sometimes ingrown hairs — flawless legs will never be my reality. But, with the help of the Tree Hut Bare Moisturizing Shave Oil, I can come just a little bit closer to having bump-free legs after shaving.

I’m always looking for new shaving creams and razors to try and reduce irritation while shaving. Because I live in Florida, shorts are pretty much always in season, and the red bumps (and subsequent scarring) on my legs don’t do wonders for my confidence. So when I happened across the Tree Hut shave oil on a trip to Ulta, I nabbed one right away. I had never tried a shave oil before, but creams weren’t doing me much good, so I thought I might as well give this one a go. That was around two years ago, and I’ve had a bottle of this stuff in my shower ever since.

Tree Hut Bare Moisturizing Shave Oil


  • Price: $12.99
  • Sizes: One size, 7.7 ounces
  • Scents: Moroccan rose, coconut lime, Tahitian vanilla bean, watermelon, and tropic glow (an amber and sandalwood blend)
  • Texture: A gel-like consistency that spreads into a thinner oil on skin

The ingredients

Tree Hut’s moisturizing shave oils have a gel to oil formula that’s meant to moisturize the skin and help razor blades glide as smoothly as possible while shaving. The active hydrating ingredients include shea butter, oat kernel extract, rosehip oil, Moroccan argan oil, and other natural oils, like grape and jojoba.

As for what you won’t find in the oil, you can rest assured the formula is free of alcohol, parabens, sulfates, and formaldehyde donors (compounds that release a small amount of formaldehyde over time to preserve the product). It’s also vegan.

The packaging

The Tree Hut Bare Moisturizing shave oils come in a slim, plastic bottle that fits easily even in showers with limited shelf space. The pump is a nice touch for easy use when juggling a razor at the same time, and helps you control the amount of product you dispense. The only downside here: The plastic pump isn’t super well made, so if it falls from a shelf in your shower, it can break off (this has happened to me, unfortunately, a lot).

The scents

I haven’t used all the scents this shave oil comes in, but I’ve tried quite a few, and I haven’t found a dud yet. The coconut lime is a tropical, juicy scent I love using in the summer months. It’s not overly sunscreen-y smelling, which coconut stuff can become sometimes. The Tahitian vanilla bean, on the other hand, is a warm, sultry fragrance that is perfect for fall and winter. Online, Tropic Glow has been likened to the cult favorite Sol de Janiero Brazilian Crush Cheirosa ’62 Bum Bum Hair & Body Fragrance Mist. For those who aren’t body spray experts, it’s a blend of salted caramel, pistachio, and vanilla, and seriously just so divine.

Rose and watermelon are not really my jam, so I can’t speak to their scents. They also come out with seasonal scents throughout the year that I’ve never tried (I’m always drawn back to the Tahitian vanilla bean). But based on the experience I have with the other three fragrances, I’d feel safe saying they probably smell fantastic, and last well on the skin after you leave the shower.

The results

After shaving with the Tree Hut shave oil, I can tell a slight difference in the closeness of the shave compared to when I use shaving cream or whatever body wash is in the shower at the time. And when you have dark hair and fair skin, a close shave matters a lot, lest your legs and armpits develop a five o’clock shadow by the next morning.

For me, the shave oil really shines at minimizing razor bumps and irritation. I don’t know why exactly it works so well at being so glide-y, I just know it does, and it makes a difference for my ultra sensitive skin. I have fewer bumps and redness using this, and when I get out of the shower, my legs don’t feel tight or dry. Don’t get me wrong, I still slap on some Eucerin ASAP, but it’s not a race against the clock.

Pros & cons


  • Tree Hut shave oils are vegan, sulfate-free, alcohol-free, and paraben-free.
  • The scent lingers on your skin, especially the Tahitian vanilla bean, in my experience.
  • After shaving and toweling dry, my legs don’t instantly feel tight and itchy like they do after shaving with other products. Not having to dash straight for the lotion is a nice feeling.


