Monday, April 19, 2021

Jason Momoa Surprised The Rock's Daughter On Her 3rd Birthday

For her 3rd birthday, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson surprised his daughter, Tiana Gia, with a special, personalized message from one of her favorite characters. No, not her dad as Maui from Moana. As it turns out, little Tiana is apparently “obsessed” with Aquaman, so the superhero himself, Jason Momoa, coordinated a sweet birthday message for his super fan.

“I had to make the’s what daddy’s do. I can’t thank my brother @prideofgypsies enough for making this adoring 3yr old’s birthday the best EVER. Her reaction is priceless and what it’s all about,” 48-year-old Johnson, who is good friends with Momoa, captioned the video he shared on Instagram.

In the video, Momoa tells Tiana and her 5-year-old sister, Jasmine, that they can all hang out in the ocean and he would have a present for both of them. "I'm sorry I couldn't be there but I love you and tell your papa that I love him too," Momoa said. "I'll see you soon, happy 3rd birthday. Bye Jazzy, bye Tia, love you."

The tot’s eyes glued to the TV as he spoke. After the message, Tiana jumped with joy, and Johnson and his wife, Lauren Hashian, could be heard in the background cheering with her.

The Aquaman birthday surprises didn’t stop there. Earlier that day, the Atlantian superhero joined the toddler for breakfast — in action-figure size, of course. Johnson took a picture of Tiana with her Aquaman toy, which obviously gets more love than her dad’s Black Adam character. (Johnson will play the DC Comic character in Black Adam, which is scheduled to be released in July 2022.)

“For Tia’s birthday she insisted Aquaman join us for breakfast — and then after we eat, she asked daddy to draw Aquaman so she can FRAME IT and hang it up in her room,” he captioned the picture. He jokingly added, “Black Adam’s gonna hand out a fresh Aqua A** Whuppin’ if this disrespect keeps up.”

Johnson is a good sport about the fact that he can’t seem to win over Tiana, even as “daddy.” In another Instagram post, the two watch the Aquaman movie together and The Rock asks her who’s cooler — him or Aquaman. Before he can even finish the question, Tiana replies, “Aquaman!”As the proud dad put it, “Tia is OBSESSED.”

While the Aquaman star could have easily made this a bragging moment, he simply wished Tiana a happy birthday. “Happy birthday baby tia,” Momoa commented on the post. “all my aloha my braddah. beautiful ohana.”

Momoa has a soft spot for the kids and surprising them. Back in December 2020, Momoa surprised another superfan, a young boy named Danny Sheehan who is battling an aggressive form of brain cancer. The actor surprised him with a FaceTime call from his favorite superhero and sent him his very own trident.

Aquaman 2 comes out on Dec. 16, 2022. Until then, it seems like The Rock will be subjected to constant reruns of the first movie and daily reminders that there is a guy out there who is cooler than daddy and his name is Aquaman!

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