10 Cute Pumpkin Coloring Pages You Can Print For Free
Come autumn, pumpkins are practically everywhere. They’re at your local supermarket or farmers’ market. They’re in every craft store, and they’re the flavor of your donuts and even your coffee (pumpkin spice latte, anyone?) …Read More
15 Free Witch Coloring Pages You Can Print From Home
Sure, you can paint a pumpkin, or color in a black cat, but if there is one person who symbolizes all that is scary on Halloween, it’s a witch. Maybe it’s the snaggle tooth that sticks straight up out of their mouths, or tho…Read More
Kristen Stewart Played Princess Diana As A "Feral" Mother
When Kristen Stewart took on the role of Princess Diana in Pablo Larrain’s upcoming movie Spencer, she was especially nervous about one aspect. Not being an American playing arguably the quintessential British role and not a…Read More
Prince Harry Has A Sweet Bedtime Routine With Lilibet
It seems little Lilibet has had a serious affect on her dad since she arrived in June. Prince Harry has come up with a whole new bedtime routine for his baby girl, and he is clearly reveling in his new role as girl dad. (Whi…Read More
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