Friday, August 13, 2021

Buy Buy Baby's Big-Deal Baby Sale 2021 Is Back

If you’ve had your eye on a couple of big purchases for your baby, this is the time for you to buy. Buy Buy Baby is having its Big-Deal Baby Sale, which is its biggest sale of the year. These bargains include up to 50% off some of the top products and brands that parents of infants and toddlers need.

On August 6, the retailer (one of the largest providers of children’s products) announced that they would be running these deals until August 15, and some of them are pretty sweet! Included as an added bonus are Daily Deals where certain featured products can be purchased at an even lower price than other sale days. There’s even an option to click ahead to see what the deal of the day will be.

If you aren’t a regular at Buy Buy Baby, it may be time to get familiar with their store because your wishlist of products is coming true at a much lower price right now.

Here’s what you need to know about what’s available to you for the next few days.

We only include products that have been independently selected by Romper's editorial team. However, we may receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

What Type Of Items Are On Sale?

This sale isn’t just for the fluffy stuff that parents occasionally use. But we’re talking strollers, furniture, bedding, travel gear, clothing, and much more. These categories cover all the very practical products that are useful in your day-to-day tasks and nurturing of your little one.

lillebaby Complete AirFlow Baby Carrier
buybuy Baby

Are Some Items Online Only?

Nope! Of the products that are on sale, none of them are listed as online only. But if none of the 135 Buy Buy Baby stores are near for you to peruse the aisles, shopping online is your best bet. You can access the Big-Deal Baby sales easily from their homepage. And to make it easier on us parents, they offer store and curbside pickup, and same-day delivery.

Are The Sale Prices Lower Than Other Retailers?

Let’s be honest. When you see a sale, do you instantly go to Amazon to see if you can get it cheaper? I do. So I compared the sale price on some of Buy Buy Baby’s top items, and they checked out! Not everything will beat out other retailers, but if you’re looking for an item like the Willow pump, you should get it now! It’s definitely a big-ticket item that is usually priced at $499.99, so save some money while you can!

Willow Generation 3 Hands-Free Wearable Pump
buybuy Baby

Smaller items like clothes and accessories currently have the deepest discount at 50%, so feel free to go crazy! And do a mom friend a favor — tell her about these deals before August 15.

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