  • The Tree Hut shave oil is clear. Unlike a shaving cream, you can’t easily see where you’ve already shaved, so it takes a little extra attention.
  • It is heavily fragranced, which can be irritating to sensitive skin.
  • If the bottle falls off a shelf in the shower, the pump tends to break off easily. Of course you can still unscrew the cap and use the product, but it’s less convenient for sure.

Final verdict

In the grand scheme of things, a shaving product is probably not going to change anyone’s life. But, if you deal with irritation after shaving, like razor bumps, ingrowns, or scarring, you know how uncomfortable they feel, and the effect they can have on your confidence. The Tree Hut shave oil isn’t specifically marketed as a product that prevents these things, but it sure works for me. And even if all you want is a shiny smooth shave, well, you can achieve it with this.


Once you try this shave oil, shaving cream will immediately become a thing of your past.

Had To Share highlights the products and finds that Romper editors and contributors love so much, we just had to share in the group chat.

32 April Baby Names For Your Spring Baby

The month of April, filled with fresh blooms and new beginnings, is an amazing time to have a baby. And there’s no shortage of inspiration for April baby names that celebrate the month’s association with all things spring. Here’s a fresh pick of names for your own little sprout.

When it’s time to name your April baby, consider all the amazing monikers related to the season. There are so many beautiful spring-themed names associated with the plants (and especially flowers) that the season is known for, so definitely consider your own favorite flowers as a potential name. Other natural sources of inspiration, such as those famous April showers, also come into play. (If you’re into this idea, then there are plenty more nature-inspired baby names to consider such as Idra or Sage.)

But changing seasons are hardly the only source of inspiration. Don’t forget there are two zodiac signs that show up in the month of April, which are Aries (March 21 to April 19) and Taurus (April 21 to May 21). Then there’s the birthstone — and April has a great one — and even birth flowers. Lastly, so many holidays that you can use for inspiration occur in April, including some pretty unexpected ones that would make a great “so how did you decide to name your baby?” story one day.

These meaningful and sometimes whimsical names are all perfect for your baby born in April.

April names for baby girls


Odeletta is French for “little spring,” which feels like an apropos nature-inspired name for your baby girl born during the spring season.


This name, of British origin, is a climbing evergreen plant that is strong, long-lasting, and always growing.


Cherry Blossoms bloom early spring, from March through April. If checking out the Cherry Blossoms when they peak is one of your favorite springtime activities, it’s a sweet way to incorporate something that is important to you.


Meaning “to open,” the name April is of Latin origin and Greek mythology tells us that the month of April was named after Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty.


If April is too on-the-nose, why not consider Avirl, which is French for “April.”


Meaning “meadow flower,” the name Clover is of English origin. As a sweet bonus, your child will always have the word “love” right in the middle of their name.


One of the birth flowers for the month of April (the other is Sweet Pea), Daisy is a quintessential springtime flower.


April’s birthstone is the diamond. No need to elaborate further.


Meaning “flower,” Flora is also the Roman goddess of flower and vegetation, which feels especially spot on for this time of year.


Of Japanese origin, this beautiful name means “spring flower.”


Meaning “ram,” the name Aries is a solid choice for parents who enjoy zodiac-inspired names.


The Greek goddess of the earth, Gaia is another option that celebrates mother nature.


The word Iris means “rainbow,” and it’s also the name of a type of flower with especially showy petals.


Gorgeous, vibrant Poppies bloom in late spring. Poppy means “from the flower” and is of Latin origin.


World Book Day falls on April 23, and if you are a bibliophile (or hope your child becomes one), Page (or Paige) might be the perfect name for your child.


Meaning “spring of water,” the name Izumi is a bright and lovely choice.

April names for baby boys


Easter Sunday sometimes lands in May, but it typically occurs during March. This French name means “Easter Child,” so if the holiday and its history are important to you, this name is a strong choice.


Continuing the Aries baby name trend, consider options that reflect this fire sign. Blaze is a strong, fiery name for any baby.


