If you plan to celebrate World Read Aloud Day on Feb. 5, you're going to want a list of some classic books to read aloud to your kids. This list features classic picture books to entertain young kids as well as more advanced chapter books with charming, memorable characters that both you and your kids can enjoy.
Started by LitWorld in 2010 in order to celebrate the joy of reading, as well as advocate for literacy worldwide, World Read Aloud Day has morphed into a worldwide phenomenon over the past 11 years. You can celebrate on Feb. 5 by reading aloud to and with your kids.
You will likely remember many of these titles from your own childhood, and sharing them with your children is likely to stir up many memories that you can share with your kids. Even if you are reading them for the first time, they will delight your soul and warm your heart as you read them out loud with your children.
Whether you opt for one of these 30 classics or decide to go with a more modern tale, you can't go wrong cuddling up and enjoying the benefits of reading aloud with your kids.
A Classic Adventure
This beloved children's book is a staple in our house, and one that my boys knew by heart even before they could read on their own. Reading the imaginative adventures of Max in Where the Wild Things Are aloud with your kids is the perfect way to celebrate World Read Aloud Day.
Enchanting Illustrations
Because the illustrations in this classic children's book are the main draw for most kids, it's easy to keep them entranced while you read about the journey of The Very Hungry Caterpillar aloud on World Reading Day. (Also it's really fun to get super animated as you list all the foods the caterpillar ate.)
A Book That's Better Than The Movie
If your kids love watching the movies about the fantasy candy-themed world of Willy Wonka, they will surely enjoy hearing you read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory aloud on World Read Aloud Day. The descriptive scenes in the story will truly come alive for your kids, and don't forget those English accents.
A Timeless Tale Of Sisterhood
Celebrate sisterly love when you read Beverly Cleary's timeless classic Beezus and Ramona aloud to your kids. You and your kids will enjoy laugh-out-loud moments as Ramona pesters her sister Beezus, as well as tender moments that siblings of any age can relate to and learn from.
A Favorite By Judy Blume
If you haven't re-read Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing as an adult, you can take advantage of the opportunity to do just that on World Read Aloud Day. Best suited for kids who are in the thick of elementary school antics, Judy Blume takes readers inside the world of Peter and his little brother Fudge, and you can experience all of the laughter and joy of reading this classic aloud with your kids.
Barnyard Friendship
When you read Charlotte's Web aloud with your children, you will undoubtedly be just as enamored with the characters as you were as a child yourself. E.B. White's classic story of Charlotte the spider, Wilbur the pig, Fern, and all of their barnyard friends is as endearing and heartwarming as it gets.
A Book To Read At Bedtime
Although you might have read Goodnight Moon exactly one million times when your kids were babies, the sweet story about telling everything in the "great green room" goodnight likely still holds the ability to put them immediately to sleep — a theory you can test at bedtime on World Read Aloud Day.
Hop Into A Classic
Children of all ages can enjoy the classic book The Tale of Peter Rabbit as you read aloud on World Reading Day, following along with the adventures of Peter and his friends as they live and play in Mr. McGregor's garden.
Magic & Mystery For All Ages
What better day to introduce your kids to a magical world full of wizardry than on World Read Aloud Day? Whether you're reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone for the first time or the hundredth, J.K. Rowling's imaginative characters and mythical places will literally jump off the page and set up shop in your heart.
A Whimsical Journey
I still remember reading this book for the first time as a kid and being absolutely enchanted by the story. If your kids love The Chronicles of Narnia movies, they will surely love hearing you read the book that started it all — The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe — aloud on World Read Aloud Day.
Life In Pioneering Times
My kids love when I read Little House on the Prairie to them. They get wrapped up in the descriptions of life on the rural plains as the Ingalls family travels to their new home and begins to settle in. There is just something about the pioneer life that kids love to hear about over and over again.
Reading In Rhyme
Is there a better choice to read aloud with your kids on World Read Aloud Day than the iconic Dr. Seuss classic The Cat in the Hat? Probably not. Your kids might know this one by heart, but hearing the rhyming adventures of the mischievous title character never gets old.
Color The World
This charming classic tale of Harold and his adventures with his trusty purple crayon takes me right back to my childhood. Reading Harold and the Purple Crayon aloud with your kids is a timeless experience.
