Monday, July 26, 2021

27 Cutest Babies With Dogs Photo Shoot Ideas

When life is starting to fall apart and you’ve missed your train and your WiFi simply refuses to load, it’s easy to assume that this is, in fact, the end of the world. There’s not much that can provide comfort in these times of complete and utter frustration, but pics of puppies and babies can usually help. Perhaps that's why so many new parents are searching for baby and dog photo shoot ideas these days... the world needs all the cute it can get right now.

Of course, baby-puppy photography is more than just a distraction from dark days. Perhaps you’re a parent desperately searching for a way to introduce your child to your Facebook page without seeming unoriginal. Or maybe you’re just looking for ways to melt your own heart. Either way, this is where the puppies come in.

Gone are the days of using flowers and stuffed animals as props. Now is the time to up the ante! You’re the proud parent of not one, but two adorable entities, so why not capitalize on that? Break the norms, shock the masses, and include your pet in your baby’s first photo shoot (safely, of course). Feel free to use some of these adorable ideas for inspo or just check them out if you’re in need of a good old-fashioned cuteness overload... no judgment here. (Oh, and if you don't have a dog? Consider borrowing one for the day from a friend or family member.)

Eyes On You

Don't blame the pups, they don't know that staring is rude. They just want to know what this new baby thing is and why it doesn't have any fur, like the sweet dog in this photo from @candacekennedyphoto.

Crib Time

When your baby first comes home, they'll definitely need some time to sleep. But if this is your dog's first time meeting the newest member of the family, they won't be able to resist looking into the crib. Snap a picture to capture the curiosity and a small moment of peace.

All Tucked In

This one is perfect for the little dogs in your life. If they're gentle enough, allow your tiny pup to get comfortable under the sheets, with your baby tucked in beside them. The only downside is realizing they'll only be the same size for a few more weeks. (Also be aware that sheets and blankets are a suffocation hazard for little babies, so keep a watchful eye and don't allow your infant and dog to actually sleep that way.)

Sizing Up

Speaking of size, if you have a larger dog, let your baby lie by their side for a hilarious size comparison. Big size differences are great, but small dogs can work just as well!

Checking In

Whether in carriers, strollers, or beds, dogs love to pop in and make sure their human pups are doing OK. If your dog just can't keep their nose away from the baby, turn it into a photo opp to laugh about later.

Furry Family Photo

If you're itching to share pictures of your new family with the world, don't forget to include your dogs, like these parents did in a photo by @ryannwinnphotography. Not only does this add a certain amount of cuteness, but it might also earn an adorable reaction from your baby.

Copy Cats

Interestingly enough, dogs and babies alike can be more expressive than expected. And while they may not have the exact same reactions to everything, some of the faces they pull might resemble one another, making for the perfect photo if the timing is right.

It's A Playdate

When you inevitably start to get tired of staged photos, try to capture your baby in their natural element. How do they play with their pets? Do they look at pictures, dress up, or explore their favorite play mat together? Whatever the case may be, it'll make for lots of authentic pictures, like this one from @stella_bluebully.

Bring A Plus One

Babies and stuffed animals are cute, but adding a dog to the mix is next level, and having a toy nearby might also help your baby feel a little more comfortable with photos. Bonus points if their stuffed animal actually resembles your dog.

Baby's Best Friend

In case you're still not convinced that dogs are just giant fluffy babies, take a look the next time your baby and dog are lying next to each other. Odds are they have pretty similar positions, like these two from @stina.the.staffy, and it's simply too cute not to capture on film.

Paw To Paw

If your dog isn't feeling incredibly photogenic on the one day you finally decide to get some quality photos, consider a baby-hand-on-paw moment instead. It's easy, it's quick, and it doesn't require a ton of cooperation, which is key.

Matchy Matchy

Three words. Pug in overalls. Need I say more? If your dog and baby fit the same clothes, take some inspiration from @apugnamedkevin and go shopping for the two of them. But if your dog is a different size, don't fret. You can still use accessories to help the two coordinate.

Nice To Meet You

It's been established that dogs tend to have some pretty fabulous reactions to newborns, but sometimes babies have even better responses to their furry siblings. If your baby, for instance, can't stop hysterically laughing at the sheer absurdity that is your dog, make sure you don't miss it.

Personal Security

Introducing the new baby to your pets can definitely result in a bit of protectiveness, but sometimes your dog will go one step further and start treating the new baby like its own pup. In this case, expect a lot of tight cuddles like the one in this photo from @deluxedogos.

Beach Day

Everyone knows photos by the beach always seem to turn out better, so why not take advantage of the natural scenery? This is an especially good idea for dogs who are happier by the water, and the opportunities are nearly endless. Have pup and baby lay in the same towel, watch them play with sand, give them matching sunglasses... whatever you come up with is sure to be a success.

Baby Sandwich

Having two dogs can make the perfect photo slightly more complicated to orchestrate. But if they can sit on either side of the baby for a moment, perhaps with the help of treats, they can create the best baby sandwich, like this one from @kira_p_the_samoyed.

Pool Time

Not everyone has access to a beach, but if you've got a sprinkler or a kiddie pool on deck, these can definitely make for some sweet summery photos as well. Just keep an eye out in case your dog gets a little too excited in the water.

Yawn It Out

They say yawns are contagious, and babies are no exception to this rule. If you notice your dog and baby getting tired at the same time, you might just catch a moment like the one in this photo from @sophiashayprint.

Sleep Tight

Babies are exhausting work, and you're not the only one who thinks so. After a long day of protecting the baby, your dog is going to need some rest too, as shown by @maria_loves. Luckily, it turns out sleeping dogs and babies are just as cute and much easier to photograph.

Getting Closer

Sometimes your dog has too much energy or your baby isn't feeling especially social, but that doesn't mean you can't get a good picture of the two together. Whether through a closed glass door, a baby gate, or a window, there are plenty of photo opportunities that don't require close physical contact.

Spiderman Stare

This photo from @djokoandfriends is giving off some serious Spiderman vibes, and it's the best thing ever. The perfect pose for your own little superheroes.

First Kisses

When in doubt, nothing tops some gentle kisses from your pup to your baby. Don't forget to send all these pictures to your family members to make their whole week.

Whether you're in the middle of a terrible day or trying to make a good day that much better, one thing that's certain is the world deserves more pictures of dogs and babies. Use these ideas to spice up your social media and highlight both of your loves at once, or choose to admire them from afar. Either way, what are you waiting for?

Bum To Bum

Is there anything sweeter than a baby napping with a puppy? Answer, dear reader: No, there is not. Capitalize on the cuteness by posing your sleepy pair bum to bum for a photo that will elicit all the “awwws.”


When Halloween is upon us, putting your baby and pup in matching ensembles is actually a realistic idea. And naturally, you should snap a photo while you’re at it.

Silly Sports Scenes

Does your kid love to drag your pup on the sled in the snow? Or does your pooch play basketball when your baby hits the mini hoop? Turn any one of these moments into a great photo with a little patience.

Height Chart Photo

Measuring your child’s height on a wall in the house is a common family tradition. Why not measure your pup’s at the same time? The side-by-side shot of the two of them getting measured will get all the laughs and tug at some heartstrings at the same time — they grow up so fast!

One Of The Pack Pic

Having puppies? Plop your baby in the middle of them for a mind-meltingly sweet photo.

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