Friday, April 16, 2021

The Benefits Of Swallowing Sperm During Pregnancy

When you're pregnant, getting proper nutrition is crucial. After all, the process of growing a baby takes a lot of energy, so you're probably loading up on fruits, vegetables, and other fresh foods. With that in mind, an unexpected source of nutrition may also help you maintain a healthy gestation. Knowing the benefits of swallowing sperm during pregnancy may convince you to indulge in certain activities.

The Science Behind Swallowing Sperm During Pregnancy

As far as pregnancy activities are concerned, swallowing semen falls under the "won't hurt" category. The Mayo Clinic reported that giving or receiving oral sex is safe during pregnancy. As long as the gestation is progressing without any health complications, a little oral fixation should not hurt. As always, ask a doctor about the safety of any activities that cause concern.

Now for the fun part: sperm consumption could benefit pregnancy in two major ways. First, swallowing sperm is associated with a decreased risk of preeclampsia, according to a 2000 article in the Journal of Reproductive Immunology. As put forward by the study, a pregnant woman's risk of preeclampsia is somehow affected by the fetus's paternal cells. By ingesting sperm, the woman may develop a tolerance against preeclampsia. (It's similar to an allergy shot, perhaps?) For what it's worth, additional research is needed to flesh out this theory. If you're into oral, though, it's a good reason to continue these activities throughout pregnancy.

A similar line of thinking applies to the second factor. As SUNY-Albany psychologist Gordon Gallup speculated, the mother's body might view the father's semen as a foreign object, and this could cause morning sickness, as noted in Slate. But by acquainting her body with the father's semen on a regular basis, via vaginal or oral sex, she may develop a tolerance to it. In effect, a blow job could help ease morning sickness. (Maybe.)

Feel free to contribute your own research to test these hypotheses.

The Rumors Of Sperm Being Beneficial During Pregnancy

However, all of the ridiculous ideas you hear on TikTok or just from friends saying that swallowing semen can help with digestive issues or even cure strep throat during a time you’re worried about taking an antibiotic, are probably all propaganda dreamed up by dudes who want to finish in first place — if you know what I mean. I spoke to Dr. Monica Grover, double board-certified gynecologist at VSPOT Sexual Health Spa and she tells Romper that swallowing semen doesn’t cure a tummy ache, there is zero evidence that it could help a sore throat, and on top of that, “It's also a myth semen is protein-rich. In actuality, it's about one-twentieth of the entire fluid.” However, there is one, small, not-out-of-the-scope-of-possibility that swallowing semen might — and we stress might — help with depression and insomnia. But, Grover hypothesizes that might actually be due to the feel good hormones associated with sexual activity and not the makeup of the semen itself.

Is It Safe To Swallow When You’re Pregnant?

OB-GYN Dr. Adam Wolfberg tells Romper that there’s nothing to worry about as far as swallowing sperm during pregnancy goes. Oral sex can and should be enjoyed by both parties if everyone is healthy and up for it. There’s nothing inherently dangerous about swallowing and oral sex in general, so long as your OB-GYN is OK with you engaging in sexual activity. If you’re having fun in a safe, consensual manner, feel free to not turn your head at the end if that’s your thing.

Basically, there are a ton of ideas of what swallowing sperm during pregnancy may help with, but no long-term data to support any of it. If you want to see if it helps you fall asleep or makes you a little happier, go for it. I am sure the giver of your experimental fluids will be thrilled, but don’t expect their semen to have any sort of magical qualities apart from apparently getting you pregnant.


Dr. Monica Grover, double board-certified gynecologist at VSPOT Sexual Health Spa

OB-GYN Dr. Adam Wolfberg

Study referenced:

Koelman CA, Coumans AB, Nijman HW, Doxiadis II, Dekker GA, Claas FH. (2000) Correlation between oral sex and a low incidence of preeclampsia: a role for soluble HLA in seminal fluid? The Journal of Reproductive Immunology,

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