Friday, June 11, 2021

Video: 3 Avocado Recipes For Picky Eaters From Rachel Zoe

Getting a kid who won’t touch most things green or even a tiny bit slimy to actually enjoy the taste and texture of an avocado can be tricky. In this video, fashion guru and mom of two, Rachel Zoe, shares three ways she gets her picky eaters to eat avocado — mashed with toast pieces, in a chocolate smoothie, and as an egg boat — one recipe for each of her sons and one for her husband.

Personally, the avocado mash and toast Zoe makes for her son Skyler looks like a perfectly portioned treat that even I want to devour. It’s super simple to mash up an avocado, toss in some seasonings, a squeeze of lemon, and serve in a small, kid-sized snack bowl with some toasted bread squares. Zoe recommends using bread that has a lot of protein for an extra boost — perfect for picky kids who sometimes skimp on nutrient-rich foods.

Zoe says that her youngest son Kaius is the “pickiest of pickiest,” but even he will drink the milkshake-like chocolate avocado smoothie that camouflages a ripe avocado with the sweetness from a bit of cocoa powder, frozen bananas, and honey. Who knew that all you had to do to get your kid to eat some avocado is break out the blender?

In the video, Zoe also shares that she makes avocado egg boats for her husband Rodger to “keep it interesting,” even though he isn’t a picky eater. She bakes eggs inside of an avocado half and tops them with vegan sausage or turkey bacon and a fresh herb like basil or some chives. She explains that the “pure protein and healthy fat” helps to keep her family satisfied throughout their day.

Maybe your kids won’t go near a perfectly Instagrammable piece of avocado toast with shaved parmesan and sliced tomatoes on top, but will they drink a chocolate smoothie? Try these recipes to find out.


Avocado Mash for Skyler

  • ½ avocado
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 tsp chia seeds
  • coarse salt

Instructions: Mix and mash all ingredients into one medium-size bowl. Serve with toasted bread.

A note from Rachel: To eat on Ezekiel toasted bread or Dave’s green package bread.

Avocado Chocolate Smoothie for Kaius

  • 1 frozen banana
  • ½ avocado
  • 2 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 1 cup oat or almond milk
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • chocolate chips or chia seeds (optional)

Instructions: Mix ingredients into blender, add chocolate chips or chia seeds on top.

A note from Rachel: Kaius is a very picky eater and this is a great way to sneak nutrition into his diet.

Avocado Egg Boats for Rodger

  • 2 avocados
  • 4 eggs or just egg white
  • pink salt
  • turkey bacon
  • black pepper
  • basil


  1. Pit avocados
  2. Crack and pour egg into bowl, scoop out the egg yolk and enough egg white to fill the center of the avocado.
  3. Place in 350-degree oven for 20 minutes, until yolk is no longer runny.
  4. Remove from oven, add turkey bacon, basil, and black pepper to top.

A note from Rachel: Easy and low carb breakfast option for Rodger.


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