Tuesday, August 24, 2021

26 Instagram Captions For Babies Eating As Cute As The Mess They're Making

Of the 7,830 photos that are currently on my camera roll, a lot of them are of my kids eating. You, like me, probably have tons of cute baby eating moments captured, from when your baby latched onto your breast for the first time, to when your partner let your baby lick a lemon to see the hilarious response. Yes, your baby (and that bowl of cereal on his head) is utterly enjoyable. If you plan on sharing that cute baby eating pic, you'll need a cute Instagram caption to go along with it.

But why are photos of babies eating so precious in the first place? Well, for starters, babies are inherently messy eaters. I mean, who doesn’t love an image of an infant sitting proudly in her high chair with cake smeared all over her chubby little face and hands? Since we’re all taught to have proper table manners fairly early on, seeing your little one let loose and plunge into her pudding with gusto can make you feel a certain joie de vivre that can get lost in adulthood.

Plus, there’s no filter when a baby loves (or loathes) a new food, and those expressions can be utterly adorable. Ultimately, it serves as a reminder for us that eating is meant to be enjoyable and that we should savor every morsel, (of both our food and our lives), just like our sweet babes do. So as you scroll through your phone looking for that ideal Insta photo, check out these quippy captions that you can use to accompany that perfect picture.

Eating bananas like a BOSS.

Capture your little monkey chowing down on a banana, which is often a baby's first (and favorite) fruit.

"Did someone say boobs?"

Pretty much works with any nursing pic.

“Is it time for cake yet?”

Whether it's for your baby's first birthday or you're just letting him have a taste of your red velvet, cake is always on the mind of your baby when it comes to a mealtime menu. It doesn’t get better than a cute baby eating cake.

When you see your favorite snack…

Foster a love of food by offering your little foodie fun (and healthy) snacks.

“So you mean to tell me that spoons don’t really sound like airplanes?”

Spoon-feeding your baby while making big whooshy airplane noises is practically a parental rite of passage. But when your little one realizes that spoons are just, well, spoons, it can be a bit of a letdown.

“Trying to have dinner and Mommy won’t stop snapping pics.”

It can be a #proudmommy moment when your child finally eats his pureed stringbeans. Just be sure not to interrupt feeding time by sticking your phone in his face as you take a dozen pics of it.

"But my toes are soooo tasty!"

Sometimes, toes just taste better than that turkey veggie medley you're trying to serve up for dinner.

That moment when the boobs come out.

Accompany a smiling babe with this caption. It's so cute to capture that look of love when your baby knows that it's time to nurse.

"Bring on the bottle!"

Bottle of milk... or bottle of wine? It could really go either way, depending on who's saying it.

"You know that my poop is going to look like pureed carrots later, right?"

Sure, you're happy that your baby ate all of his carrots, but that mischieveous look on his face means that you might be facing an orange-esque diaper change soon.

"Hmm, I’m not so sure about this solids stuff…"

Baby is finally sitting up like a big girl in her high chair, ready for the requisite Cheerios. But will she take a bite? Only time will tell...

"Just…. one…. more…. bite…"

When it's time for your nap, but those puffs are just so darn tasty.

To sleep or to nurse, that is the question.

When breastfeeding your baby puts him into a food coma...

"So spaghetti *isn’t* a toy?"

You haven't lived until you've snapped a shot of your baby sitting sweetly with a bowl of spaghetti on his head, all over his face, down his diaper... you get the idea.

"Pass the peas, please."

Picking up peas and popping them into her mouth is oh-so-entertaining.

Nom nom nom.

Sometimes, there are just no words to describe how buttery that butternut squash is. When your little one’s face is full of orangey goodness, a simple “nom nom nom” will suffice. But be sure to bulk up on the butternut squash, since it contains calcium, copper, potassium, and magnesium — all things that are healthy for baby.

Textures are so tasty.

Listen, up until now, Baby has been on a liquid diet. When you give your child something to actually chew on, it can open up a whole new world for their palate. So when you serve up some finger foods (like Puffs, bananas, or a hard-boiled egg), the textures just might be too tantalizing for your little one.

But I like my bowl on my head.

No matter what you serve up for breakfast, your baby’s bowl is bound to wind up on their head at some point. And the more you try not to laugh, the funnier it just seems to get, especially as it slides around and off your little one’s noggin.

Pass the salt.

You’re excited that your baby is finally getting to sample some real food. But when you take a taste of those green beans, they seem to need a little… seasoning. Even if Baby’s food is a bit bland, don’t be tempted to sprinkle some salt into their food until they’re older, since they’re already getting enough sodium intake from what they’re eating.

How come you got Frosted Flakes and I got barley cereal?

It’s exciting when you and Baby finally sit down to share a meal together. Thing is, it won’t take too long for your baby to notice that they’re having pureed potatoes — and you’re eating greasy French fries covered in ketchup. So when your little one wants what you have, this can be a cute Instagram caption.

I never knew I liked pears... until now!

Your baby’s love affair with food really begins once they’re able to start solids. And it’s fun to watch your little foodie begin discovering new flavors, like peaches, pears, or even poached eggs. Because there’s nothing like seeing your child’s face light up when they taste something that tantalizes their tastebuds.

This. Is. So. Sour.

Come on, admit it. As much as you want your child to love the food they’re eating, it’s funny as hell when they taste something sour. The grimace, the wriggling, (and bwah, the gagging), it’s all kinds of hilarious. If you’re going to serve something that you know Baby might not find too appetizing, be sure to have your phone ready for the reaction.

You’ve been holding out on me, Mommy.

You see your child eyeing that ice cream cone you’re eating. So if they’re old enough to have dairy, you might want to give in and let them have a lick — or two. And when they realize that you’ve been holding off on giving them the good stuff, this caption can capture that sentiment perfectly.

Napkins? Who needs napkins?

Part of the fun of watching your baby eat is the mess they make. Although you might give them napkins, are they really going to use them? Probably not. It will give an entirely new meaning to “finger-lickin’ good.”

Is it acceptable to lick the bowl?

Of course, you want your kiddo to have proper table manners. Still, how cute is it when they lick their bowl completely clean? That mango banana mash-up never tasted so good.

Love at first bite.

You just know the moment when your child falls in love with a certain food. Their eyes open up, their face lights up, and they give you a big two-tooth grin. It’s a priceless shot that deserves to be shared on all your social media channels.

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