An independent Anglican school in Australia has come under heavy criticism after boys in a Christian studies lesson were asked to rate girls using a point system that valued things like attractiveness and virginity over generosity and honesty. Girls in the class were not asked to rank boys using the same system but were instead taken into a separate room to read articles about the importance of remaining a virgin until marriage. While the school has since apologized to parents and students and also vowed to review its Christian studies curriculum, the lesson has sparked important discussion over the commodification and objectification of girls and women.
According to the Sydney Morning Herald, 10th-grade students at St. Luke’s Grammar School on the Northern Beaches of Sydney were separated by gender for a Christian studies exercise. In one room, the female students were assigned articles highlighting the importance of maintaining their virginity. Male students, however, were given an exercise that asked them to rate girls by assigning a point value to certain characteristics and traits.
In the exercise, boys were shown a chart that grouped traits by a pre-assigned point value, the paper reported. Being generous or caring about the world around them, for example, was worth one point. Bravery and advocating for rights were worth two points. Being well dressed, having a “good pedigree,” owning a car, and being a great kisser were worth three points. Being sporty and sexy, going to church, having similar interests, and being honest were valued at four points. Things like being physically fit, easy to talk to, and fun were worth five points while things like virginity, being attractive, being popular, being loyal, and strong Christian values were worth six points.
The boys were then given 25 points and essentially asked to build their ideal girl by spending their 25 points on the traits they “would look for in a girl,” Newsweek reported.
When female students at St. Luke’s heard about the assignment boys had been given they were understandably outraged. “All the girls were disgusted and really offended,” a student told the Herald, adding that some boys had described the assignment as “build a b*tch.”
“They think joking about it was OK because their own teacher was telling them it was OK,” another student told the Herald.
In a letter to parents, St. Luke’s Principal Geoff Lancaster apologized on behalf of the teacher who’d assigned the lesson. “He is very sorry for the offense he has caused and saddened to think that the way this discussion was framed has upset our students,” Newsweek reported Lancaster’s letter read. “St. Luke's always has been, and always will be, a school that respects, values and honors all students."
Lancaster also told the Herald, the school had removed the exercise from its curriculum and the teacher involved has voluntarily stepped aside while the matter is investigated. Romper has reached out to St. Luke’s for additional comment.
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