Thursday, February 11, 2021

Your Valentine's Day 2021 Horoscope, According To Astrologers

Let’s be brutally honest here. The pandemic has affected everyone’s love lives — some for the better, and some, well, for the worse. Although there might be a bunch of super cute quarantine babies being born right about now, you might have other couples desperately looking for a lawyer as they prepare to consciously uncouple. So as 2021 is looking a whole lot like 2020’s evil stepmother, you probably want to know what your Valentine’s Day horoscope is looking like, because really, you don’t need any more surprises right now (especially romantic ones).

Well, get ready to buckle up, because many of the zodiac signs are sure to ride a romantic rollercoaster in 2021. But before you worry, keep in mind that your love life will most likely take a turn for the better as the year progresses. In the meantime, the Mercury retrograde (occurring from January 30-February 21) is what might make things a little wonky, reported. And wouldn’t you know it, Valentine’s Day falls right in the middle of it all. Sigh. “Mercury will be retrograde, joining forces with Venus, the planet of love in Aquarius this Valentine’s Day,” astrologers Ophira and Tali Edut (known as The AstroTwins) tell Romper in an email. “Nostalgia, blasts from the past and a few communication mishaps are all on deck for Valentine’s Day 2021.”

If you want to know whether your love life is going to be luscious (or lackluster), read on to find out what the stars say regarding romance in 2021.


Aries will be lucky in love for Valentine’s Day. “It will be an evening full of magical moments, and with Mercury and Venus in Aquarius, an exciting, passionate, and sexual energy surrounds you,” Kelli Thomas, an astrologer, tells Romper in an email. But the romance lasts far beyond one night — Thomas says that your relationships will grow stronger as the year goes on.


Home-loving Taurus will probably be happy to spend this V. Day safely at home, celebrating with their sweetie. “Pick up a meal from your favorite fancy restaurant and break out the good dishes and candles to reprise the vibe at home,” the AstroTwins advise. And if you feel like getting in touch with nature (which is something that earthy Taurus is always down for), a moonlit stroll or after dessert nature walk can create even better bonding between you and your sweetie.


Intimacy is on the agenda for Gemini come February 14. “The sky above on V. Day is looking beautiful for those in love,” says Thomas. “And the moon and Venus are in a perfect aspect for an experience that will bring the intimacy you crave.” This lovefest will extend far beyond any one calendar day, and you’ll get to experience real love (and woot, enhanced sexuality) as the days, weeks, and months pass by.


“Seduction is an art form, and water signs like Cancer have it dialed in under the emotionally charged influence of V-Day’s stars,” the AstroTwins say. The only catch? “You could come on a bit too strong or misread signals due to Mercury retrograde,” they say. So be careful about being too (ahem) aggressive when it comes to affairs of the heart, and take things slowly, which just might make things even sexier.


Watch out, lion. The allure of Valentine’s Day could have you falling in love with someone who might not be right for you. “Leo is under the influence of Venus and might fall in love at first sight,” says Thomas. While that might not sound too shabby, it could lead to heartache down the road. And because emotions are heightened, you might find that your inner peace is at risk, which could cause arguments and tension between you and your love partner. Don’t worry, though, it should all sort itself out towards the end of the year.


List-loving Virgo knows that a successful Valentine’s Day needs to be planned down to a T. But be careful of making the day too overly structured — and stressing yourself out, the AstroTwins warn. “Don’t make the plan too elaborate or you could get hit with some signal-scrambling retrograde stress,” they say. Instead, let your partner partake in some of the planning, and you’ll probably enjoy the evening even more.


If you’re feeling single as a Pringle on Valentine’s Day, don’t despair, fair maiden. Use this time, Libra, to develop a lovely relationship with the one who matters most — yourself. “The beginning of the year could be lonely, so use this time on establishing a deeper knowing of self,” says Thomas. And if you are already in a fulfilling relationship, expect more of the same on February 14, since the stars are aligning for clear communication and love.


Sure, your sting might be strong, but inside, you’re super soft, little scorpion. And while you might be pushing for a proposal, try to take it easy on February 14. Leave plans for the future aside for one night and simply enjoy being together with your beloved. “Connecting powerfully and appreciating this moment is what will create memorable magic,” the AstroTwins say. And soon, you’ll learn how to be in the here and now, which will make for an even more amazing future… together.


Although you might have big dreams for Valentine’s Day, you just might need to be content with a container of takeout and some serious Netflix streaming. And while that doesn’t mean you’re bound to be alone all year, it’s important to embrace the fun side of Valentine’s Day. Invite some single gal pals over for an awesome Galentine’s Day feast and just have fun. Says Thomas: “Allow what’s in your heart to be expressed in a fun way!” The AstroTwins agree, adding: “Focus dates on interactivity—and avoid anything that involves sitting around for heavy conversation. Play a bedroom board game, cook an elaborate, multi-course meal with wine pairings.” Above all, just have fun with your friends, and let things flow.


While Covid might be messing with your plans to have a swanky supper at some fancy schmancy restaurant (womp womp, indoor dining), that shouldn’t stop the sea goat in you from living it up. “While the high-profile events you’d love to attend are cancelled this year, earth signs should add as much decadence to the celebration as possible,” the AstroTwins say. For example, if you feel safe doing so, you could always get all dolled up and head out for a meal under a heated outdoor tent. And if that’s not advisable in your area, get all glammy, light some candles, and have a meal by candlelight in your own home. Because safe is so, so sexy.


You’ll be swimming in a sea of love come Valentine’s Day, Aquarius. “You are going to be euphoric in 2021... the New Year brings fresh beginnings for love!” says Thomas. “It will be a time for celebration on Valentine’s Day with a love partner who you’ll want to experience everything with.” But ditch the boring dinner and a movie routine; with Venus and the Moon in your corner, you’ll want to try something new, unusual and exotic, to see where the night ultimately takes you.


Valentine’s Day might make you feel like a fish out of water, Pisces, but it’s important to keep swimming. “The Mars placement could bring about some nervous energy on Valentine’s Day, which could cause a lack of attentiveness towards your partner,” warns Thomas. The goal is to take things slowly, and more importantly, stay centered. “While you may feel like pouring your heart out about the future or bringing up a big topic with bae, stay in the here and now,” the AstroTwins add. Eventually you will see and feel balance restored, but this could happen later on in the year. Just try to enjoy Valentine’s Day for the romantic night it should be, and don’t add any additional pressure to the situation.

Valentine’s Day is sure to be a bit different from what you may have experienced in the past — and that’s okay. This might be the time to forge a newfound love — with your life, your goals, and most importantly, yourself, no matter astrological sign you are.


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