Thursday, June 3, 2021

Biden Will Meet Queen Elizabeth At Windsor Castle

If ever you needed a sign that life is slowly going back to normal, here’s some news for you. President Biden is going to meet Queen Elizabeth at Windsor Castle in June, their first meeting since he took over the Oval Office in January. So here’s to a return of pomp and circumstance and hopefully seeing Biden trying to awkwardly bow before Her Majesty or maybe even telling a dad joke about being a scrappy kid from Scranton. Glorious.

President Biden has yet to travel to the United Kingdom for an official royal visit with Queen Elizabeth, presumably due to travel restrictions put in place because of COVID-19. Now that the United States is on track to reach Biden’s goal of 70% of adults receiving their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine by July 4 and 75% of adults in the U.K. have also been vaccinated, the time has come. For Biden to meet Queen Elizabeth on her own turf along with First Lady Jill Biden by his side. He’ll be in town for the G7 summit anyhow, so the timing couldn’t be better.

When Will Biden Meet The Queen?

“The Queen will meet the President of the United States of America and First Lady Jill Biden at Windsor Castle on Sunday, 13th June 2021,” Buckingham Palace announced in a social media statement on Thursday.

This will be the first major meeting between Queen Elizabeth and a world leader since the death of her husband Prince Philip in April. The Bidens sent their condolences after Prince Philip’s death, writing in a White House statement that they were “keeping the Queen and Prince Philip’s children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren in our hearts during this time.”

What Will They Discuss?

As the longest reigning British monarch in history, Queen Elizabeth has met every president other than President Lyndon Johnson since she became queen. That’s 12 presidents in total. She even had lunch with President Trump in 2019. So what will she and Biden discuss during their meeting? While we don’t know exactly what’s on the agenda, in the past Queen Elizabeth has chatted with presidents about horseback riding (President Reagan) and recipes for grilled scones (President Eisenhower). After such a long dry spell without major visits, anything could happen. Who knows, maybe they’ll chat about their shared love of dogs?

Will The Rest Of The Royal Family Join Them?

Neither President Biden nor his wife Jill Biden is a stranger to the royal family. Both have worked with Prince Harry on events like Global Vax Live and his Invictus Games, and President Biden met with Prince Charles when he was vice president during the Obama administration. So it would certainly make sense for other members of the royal family like Kate Middleton and Prince William to attend Queen Elizabeth’s meeting with the Bidens. Especially now that she is 95 years old and without her husband by her side as support.

All in all, this royal visit with the president is shaping up to be one of those flashy historic moments we’ve been waiting for.


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