Snow days have arrived, and with them (at least in a child’s eyes) the opportunity for all kinds of Instagram-worthy outdoor fun, from snowman building to sledding, snowball fights to snow angel-making. From the West to the East, winter weather is in full effect across the country (even Texans might find themselves in need of a snowy day Instagram caption), and we’ve got 32 to choose from.
Whether you pick a punny or poignant caption, snow days evoke all the childhood feels: Memories of coming in frozen from hours spent outside only to sit down to a warm grilled cheese and tomato soup lunch; epic blizzards when your family had to hunker down by the fire to stay warm. Whatever the case, these days only come but once a year, so you have to capture the magic while you can. What better way than with a charming Insta montage of your bitty babies having a snowball fight? And to stick the landing, you’ll need a killer caption like one of these.
"My little frosted flakes."
With snowflakes on their noses and eyelashes, your kids might really look like a couple of frosted flakes, so this caption is perfect.
"She's a little flakey."
Again with the flake puns? Yes, of course. How can you not seize the opportunity to pull out some four-star dad jokes?
"Ice, ice, babies."
Vanilla Ice would be so proud. Ok, we can’t back that up. But come on, this one is too good not to use.
“Now, what cooler than being cool? Ice cold!” — Outkast
Gotta love an Outkast reference. It says “I’m a millennial mom who can still hang,” right?
"Chillax, kids."
That’s what all the cool kids are saying these days, aren’t they? Chillax? Well, there’s nothing more chill than literally freezing your tootsies off playing in the snow.
"Cold hands, warm heart."
This is just a sweet little something that seems appropriate if your little snow angel runs in with icy paws.
“The cold never bothered us anyway.” — Frozen
Elsa gets it. And we’re guessing so do your kids.
"Snowflakes are winter's butterflies."
This Instagram caption is perfect for that photo you capture as your child is in mid-twirl with outstretched arms amidst a gentle snowfall. Ah, pure blissful magic.
"Snow much fun!"
Soak in the absolute joy that your kids are having as they have snowball fights, build a snowman, and make the requisite snow angel in that freshly-fallen powder by using this punny Instagram caption of your kids' snowy day.
"Do you want to build a snowman?" — 'Frozen'

Song lyrics are always a prime choice for an Instagram caption, so use these Frozen lyrics with a photo of your kids building an actual snowman if you want to score major cool points with the 8-and-under crowd.
"There's snow place like home."
When your kids are home from school on a snow day and you've had your fill of trying to keep them entertained inside, bundle them up and send them outside to play in the snow, snap a pic, and use this Instagram caption for the precious memory you capture.
"Up to snow good."
Another pun to capture your kid's snow-filled antics, this Instagram caption for your kid's snowy day perfectly describes a day full of snow play.
"To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake, it is necessary to stand out in the cold." — Aristotle
Standing out in the cold is not high up on my to-do list, but I will most definitely make the sacrifice in order to capture a few precious snaps of my kids playing in the snow to share over on the 'gram.
"When life gives you snow, make snow angels."
You know your kid is going to make at least one snow angel (if not 50), so use this Instagram caption to capture the moment on social media forever.
"Friends don't let friends play in snow alone."
If your kid has gotten together with their buddies to enjoy a snowy day, this is the perfect Instagram caption to illustrate just how much fun they're having together.
"Winter is not a season, it's a celebration." — Anamika Mishra
What better occasion is there to celebrate than a fresh snowfall? Use this quote as an Instagram caption for your kids' snowy day when you want to celebrate the magic of the season.
"You're never too old for a snowball fight."

This Instagram caption is perfect for a selfie of you building a stash of snowballs to bombard your kiddos with on a snowy day. Just be sure to take some pics of your kids mid-snowball fight to use as evidence that they weren't in fact defenseless when you ambushed them with snowballs.
"Don't be fooled by the smiles, I couldn't feel my toes when I took this."
For those days when it is just unreasonably cold, but your kids insist on playing out in the snow, this Instagram caption will describe all of your snowy day feels.
"No snowflake ever falls in the wrong place." — Unknown
This quote is ideal for using as an Instagram caption when you've caught a photo of your kids attempting to catch snowflakes on their tongue. There is literally nothing more adorable.
"The first snow is like the first love." — Lara Biyuts
When you capture a photo of your kids playing together out in the first snowfall of the year, your heart will soar. This Instagram caption perfectly sums up that feeling.
"Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!"
This classic song lyric perfectly epitomizes your child's excitement and enthusiasm on a snowy day. Although it's traditionally heard mostly at Christmas time, the lyric is also fitting to use as an Instagram caption of your kids playing in the snow any time of year.
"Everything's magical when it snows. Everything's pretty." — Lorelai Gilmore
Sometimes the best life lessons are taught by quoting Gilmore Girls. This Lorelai Gilmore quote about winter snowfalls is spot-on for using as an Instagram caption for your kids' snowy day.
"Cold hands, warm heart."
Sure, you may not be able to feel your fingertips, but seeing how happy your kids are playing out in the snow just warms your heart right up.
"A snowball in the face is surely the perfect beginning to a lasting friendship." — Markus Zusak
If you capture a photo of your kids and their friends going all out in a snowball fight war, this quote can be the perfect Instagram caption to accompany that picture.
"All about that winter white."

As a mom who rarely gets to witness her kids playing in the snow, when I finally do get the chance, I truly am all about it. This Instagram caption is great for moms who are soaking up every single moment of their kids' snow play.
"This might be our chilliest adventure yet."
This quote is perfect to use as an Instagram caption if your kids' snowy day is a rare occasion, or you happen to be on vacation soaking up all that a winter snowfall has to offer.
"Say 'freeze!'"
When your kids are cheesing for the camera on a snowy day, this Instagram caption can capture all of their enthusiasm and the frigid temps all at once.
"Like a scene from a snow globe."
If you snap a pic of your kids laughing and playing while snow flurries fall all around them, this Instagram caption will put the magic of their snowy day play into perspective for your followers. After all, your kids probably do feel like they're playing inside of a giant snow globe.
"Got snow?"
Simple, classic, and to the point. The photo you include with this Instagram caption of your kids' snowy day will answer its own question.
"It’s a beautiful day to go outside and remind myself why I stay inside."
For the parent who truly doesn't enjoy being outside in the freezing temps while their kids take their sweet time making a billion snow angels, this Instagram caption is perfection.
"This weather is snow joke."
So punny. If you catch a picture of your kids playing in a couple of feet of snow while more falls from the sky, this is the Instagram caption you'll want to have on hand.
"Jack Frost is nipping at their noses."
A nod to the classic holiday tune, this Instagram caption for your kids' snowy day is perfect for a photo of your kids while they frolic and play against the backdrop of a pristine snowfall.
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