Thursday, March 11, 2021

Moms React To Tucker Carlson’s Rant About Pregnant Women In Military

Twitter was ablaze on Thursday after one Fox News host, who has spent exactly zero time serving in the military, called pregnant women fighting wars “a mockery.” But don’t worry, moms quickly responded to Tucker Carlson’s insulting rant and call for a more masculine military. Like China’s military, he seems to like that one.

On International Women’s Day at the White House, President Joe Biden highlighted the accomplishments of two female generals, both of whom had recently been promoted to four-star combatant commands. “We need little girls and boys, both, who have grown up dreaming of serving for their country to know this is what generals in the United States Armed Forces look like,” the president told reporters Monday, flanked by Army Lt. Gen. Laura Richardson and Air Force Gen. Jacqueline D. Van Ovost.

Biden went on to detail the progress being made in the military for women. “We're making good progress designing body armor that fits women properly,” he said, “tailoring combat uniforms for women, creating maternity flight suits, updating requirements for their hairstyles.”

Carlson, however, was not happy about all this progress. Not at all. In a Tuesday news segment on Fox News, Carlson said he believed President Biden wanted to make the military more “feminine,” as opposed to more masculine, his preferred option. “So we’ve got new hairstyles, maternity flight suits, pregnant women are going to fight our ways,” Carlson said. “It’s a mockery of the U.S. military.”

“While China’s military becomes for masculine, as it’s assembled the world’s largest navy, our military needs to become, as Joe Biden said, more feminine. Whatever feminine means anymore since men and women no longer exist,” he continued. “The bottom line is it's out of control, and the Pentagon is going along with this. Again, this is a mockery of the U.S. military and its core mission, which is winning wars.”

Perhaps unsurprisingly, moms firmly disagreed with Carlson’s take. As one mom accurately pointed out on Twitter, her “uterus has more combat time” than Carlson.

“Because nothing demonstrates weakness like growing and pushing a whole human out,” another responded.

“I know a lot of women in military service or veterans,” another tweeted. “Every single one of them could soundly kick Tucker’s a**. And they could do it pregnant too.”

As for the masculine vs. feminine debate Carlson brought up, one woman tweeted about the actual terrifying power of a woman’s anger. “I don’t understand this masculinity is better than femininity thing,” she tweeted. “It’s a social perception, but let’s talk about how terrifying an angry woman is versus an angry man. Sure, Kyle will punch a hole in the drywall but Melissa will ruin your whole life.”

Several women who had actually served in the military while pregnant responded to Carlson’s insulting comments. Like this veteran who wrote, “Very proud to have worn my uniform in the service of our nation, while pregnant. The military does not listen to people like Tucker Carlson, fortunately.”

This proud daughter of a veteran also wanted to let people know about her mom serving while pregnant. “Being pregnant didn’t stop my mom from doing her job in the Navy in the early 80s. Even after my brother was born, she still managed to get the job done.”

As far as maternity flight suits go, the very ones that had Carlson so upset in the first place, are already basically maternity clothes. “Also, all flight suits are maternity clothes,” one more pointed out. “They’re little large fire retardant jammies with extra pockets.”

While sharing photos of her in uniform, one mom tweeted, “I have served almost 20 years in the Army. I have been pregnant 5 times in uniform and served over 4 years in Iraq.” Hardly a “mockery” as Carlson called it.

Fortunately, senior military members have spoken in defense of the brave women who serve. Even Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin denounced Carlson’s comments during a press conference. “We still have a lot of work to do to make our military more inclusive,” Austin said, as INSIDER reported. “What we absolutely won't do is take personnel advice from a talk-show host or the Chinese military.”


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