If you buy into the marketing, Valentine's Day may appear to be predominantly for adults. But remember the thrill of hours spent glue sticking just the right amount of glitter onto a paper heart you made for your elementary crush or BFF? Or how much you loved getting a little extra love and affection from your parents? Valentine’s is just as important, arguably more so, for kids and if you want to help them channel their inner Cupid, teach them these Valentine’s Day Poems for kids.
These little ditties explain love at its most basic level: telling someone that ‘hey, I think you’re pretty great.’ Are they silly and saccharine? Sure. But isn’t that what all this lovely dovey February 14 stuff is all about? Making someone feel special with a little spectacle, a little sparkle, and hopefully a little sweetness too. Even better? One of these poems comes with accompanying hand motions so your child can put on a full V-Day performance (and who doesn’t love that?).
The best part about these little rhymes though is that your child will likely remember them for years to come, a sweet memory you can savor from their most tender Valentine’s years.
“Bushel & a Peck” by Frank Loesser
Sometimes song lyrics are the perfect poem and that’s the truth with this 1950 classic Doris Day sang in the musical Guys & Dolls. I can’t tell you how many times my grandma sang this to me as a child and now I sing it to my son.
I love you a bushel and a peck
A bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck
A hug around the neck and a barrel and a heap
A barrel and a heap and I'm talkin' in my sleep
About you, about you
'Cause I love you a bushel and a peck
You bet your purdy neck I do
“Oh, Will, you be my Valentine” by anonymous
Poems that are easy to kids to understand and recite are often their favorite and this one is just that. The repetitive nature of the stanzas makes it easy to learn so they can run off and say it to their buddies.
Oh, Will, you be my Valentine,
My valentine, my valentine?
Oh, will you be my valentine,
And love me every day?
Oh, yes, I’ll be your valentine,
Your valentine,
Your valentine
Oh, yes, I’ll be your valentine,
And love you every day!
“Love is a Circle” by anonymous

I like this poem for kids because it uses simple illustrations to demonstrate how love works. Love is all around us, like a circle and it whirls and twirls us around — ain’t that the truth?
Love is a circle,
Round and round,
Love goes up,
And love comes down,
Love is on the inside,
Trying to get out,
Love is whirling and twirling about!
“Red hearts, White Hearts” By Nellie Edge
I can almost hear the thrum of a jump rope keeping time to this rhythmic poem on a playground. The sing-song style is perfect for elementary memorization.
Red hearts, White hearts,
Pink hearts, too.
I like Purple hearts.
How about you?
Green hearts, Yellow hearts,
Blue hearts, too.
I like rainbow hearts.
How about you?
“Love” by Shel Silverstein
This poem works best when the child can see author Shel Silverstein’s accompanying illustration, a child holding a sign with the letter V on it. Still, if you can describe that image to a kid, I think they’ll still see the humor.
Ricky was “L” but he’s home with the flu
Lizzie, our “O”, had some homework to do.
Mitchell, “E”, prob’ly got lost on the way,
So I’m all of love that could make it today.
“When I say love” by anonymous
I don’t know who came up with this little poem, but I’m guessing it was a brilliant elementary school teacher. Just imagine a classroom of tiny tots acting out this darling little message? Hear that? That was the sound of my heart bursting.
When I say I love you
(point to lips)
It comes from my heart
(hand on heart)
You hear it in your ear
(point to ear)
And it sounds very smart
(point to head)
"Love Is Like A Cabbage"
This cute poem is short and sweet. What's not to like about Valentine's Day poems that are also about vegetables? And there are actually more vegetable-themed Valentine's Day poems than you might think.
My love is like a cabbage
Divided into two,
The leaves I give to others,
The heart I give to you.
"Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue"
An oldie, but a goodie, "Roses Are Red" is a kid-friendly poem that's good for all ages. This modern take on the more formal variations of old is easy for even younger kids to understand.
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Sugar is sweet,
And so are you.
"I carry your heart with me (I carry it in my heart)" By E.E. Cummings

This classic poem by famous American poet E.E. Cummings maybe isn't the most traditional choice for kids, but if you're a parent, this sweet poem about love and always carrying someone else's heart with you might be a great choice to share with slightly older children. It's sometimes used in wedding vows, as well, so it's a good one for adults too.
i carry your heart with me
(i carry it in my heart)
i am never without it
(anywhere i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling)
"Bears Love Honey"
Another good one for parents and children to share together, this poem is short, which is good for kids, but also really easy to understand. For the most part, they'll probably already be very familiar with everything in the poem.
Bears love honey,
Flowers love dew,
Bankers love money,
And I love you.
"I Like Hearts" By Nellie Edge
If you have a little one learning shapes and colors, this is the perfect Valentine's Day poem for them. Coloring a holiday-themed picture or even sharing a little bit of candy while looking over this poem would make for a full-on Valentine's Day activity. It's also a song that can be sung to the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star."
Red hearts, White hearts,
Pink hearts, too.
I like Purple hearts.
How about you?
Green hearts, Yellow hearts,
Blue hearts, too.
I like rainbow hearts.
How about you?
"I Love You More Than Applesauce" By Jack Prelutsky
This cute poem is good for Valentine's Day because it's about both love, of course, and just about every sweet treat you can think of. American poet Jack Prelutsky has written many books for kids, so it makes sense that some of his poems are perfectly-suited to little eyes and ears as well.
I love you more than applesauce,
Than peaches and a plum,
Than chocolate hearts,
And cherry tarts,
And berry bubblegum.
"My Mother's Chocolate Valentine" By Jack Prelutsky
Another kid-friendly Valentine's Day poem written by Jack Prelutsky. This funny poem will be oh-so-relatable to kids and moms alike, who've seen sweet gifts like a box of chocolate vanish as quickly as they appeared once the kids got ahold of them. It's the thought that counts though, right?
I bought a box of chocolate hearts,
A present for my mother,
They looked so good I tasted one,
And then I tried another.
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