Meaning “good fortune,” the name Chance is of British origin, and here’s a fun bit of trivia to consider: National Take a Chance Day falls on April 23.


Originally a name for those who worked with clay, the nature-inspired name Clay is especially fitting for babies born under the sign of Taurus, which is an earth sign.


Did you have a bullish Taurus baby? The name Ethan means “strength,” a quality that the Taurus sign is famous for having.


Meaning “bull,” the name Fintan is another excellent option for your Taurus baby. Plus Finn is an adorable nickname.


Another earthy name, Flint refers to a type of stone that his historically used to make stones and start fires.


You won’t hear this name often at the playground. Ackley is an English name that means “oak meadow” and oak trees symbolize all the best characteristics in a person: strength, stability, justice, and longevity.


Bentley is an English name that means “meadow with coarse grass,” and April is quite possibly the month when you really notice the grass transforming in color from a dull wheat to vibrant green.

Gender-neutral April baby names


The name Indra is of Sanskrit origin and means “possessing drops of rain.” It’s a nod to those famous April showers.

Sunny or Sonny

The sun always seems to shine extra brightly between moments of rain. When those pockets of April sunshine are one of your favorite things about the season, consider Sunny or Sonny for a boy or girl.


We seem to think about water a lot during the month of April, when we expect frozen bodies of water to melt and a little more rainfall than usual. Like its definition, Brooke means “water” or “small stream.”


This name of Latin origin has been ramping up in popularity in recent years.


Although the name Leif really means “descendent” or “heir,” the name just sounds so much like the word leaf which is the sweetest nod to nature.


Another April name of Sanskrit origin, this lovely name means “spring.”


This name is a straightforward ode to the especially rainy month of April. Rayne and Raine are some alternate spellings.

Whether you look look to nature, astrology, or mythology when considering your baby’s name, consider these lovely, meaningful April names for your springtime baby.

'Harold The Iceberg Melts Down' Is The Perfect Picture Book For Kids With Anxiety

My 8-year-old daughter, Alice, is a worrier. She’s one of those kids who listens to everything and everyone, and really feels tragic events and stories, so she does a lot of “spiraling.” She once heard a story about a kid swallowing a coin and blocking his own airways and then spent the next two days chewing up food and spitting it out because she was afraid it would be too big for her to swallow and she’d block her airway. Talking to her about these spirals has only made her feel helpless, until we introduced her to a brand new children’s book, Harold the Iceberg Melts Down, written by Lisa Wyzlic and illustrated by Rebecca Syracuse.

The anxiety my daughter experiences isn’t debilitating — after some time of spiraling, we can get her back to feeling safe — but it is exhausting, and it’s often hard to parent when you’re constantly worried about your kid’s worries. And this beautiful picture book, featuring whimsical illustrations of Harold, a head of iceberg lettuce, and all his pals in the refrigerator really seems to get just how exhausting those spirals are — for the ones who are spiraling and for the ones who love them.

In the story, Harold is a known worrier, but when he watches a documentary about the icebergs melting, he really begins to panic. After all, he is a type of iceberg, too. How can he prevent himself from melting? What can he do about it? His friends manage to point out to him that he’s not an actual iceberg, but an iceberg lettuce, which pleases him for a bit — until he remembers real icebergs are still melting. Now what?

As a kid who also worried now parenting a worrier, this book made me cry a bit with how perfect it gets the “spirals.” Harold’s mind literally can not settle, and even when his friends try the calm-down methods they know often help him, he struggles. And when he works through his original worry, but there are still concerning things happening, he has to deal with those, too. It’s like peeling back all of the anxiety to find what’s really bothering you — and making it more manageable to deal with.

