You won’t exactly need to tote twice as much stuff with twins, but you will need to keep extra diapers, snacks, and more on hand. It helps to have reliable gear for storing everything you need when you’re on the go. The best diaper bags for twins have lots of compartments for organized storage and come in a carrying style that suits your lifestyle.
Any good diaper bag for twins needs to have plenty of pockets and designated places to pack individual items to help make sense of it all. Look for insulated bottle pockets for on-the-go feeding and a portable changing pad for diaper changes away from home. Bags that stand instead of tipping over are easier to rummage through, and you’ll love the convenience of a diaper bag with stroller straps. Some bags are even travel-friendly, featuring luggage straps that securely place your baby stuff atop a rolling suitcase.
Consider how you want to carry your diaper bag — does a tote bag fit in best with your style or does a backpack appeal for going hands-free? Tote diapers bags have a more traditional look and can usually be worn as a messenger bag, crossbody, or satchel (and may even pass for a handbag). They’re also a favorite of parents of toddlers, who don’t need to carry quite as much anymore for a trip to the playground. A backpack diaper bag distributes weight more evenly across your back, and can feel less clunky as you push a stroller or hold a little one’s hand. Backpacks also make sense for active families and are sometimes favored for their more gender-neutral style.
With all this in mind, here are the best diaper bags for twins, whether you like a classic carrier or something more stylish.
1. A Spacious Upgrade On A Classic Style
- Dimensions: 60 x 30 inches (length by height)
- Bag Weight: 3 pounds
- Available Colors: 1
Skip Hop is a favorite brand for diaper bags and baby gear, and their weekender diaper bag is a spacious and smart pick for twins. It’s a larger version of the brand’s signature diaper bag with features that make it travel-friendly and twin-friendly.
The woven polyester bag has a large zippered main compartment with two packing cubes that fit inside. A large pocket with a soft lining in front holds a phone or other gadgets, and an insulated side pocket with magnetic closure can hold two bottles. Plus, there’s a sleeve on the back of the bag to slide it securely over the handles of a rolling suitcase. A D-ring on the bag is convenient for clipping toys or pacifier holders, and it comes with a machine-washable cushioned changing pad.
Another feature to love about this bag is the multiple ways to carry it: as a tote with the top handles, over the shoulder as a messenger bag using the adjustable strap, or as a crossbody bag. If the bag gets dirty, just spot clean the stain with mild soap.
A helpful review: “This bag is all I was looking for!!! Is big and so easy to have everything organized!! I have two on diapers and I am an overpacker! So this bag works perfect for me! I use it as an every day bag! Well done skip hop!”
2. This Extra Lightweight Diaper Bag
- Dimensions: 12 x 7 x 16 inches (length by width by height)
- Bag Weight: 1.4 pounds
- Available Colors: 7
If you’re concerned about the weight of all the baby stuff, this diaper bag backpack is the lightest one on this list. It weighs a little over a pound while heavier ones may weigh as much as 3 pounds. And it has 12 pockets, so everything you need for your twins is right where you need it. It’s a perennially popular pick with a 4.8-star rating and over 1,000 reviews on Amazon.
Back to those pockets, here’s what to expect: two front zippered pockets, two side stretchy pockets for water bottles or small umbrellas, an insulated bottle pocket that holds three bottles or snacks, padded pockets for a tablet and cellphone, and a zippered pocket inside for keeping a wallet. The bag’s bottom features four feet so it stays upright, and the main compartment gusset gives it enough structure to prevent items from spilling out of the bag. It also comes with a portable changing pad, adjustable shoulder straps, and stroller hooks.
The quilted polyester bag is soft, and the insulated pockets wipe clean. Choose from seven solid colors, including the featured black, gray, and blue.
A helpful review: “I love this backpack! It’s a well made backpack and is made to fit everything I need for my twins and 4 year old. There are strategically placed pockets inside and outside that help me keep everything organized. I also love the buckles on the straps that I can use to hand on my stroller.”
3. A Stylish Diaper Backpack That’s Also Waterproof
- Dimensions: 11 x 8 x 16 inches (length by width by height)
- Bag Weight: 1.7 pounds
- Available Colors: 16
Here’s a stylish diaper backpack that’s garnered over 12,000 reviews for carrying all the baby things in a more fashionable way. It’s also conveniently machine-washable and made of waterproof polyester oxford fabric.
Even with its sleek design, this backpack features a main zippered compartment with four side pockets and a zippered pocket in the back. An insulated pocket holds two bottles, and there’s a pocket for storing wet items. One of the side pockets can dispense tissues, and the other side holds a bottle. This backpack with stroller hooks is available in more than a dozen colors, including solid neutrals and a few patterns. This one does not, however, come with a changing pad.
A helpful review: “I was looking for a multi-function diaper bag to use for my twins. I shopped around and was looking for something stylish with a reasonable price tag. This was it! I received it a few weeks ago and had so much fun filling it up with all the necessities! I love the zipper in the back and the insulated area. I also like the fact that it is much more stylish than a typical diaper bag! There is a lot of space and lots of pockets to make finding things when my hands are full. I have already recommended this bag to a few friends. I'm so glad I received this before our family vacation.”
4. This Affordable Diaper Tote With Luxe Details
- Dimensions: 17 x 8 x 12 inches (length by width by height)
- Bag Weight: 2.4 pounds
- Available Colors: 1
This large diaper tote is a bag that’s pleasantly affordable but designed with luxe details to make it feel special. There’s quilting on the front of the bag and brown faux leather accents, including a fun tassel.
This highly rated polyester bag has multiple pockets, including a main compartment with two-way zippered closure, a front pocket for easy access to a phone or wallet with a key loop, a back zippered pocket that can hold an iPad or tablet, three insulated pouches, two side pockets with magnetic closure, and five internal pockets for holding things like diapers or wipes. Accessories include a portable changing pad and a chic detachable pouch that’s a clean spot to store pacifiers. Studded feet on the bottom of the tote bag keep the bag upright when searching for items inside.
The shoulder strap is adjustable, and the bag can be spot cleaned. Keep in mind this one doesn’t have stroller clips or straps.
A helpful review: “Omgggg love!!! Twin momma here & I pack double everything! I tried a backpack diaper bag but it got too heavy with all the things I would pack up! There’s so much space, so many pockets! I love pockets! I even chose a designated spot for my belongings which makes it even more convenient! So far loving the color, design, storage space & seems very durable! Amazing quality!”
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