Classically Corageous
A courageous heroine, a caring teacher, the classic image of 12 girls in two straight lines on a Paris street, and a rhyming scheme that never fails to enchant, Madeline is the perfect choice.
A Coming-Of-Age Tale
Since 1908, Anne of Green Gables has captured the hearts of adults and children alike with the heartwarming adventures of an orphan set on majestic Prince Edward Island. The coming-of-age story is perfect for reading aloud with your kids on World Read Aloud Day.
A Book To Inspire Journaling
Although Diary of a Wimpy Kid was first published in 2004, it has quickly become a modern classic and is beloved by kids and parents alike all over the world thanks to the relatable lives of Greg and the entire Heffley family as they wade through typical family dynamics with plenty of hilarious antics.
Travel Through Time
If your kids enjoyed the Disney adaptation of A Winkle in Time, it may be time to introduce them to the classic novel by Madeline L'Engle that inspired the film. Reading this beloved adventure tale aloud with your kids can open their eyes to the story in an entirely new way.
A Quirky Adventure
Your kids may be familiar with the storyline of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland thanks to a plethora of movies and picture books, but hearing Lewis Carroll's original tale read aloud by mom or dad is a unique experience that kids will surely enjoy on World Read Aloud Day.
All About A Winter Day
Written and gorgeously illustrated by Ezra Jack Keats, the 1962 picture book The Snowy Day follows a young boy as he explores his neighborhood after the season's first snowfall. This classic book is one cherished by so many children, and you can enjoy reading it together with your kids on World Read Aloud Day.
An Everlasting Love
This book was likely a mainstay in your child's nighttime book rotation when they were a baby. Celebrate World Read Aloud Day by remembering all of the incredible moments you spent reading the heartwarming words of Love You Forever to your child by reading it to them again.
A Classic Based On Real Life
Tar Beach by Faith Ringgold is partially based on the author's own childhood experiences growing up in Harlem. Her perspective shines through in this imaginative book where the main character, Cassie, daydreams that she's able to fly high over the rooftops, taking in all the world has to offer.
Bunny Love
You probably read this classic tale about a beloved bunny and his mom around Easter every year, but it's also a timeless tale to turn to for World Read Aloud Day. Crack open Guess How Much I Love You with your kiddos — just be sure to have some tissues handy.
A Curious Tale Of Friendship
This children's picture book debuted way back in 1968 and has been delighting kids and families ever since. Read all about a department store teddy bear name Corduroy and his quest for friendship in this adorable book.
Where Generosity & Gratitude Abound
When it comes to kids' books, it doesn't get much more classic than the work of esteemed author Shel Silverstein. If you grew up loving Silverstein's words and wisdom, World Read Aloud Day is the perfect opportunity to introduce your own kids to The Giving Tree.
A Book About A Magical Place
I remember getting lost within the pages of The Secret Garden as a young girl. Even though my own kids aren't quite ready to tackle the novel on their own, they love hearing me read this tale of courage, mystery, and a magical place.
Encouragement In Written Form
If it's been a while since you took a look at the classic Dr. Seuss picture book Oh, The Places You'll Go! you're sure to be delighted by the inspiring message inside when you read it together with your kids. Filled with encouraging words, it's just timeless.
Fun With Rhymes
I had nearly forgotten that Chicka Chicka Boom Boom existed until my son came home from kindergarten singing the words from this classic book with tons of catchy rhymes. We promptly ordered a copy, and it's just so much fun to read along with the letters as they journey up the coconut tree.
The Ultimate Train Story
If your kids are as obsessed with trains as mine, they're sure to love listening along as you read The Little Engine That Could on World Read Aloud Day. First published in 1930, the tale of a train who just won't give up still holds up today.
When One Thing Leads To Another
Perfect for beginning readers to follow along with, If You Give A Mouse A Cookie is likely to garner more than a few giggles as your kids hear about all the things a hungry little mouse will do. This silly story is one your kids will beg for over and over again.
A Mouse On A Mission
Another timeless story by E.B. White that your children are sure to enjoy is the memorable tale of a courageous mouse. While Stuart Little is full of adventure, the book also shares plenty of life lessons within its pages.
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