The author tells me that if Harold has to be based on anybody, it’s her. “I am a deeply anxious person and while it wasn’t my intention to model him after myself, it was really easy for me to get my brain into that anxious headspace,” Wyzlic explains. But she shares that she generally keeps her own meltdowns to herself, “which isn’t healthy,” she adds, and that the character of Harold is teaching her to be more “open and honest about it.” I think she’s nailed it. My 8-year-old’s first reaction while reading this story was, “Oh! He’s like me.”

I asked Wyzlic and Syracuse both about character and design choices in the story, how they hope people relate to Harold, and the work they did in showing Harold’s feelings.

'Harold the Iceberg Melts Down' written by Lisay Wyzlic, illustrated by Rebecca Syracuse

My favorite part is how Harold’s friends try to be patient with his meltdown, but ultimately have to try and steer him in a better direction.

LW: This is probably my favorite part, too. Through writing Harold, I had to think about how his friends handle this. While I wanted the situation to be funny, I didn’t want Harold’s feelings to be treated like a joke, so that narrowed down the potential responses from his friends. I also didn’t want it to be the well-intentioned, but overall pretty unhelpful, “Well, just stop thinking/worrying about it!” So, it became an opportunity to not only be a silly book, but show the kind of ways friends can interact with and help a friend with anxiety. Including just letting your friend screech their worries at you for a while.

My 8-year-old sees so much of herself in Harold. How does it feel to write a character that is so relatable for both kids and adults?

LW: I love that people of any age can relate to Harold, and more specifically that they can talk about the ways in which they relate to Harold through discussing the book. I know I personally don’t always know how to express or describe what I’m feeling when it comes to my mental health until I see someone else say it, and then I’m like “Yes, that! That’s my brain!”

Are there future plans for Harold the Iceberg?

LW: Harold has a sequel in the works where he explores some more Big Feelings! We are expecting it to come out spring of next year.

The illustrations of Harold with his friends convey so many emotions. What do you look for when trying to show emotions in characters that don’t normally have expressions, like vegetables?

RS: Giving something like, say, a head of lettuce, a full range of human emotions presents a really fun challenge for an illustrator! Arms and eyes do a lot of heavy lifting in making them feel expressive, but if you look closely, you can find other ways to make them feel even more human. Harold for example has his floppy combover hair! When it hangs over his eyes we can make him feel sad or shy. When his leaves are all out of sorts we can make him feel manic or out-of-control. There are little details on all of the characters we can manipulate to give them even more life, even if they’re just vegetables.

I noticed a lot of the more anxiety-riddled pages (like when Harold is hearing about icebergs and panicking to his friends) are darker palettes, but when he's counting or blowing bubbles, the pages are lighter/more open. Was this an intentional choice?

RS: We were very intentional with our color choices in Harold! Color can do just as much storytelling in a picture book as the drawings themselves! For Harold, the pages where Harold’s friends attempt to pull him out of his spiral are brighter. We wanted to show with these brighter colors that the attempts to pull Harold back to reality do work (if only briefly!). When the friends finally get through to Harold with the suggestion of blowing bubbles, we used a soft, comforting pink hue, which is really different than anything else you see in the book. It’s also the first time we see Harold calmed.

Which was your favorite character to draw?

RS: My favorite character to draw was the king oyster mushroom on the last spread! His expression totally cracks me up — he’s just drawing a sign and doing his best to contribute and participate. I can relate!

Harold the Iceberg Melts Down is available now to purchase at major retailers, including Amazon, for $18.99.

Jason Ritter Struggled With Alcoholism Early In Relationship With Melanie Lynskey

Jason Ritter and Melanie Lynskey are one of those amazing Hollywood couples who just seem perfect for each other. When you look at them you can’t help but think yes, that is exactly right. We can all agree they are a great fit, but because of his own battles with alcoholism, it took some time for Jason Ritter to realize this. Not because he didn’t see his future wife as a wonderful person, as he explained in an emotional interview on The Drew Barrymore Show. He struggled to believe he deserved to be with her.

