Thursday, May 27, 2021

What To Say On Memorial Day: 20 Texts To Honor Fallen Soldiers

For some people, Memorial Day is a three-day weekend that’s full of family, food, and fun. But for others who have lost a military serviceperson in the line of duty, Memorial Day can bring back a lot of memories — some good, and others pretty painful. If you want to show a friend that you’re thinking of them and want to honor their loss, these are just some things to text someone who has lost a loved one on Memorial Day.

"When it comes to offering condolences, being genuine is more important than getting it right,” Mitchell Smolkin, a psychotherapist tells Romper. “Emotional connection is predicated on a sense of authenticity, so often if we overthink something with the hope that we send the perfect message, we may come across as stiff or uncaring when in fact so much thought went into the message.” It’s the gesture and the intention that comes through, after all, so don’t strive to have the perfect text and just speak from the heart.

Also, if your friend or family member is still grieving the loss, you’ll want to reassure the person that you’re there for them without being overly pushy, Megan Harrison, LMFT, a relationship therapist in Tampa, FL tells Romper. “Letting the person know that their deceased loved one won't ever be forgotten is also a great comfort to someone who is grieving,” she says.

If you’re struggling to come up with what to say, hopefully the texts below can help you find the words to offer comfort and consolation on Memorial Day — and always.

“Thinking Of You” Texts On Memorial Day

I just want you to know that I’m thinking of you today.

I'm here for you, whatever you might need.

Call me anytime you want to talk; I'm here for you always.

I'm sending you all my love today.

I am thinking about you and your loss on this day.

I know today is a tough one for you. You’re in my prayers.

Supportive Texts On Memorial Day

I'm so sorry that [name of deceased] passed away. I’m here for you always.

Do you need me to bring anything over?

I'd just like to offer my support for you at this difficult time.

You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Please let me know what I can do for you today.

Thanks For Their Service Texts On Memorial Day

We all appreciate the service that [name of deceased] did for our country.

We will never forget the service that [name of deceased] gave to our nation.

The sacrifices [name of deceased] made will never be forgotten.

Texts That Remember The Deceased Person On Memorial Day

I’m remembering [name] today and always.

Please let me know how I can honor [name of deceased] today, too.

When you’re ready, I’d love to share my favorite memory of [name of deceased] with you.

[Name of deceased] will always have a place in our hearts, and their memory will never fade.

I didn't know [name of deceased] very well, but I love you, and I imagine they were a lot like you.

We all loved [name of the deceased]. Their light remains strong.

When you’re ready, I would love to hear any stories of [name of deceased] that you'd like to share.

When it seems like everyone is celebrating and having a good time, it’s important to remember that Memorial Day is bittersweet for so many. Sending a short text stating your feelings might be just what the other person needs. And in that way, grief may be momentarily suspended as they realize how much they (and the person they lost) are truly loved.


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