When fiercely loyal canine companions meet a new addition to their family, cuteness typically ensues. These 30 photos of dogs meeting babies for the first time pretty much cover the range of cute, from a curious bulldog to skeptical spaniels.
Our dog Gracie sniffed and sniffed (and sniffed) our son until she couldn't sniff anymore when my husband and I brought him home for the first time. Then, she cuddled up all 50 pounds of herself at the foot of his swing in the middle of our living room, which remained her spot to hang out until he eventually outgrew the swing. Their bond was incredibly sweet and the source of lots of charming photos over the years.
Introducing your dog to a newborn can be intimidating, but more often than not, pups are more than happy to welcome a new human to their crew. Although it's usually love at first sight, some dogs do have mixed reactions when they first meet their newborn human siblings. Extra sniffing, looks of confusion, and even indifference can occur at first, but even these responses create purely adorable photo ops.
Dogs don't have the moniker man's best friend for no reason. From the looks of these photos, these dogs and their new baby humans are set to be BFFs for life.
Welcome, Tiny Human
Lady Brady, a rescue pup living in Boston, was given a bit of peanut butter as a treat for being such a good dog when meeting her new baby sister for the first time. Happy with her snack, she's welcoming the new baby with open paws.
Double Trouble
Bourbon and Chartreuse, Brittany spaniels living in France, weren't too sure about their new human taking up residence on their couch and kept their distance at first. I'm sure they'll warm up to their new playmate as soon as they discover the joys of licking sticky baby hands.
Waiting to Play
Like any patient pup would do, Airedale terrier Gnocchi decided to lay down next to his new sister's carrier when he first met this little bundle of joy. Surely, he'll be ready to play just as soon as little sis is big enough.
Sniff, Sniff
Goldendoodles Harlan and Hestan checked out their new human sibling by taking in some big whiffs of that new baby smell — because even dogs can't get enough of that sweet scent.
Sharing is Caring
Although a little unsure at first meeting, cocker spaniel Jarvis has been patient and gentle with his family's new addition and is getting used to sharing the spotlight.
Baby Security
Dax, an 8-month-old German shepherd puppy, is now on official baby security duty for his new family member. Judging by this photo, he looks ready to take on the task.
Nap Time Pals
Winston, a Shiloh Shepherd, stands ready and waiting to romp and play with his new best bud just as soon as nap time is over. Little does Winston know, it may be just a bit longer than that before baby brother is mobile enough to run around.
Eye to Eye
Harvey the boxer keeps watch over his new baby brother during nap time and is the epitome of sweet and ready and waiting to give sloppy puppy kisses.
Figuring It Out
When meeting his newest family member, Louie the white German shepherd took time to sniff around and inspect the contents of the baby carrier. Soon enough though, they'll be BFFs.
Keeping Watch
Rambutan, a bernedoodle living in Washington, D.C., decided to keep watch a short distance away on the couch after meeting his new baby brother for the first time. Word on the street is that he loves to lick his baby bro's tiny baby feet too!
A Warm Welcome
When your pup meets your baby for the first time, they may not know what to make of this tiny human who can't quite play fetch or feed them treats yet. Soon enough though, they'll be inseparable.
A Gentle Meeting
The best way to introduce your dog to their new family member is in a controlled environment that allows your dog to feel comfortable and learn to be gentle around the baby. When Bingo met baby brother Q for the first time, this is exactly what his parents did, and it's all working out well so far.
Proud Brother
When Potato Latke the corgi met his new baby brother, who he lovingly refers to on Instagram as Applesauce, it was love at first sight.
Big Dog, Tiny Baby
Harvey, a Bernese mountain dog from Australia was excited and proud to meet his very small baby sister. Despite their size difference, Harvey is ready to play, protect, and love on his new family member.
Albus the Cocker spaniel had a unique expression in this candid snap of him and his new tiny companion. Although he's still a little scared about what life with a new baby will bring, I'm sure he will warm up eventually.
All Smiles
When Jemma met his new sister 8 days before her due date, the precious pup couldn't hold back a proud grin.
Completely In Love
The new baby may outweigh Lupe the min pin by just a bit, but that doesn't mean Lupe doesn't love the family's newest addition with every ounce of her being.
Standing By
This shih tzu has so much to teach the new baby and is literally standing by and waiting for them to make plenty of memories together.
Good Boy
When Cash met his new brother for the first time, he was already standing guard, ready to protect his new buddy. Getting used to the sights and sounds of a new baby may take some time, but Cash is up for the challenge.
A Lovely Bond
Rescue pup Wally from Staten Island is super curious about his family's newest bundle of joy. It looks like he’s patiently waiting for his new BFF to grow big enough to reach the treat jar.
Getting to Know You
Mr. Brownie the beagle made it a point to lay next to his new baby brother as soon as he came home from the hospital so they could spend some time getting to know each other.
Another One?
When Phyllis, a giant schnauzer, realized that her parents had brought home yet another baby human to keep watch over, she was excited but realized quickly how exhausting multiple baby sisters can be.
Not So Sure
Winston, a Coton de Tulear, was a bit leery when meeting baby sister Chloe at first. His caption for this photo reads “...and you’re SURE you just can’t return her?” No, Winston, you can’t return her, but Chloe will be your BFF in no time.
Bananas For Baby
Dilbert the Corgi may have been a bit hesitant to meet his new human friend at first, but he’s warming up to the idea of being a baby protector after being an only pup-child.
Always Watching
This Westie welcomed new family member Charlie to the family, constantly looking out for her and watching over her just like the best big brothers always do.
When Jessie Met Otti
Jessie wasn’t so sure about a new baby when she first met little Otti, but the human who smells like a “buttery oatcake” turned out to be a pretty sweet friend to sniff and join in on future walks.
What’s This?
Archibald, a Cocker Spaniel living in the UK, was curious about his new baby brother when they first met, so he kept a bit of distance. However, he seems pretty content to stare at his new baby sibling resting in the stroller.
Gentle Giant
Though he’s clearly much larger than his new baby sister, Linc’s mom says he’s been extremely gentle with her since the family’s newest arrival came home. What a sweet pair!
A Sweet Sniff
When you’re meeting your new bestie like this German Shepherd mix is, sometimes it’s best to stand by sweetly, take a big sniff, and soak in all those incredible baby smells.
Love At First Sight
When Leo met his new human sister Layla for the first time, the Cocker Spaniel looked on so lovingly as their dad cradled their new family member.
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