The couple, who have been married since 2018 and share a 4-year-old daughter, sat down to chat with Drew Barrymore about the moment they each knew the other was “the one” for them. For Lynskey it was all about her dog. They had been running into each other over the years at different events (although Ritter kept forgetting who she was) when they eventually starred in a movie together and started dating. At the time, Lynskey had an older dog whose health was failing, and Ritter got up with her dog through the night. “I think it was at that point that I was like, ‘I could have a child with this man,’” Lynskey shared.

Things were different for Ritter, who suddenly lost his dad, actor John Ritter, in 2003 when the Three’s Company star was just 55 years old. “I knew how incredible Melanie was early on, but it’s not as cute of a story as you would like to think. It was messy and interesting and weird,” he explained to Barrymore. “But mixed in the mix... I was dealing with some alcoholism issues.”

“At a point I knew how amazing she was, and I thought she would be incredible for someone who deserved her, basically,” Ritter said, holding back tears. “I didn’t feel like I was that person.”

Ritter went on to explain that it “was only a maybe year into not drinking where I started to go ‘Oh, maybe I can promise some things to someone else. Maybe I can be this person.’ It’s been like a slow burn.”

“I knew that she was incredible,” Ritter continued. “It was working on myself enough to feel like maybe I could be the one for her too.”

Lynskey, and presumably the rest of the audience, was in tears after Ritter’s admission. “He worked so hard, I’m so proud of him,” she said of her husband. After the interview aired, Ritter tweeted a shout-out to his wife thanking her “for having me in the first place.”

For her part, Lynskey tweeted, “So proud of my husband and of Drew for their vulnerability and openness here. These are two of the kindest, strongest, best people I know.”

As for Barrymore, she explained that she understood all too well where Ritter was coming from. The mom of two has been open about staying single while not having a drink in four years, adding in their conversation that “the narrative I create is that I can’t be with someone.”

Jason Ritter’s moment of vulnerability will hopefully help someone else going through a similar situation. Because he clearly found his person. And she found him.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Blake Lively Trolls Ryan Reynolds After First Public Appearance With Baby #4

Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively recently enjoyed a family day out after welcoming their fourth baby. They were in Wales to watch a soccer match between York City and Wrexham AFC, the soccer team Reynolds co-owns with Rob McElhenney. The couple also brought their four children with them to cheer on Wrexham as they won their match. A day out with four small children is no easy feat, particularly in a different country. How did Blake Lively mark the auspicious occasion? With some light trolling of her husband. So...the usual.

The couple welcomed their fourth child earlier this year, although they have kept details like the sex, name, and birthdate of their new little one to themselves. Lively used Super Bowl Sunday back in February as the moment to share that she had “been busy” with a photo of herself no longer being pregnant, but that was it.

The mom of four is still busy of course, but not so busy that she can’t get in a little light teasing of her husband. After Wrexham won their match on Sunday, Lively celebrated by trolling her husband with a throwback to his old television series, Two Guys, A Girl, & A Pizza Place, which aired for four seasons from 1998 to 2001. Except in a “tale of two photos” Lively shared on Instagram, where she is seen hugging both Reynolds and McElhenney after a Wrexham win, though Reynolds looks to be struggling a bit to get in the frame. “Two Guys A Girl and a Football Place,” Lively wrote on her Instagram Story.

The dad of four seemed pretty happy just to have his family with him, to be honest. After keeping quiet about his growing family, Reynolds was willing to share in a February interview that “everyone is actually doing fantastic” while also admitting “it’s a zoo over here.”

Just a month later, Reynolds and Lively decided to take the zoo, also known as 8-year-old daughter James, 6-year-old daughter Inez, 3-year-old daughter Betty, and a newborn baby, on the road with them all the way to Wales to support Wrexham in their soccer match.

They even took photos on the pitch before the match.

The proud parents also made sure to snap a quick couple’s selfie to commemorate the special day.

We might not know much about the couple’s fourth baby, but we can guess two things. They’ll be a big Wrexham fan for sure. And they’ll presumably have a solid sense of humor.