Tuesday, April 6, 2021

5 Ways To Celebrate All-Star Moms This Mother’s Day

Becoming a mom is one of the best things I’ve ever undertaken, but it’s also, without exaggeration, the toughest thing I’ve ever done. Something that I imagine made it harder for all moms this past year was the added challenge of staying connected to the people who lift us up, listen, and offer advice grounded in their experiences. Yet, we rose to the occasion even if at times it felt like no one saw or appreciated all the things – big or small – that we do as moms.

All of the moms I know are handling whatever life throws at them (and lately, it’s been a lot) with resilience and fierce love for their kids. Every day, they go above and beyond for their families, and there’s no better way to describe each of these women than as true all-stars.

So, as Mother’s Day approaches, let’s take the opportunity to make it more than just a greeting card holiday. Let’s use it as a reminder that moms deserve to be celebrated year-round, because they’re out there juggling all the things every day, and without them, life would be a much bumpier ride.

Whether you’re looking to celebrate a single mom you know, your spouse or partner, a friend, your own mom, or even yourself (yes, that’s a thing!), here are a few ideas that can be a springboard for a Mother’s Day celebration that lasts a lot longer than one day.

Don’t Sleep On A Meaningful Card

Make a card or write a letter, and take a moment around the dinner table to have everyone read aloud what they love about the mom that’s being celebrated. It might seem like words aren’t that big of a deal, but trust me, they mean the world.

Give Her Some Recognition

My guess is that you know plenty of all-star moms (you might be one yourself!), so nominate them to be showcased as a Mrs. T’s All-Star Mom! Now through Mother’s Day, Mrs. T’s Pierogies will be spotlighting the stories of All-Star moms on social media each week and celebrating honorees with fun prize packages, which include cash (!) and up to a year’s supply of Mrs. T’s Pierogies. Know someone who deserves this level of recognition? Follow this link to nominate an all-star mom in your life.

Schedule Some Self-Care Time For Her

Find a way to give her (or yourself!) the chance for a significant amount of self-care time. That might mean watching the kids while she gets a blow out, goes for a massage, or just reads a book. It might look like something a little longer, like a night to herself at a local hotel. Whichever option you can manage is great, just as long as she feels empowered to spend the time doing whatever she wants.

Take Dinner Off Her Plate

This is an easy one. Sure, you could order takeout from her favorite restaurant, or you can go the extra mile to cook a delicious homemade meal and enjoy quality family time around the dinner table. One idea to consider? Haylie Duff's Cordon Bleu Baked Pierogies. Her recipe starts with Mrs. T’s Pierogies — which are pasta pockets stuffed with creamy mashed potatoes, cheesy goodness, and other big, bold flavors — and combines them with ham and chicken in a rich cream sauce, all topped with crispy breadcrumbs. It’s a delicious, indulgent, and (dare I say?) it’s the ideal celebratory meal that’ll make the mom in your life feel so special.

Get A Little Crafty

Homemade Mother’s Day cards and gifts are a classic for a reason: There’s nothing like knowing that someone you love used their time and skills to make something just for you. Whether you’re painting a piece of pottery, sewing a tote bag, or decorating a planter (complete with a succulent), you can bet mom will think of you every time she looks at it.

No matter how you choose to celebrate the all-star moms in your life, remember that Mother’s Day is only the beginning. We could all use some positive energy, celebratory vibes, and words of encouragement all year long — so please, by all means, don’t be shy when it comes to celebrating the mom in your life year-round.


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