Tuesday, September 21, 2021

10 Printable Study Schedule Templates To Keep Students On Track

Homework is something every student will eventually have to face and whether you’re 7 or 17, it can be a challenge making the time to get the work done. Some families have a policy that all homework must be complete before play time. Others allow a window of rest at home before tackling the books, but even with those structures in place, keeping track of assignments and forthcoming tests can be tricky. That’s why so many parents rely on the structure that study schedule templates can provide — so much so that Pinterest saw a 1600% increase in search for these types of templates this year.

A tool kids and parents can use together, a study schedule template allows you to keep tabs on all the many tasks your child need to complete. But because every school or homeschool set up is unique and every child learns differently, no one template will fit all learners. Fortunately, Etsy has a ton of options in all kinds of styles that can be printed at home.

For kids that need to look at completing homework in terms of goals, there’s a template for that. For others who need reminders to stay off their devices and focus on homework, there’s a template for that. There are even templates that include water break checks to ensure little scholars remember to stay hydrated. And the best part, you can use these study schedule templates together to check off completed assignments and help your children prepare for tests. Here’s the best of the bunch.

We only include products that have been independently selected by Romper's editorial team. However, we may receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

Remote Learning Study Schedule Template

Remote Learning Planner
TeachingWithMichelle Etsy

If your child has opted for remote learning this year, you might want to consider this study schedule template designed specifically with distance learning in mind. The 18 page printable planner includes all kinds of important information, like a page just to write down passwords so no one has to stress — or run and find a parent — when they have to log into Seesaw or ABCMouse. A managing homework page spells out what students need to do including noting not just the due date but the time due to ensure they get the work done before the lesson begins.

Daily Study Schedule Template

Printable Daily Study Planner

For older kids that might need a little bit more structure, this is a great printable study schedule template. Not only does it give space to write out the due dates for assignments, it offers a space for a daily goal and objective, that way kids can remind themselves why they’re doing what they're doing. In addition, this planner comes with a mobile phone usage tracker to ensure that their device doesn’t eat up all of their study time. And to manage their free time or after school activities, there’s also an area to write down that day’s to dos, be it packing basketball clothes for practice or tuning up the violin for orchestra.

Minimalist Study Schedule Template

Minimalist Revision Timetable
StudyCreations Etsy

Color coordinating can really help young learners understand time management better. And for that there’s this study schedule template. Very simple and straight forward, this is a weekly breakdown of events by the hour. Using colored pens or pencils you can fill in time chunks, noting what each is for. For instance you might color in Monday from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. in purple and mark it as Reading Review. That way your child knows that every Monday after school, they need to review their reading, be it working on vowel sounds or finishing a chapter in a new story book.

Goal-Based Study Schedule Template

Printable Study Planner
PlanPrintLand Etsy

Want to personalize your child’s template a bit? This organizer can be printed in 8 different colors. So if you need one for multiple children, you can give them each their own color to help you keep track of what’s what. With a sleek design that’s easy to read, they can fill in their daily schedule then on the right hand side, keep track of things like their study hours goal and their actual time spent studying. By keeping an eye on this figure, you can review over a week or month and see how they’re doing in attempting to reach their goals for studying.

Class Tracker Study Schedule Template

School Students Semester Planner Sheets
sophiemariecreative Etsy

Some students do better viewing their assignments by class and not by a calendar. For those kids, this class tracker study schedule is ideal. It includes space for five color coded classes then includes space to write out the name of the teacher, class location, how to reach a teacher, and then space to fill out assignments. Kids can then check off what they’ve completed to make sure they’re not missing any work. And if they do forget an assignment, they’ll have their teacher’s contact info at their finger tips so there can’t be any excuses for not tracking down what they were supposed to have done.

Kid-Friendly Study Schedule Template

Convenient Student Planner
IconicVision Etsy

Have a visual learner on your hands? Great. They too can find a helpful study schedule template. This one seems perfect for young visually inclined kids because it doesn’t just use words, it uses pictures to spell out assignments. At the top they can work on learning the days of the month by filling in the bubble for that date. They can circle a little image for the day’s weather then even circle a different happy or sad face to indicate how they’re feeling. As for keeping track of homework, this template simply uses Now, Soon, and Later as indicators of dates things are due. Those terms are a lot easier for young learners to understand and can help them prioritize work better.

Super Simple Study Schedule Template

Hourly Agenda
My Life Plans Etsy

Want something even more simple than that? This is just a weekly calendar that you can print at home. If the study schedule template is more for your own use than your child’s, you might just want to opt for this. With this guide you can print and reprint pages to put in your own three ring binder to review at your leisure. Without special sections to fill out, you can enjoy the freedom of documenting just the essentials like what homework your child has each week and how long they need to spend working on it — easy as that.

Exam and Study Schedule Template Bundle

Study & Exam Timetable
EmilyStudying Etsy

If your child has entered the stage where test scores really matter and you want to help them prepare and keep track of their many classes without stressing out, you need this study schedule template that includes a 7 day plan to follow in advance of exams, as well as pages for daily homework. As any parent will tell their kids, having a plan makes all the difference and it can be a major way to mitigate anxiety. Sit down with this template and help your child layout a plan of attack for every big assignment or test and they’ll not just be a better student but likely a calmer one as well. This bundle comes with 35 templates.

Homeschool Study Schedule Template

Homeschool Weekly Schedule
DesignStudioTeti Etsy

Believe it or not, home school students have homework too. When it's time for some independent study, help your homeschooler put the right foot forward with this clean and crisp study schedule template they can easily follow. Void of hours or dates, it’s really just a chart they can fill in with the work they need to do each day. And because often work bleeds into the weekend, there’s room for that too here. Kids can fill this page out themselves or complete work a homeschool teacher assigns them then have it checked off each day to show the work has been completed.

Plan Timetable Study Schedule Template

Student Planner
weplanplanner Etsy

Does your student need help keeping better track of the exact amount of time they spend on a given assignment? This study schedule template includes a graph filled with 5-minute increments of time. By filling in the box, they can keep tabs on how much time they spent to the minute on each and everything they work on after school. Why does this matter? This can be a great indicator of which subjects they might need more help on or which classes are demanding all of their time. From there, parents can help a student better manage their time or seek additional help or tutoring.

Get your child on the right track with homework by investing in one of these very affordable print at home study schedule templates.

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