Sunday, September 12, 2021

15 Grandparents Day Poems To Make Them Smile

Grandparents Day is a time when we get to pause and look to our elders, the ones who raised us, and acknowledge how awesome their involvement is in our kids' lives.

Since 1978, after President Jimmy Carter officially proclaimed National Grandparents Day and congress passed the legislation, it has been a time to celebrate these angels on earth. One unique way is to share poems for grandparents.

Because of military life, my family spent the first five years of our twins’ lives in different states than our parents. We had very memorable experiences, but something was always missing. The truth is I can’t give my children what my mom can. “Mimi,” as they call her, is the extra thick layer of icing added on top of their lives, and watching their relationship is so sweet. There was an unspoken depth of proudness in my dad’s eyes when he sat and held our girls for the first time that I will never forget.

Grandparents bring the fun, and they give us relief by taking the kids when the weight of parenting gets heavy, and we just need a breather. On this day, there are many poems that offer ways to say “thank you,” for who they are and all they do.

And share it in your own fun way. The kids can create a card, make it a song, or you can record them reading the poem. Whatever you choose, the grandparents will beam with pride at hearing these beautiful words!

“Grandma’s Wings” by Ricky R. Hernandez

Grandparents are such a blessing, and this poem by Ricky R. Hernandez captures the essence of how grateful we are to have them. It feels good to have these angels in our lives.

Grandma, I wonder where you keep your wings.

Are they hung in your closet with the rest of your things?

Do you put them away and just use them at night

or give them to Rosie to polish up bright?

I know you have wings, for this must be true,

'cause God always gives

them to angels just like you.

“Grandmother” by Sheria S. Barnett

Grandmothers, at the core of it, pour into our families while being a beacon that calls everyone back to the center. Sheria Barnett’s short poem “Grandmother,” embodies the value they hold in lives!

Her words are like a golden thread that binds our family.

Her wisdom, like an art that shares so generously.

Her feelings like a quilt that warms us like no other.

The hands of one so dear the one we call Grandmother.

“Profile of my Grandma” by Bridget A. Miller

Many people underestimate grandmothers because of how sweet they can be. But mess with her grandkids, and all that sweetness will take a back seat. Bridget Miller’s poem reveals all of a grandma’s sides. Check out the full poem.

The way it smells when she cooks.

When you're bad, the way she looks.

How she would do anything to help a friend.

The way she'll stick by you until the end.

“For Grandma” by Jaki Shelton Green

Jaki Shelton Green is the author of eight poetry collections. In this poem, she remembers her grandmother and how their lives and memories will forever be woven together. It is a touching tribute that many of us who’ve lost our loving grandmothers can appreciate. Read the entire poem.

I heard your voice this morning

Speaking from the foot of the bed

Your quilt crawled to the floor

As I lay down in the first whisper of dawn.

“Fairies” by Evaleen Stein

Some of the coolest tales and even myths are passed down by grandparents. With a glow in their eye, they relish telling stories of fairies and fantasy worlds. Evaleen Stein's poem visits one of those moments her grandfather shared with her.

Grandfather says that sometimes,

When stars are twinkling and

A new moon shines, there come times

When folks see fairyland!

So when there's next a new moon,

I mean to watch all night!

Grandfather says a blue moon

Is best for fairy light,

And in a peach bloom, maybe,

If I look I shall see

A little fairy baby

No bigger than a bee!

“Two Strange Sights” Author Unknown

Grandparents dream about spoiling the kids, giving them a sugar high, then handing them back over to their parents. But nope! Grandmas and grandpas have to deal with some of the messy moments too (and we’re grateful for it), like catching a grandchild covered in syrup in this poem. Below is an excerpt, but read the full poem for a good laugh.

For there upon the woollen rug,

A jug between her feet,

Sits Freddy's little sister Bess

Absorbed in pleasures sweet.

Her finger in the syrup now

Behold she slyly dips,

And carries it with great delight

To her own rosy lips.

Grandparents Day Poem by Stacy Smith

The support of our grandparents fills in the cracks just when we need it. And to watch our parents do the same for our children is an indescribable feeling. This poem by Stacy Smith is a perfect reflection of just how much grandparents are needed! Read the entire poem here.

Grandparents are special people

with wisdom and pride.

They are always offering love and kindness

and are always there to guide.

They often make you feel so confident and strong.

Their arms are always open no matter what you did wrong.

“To Grammy and Grandpa on Grandparent’s Day” Author Unknown

This children’s poem to their grandparents is so honest and fun! Let’s just say it; we need these breaks so bad. So, we’re all saying thanks on Grandparents Day.

I sure hope this Grandparents Day is your very best by far,

Extra nice and extra fun the way you always are.

Times are fun when you're around, no nicer grandparents could ever be found!

You're the greatest grandmom & dad any child has ever had...

Grammy & Grandpa,We'll always remember these summer vacations when you gave Mom & Dad a breather from us!

“You Inspire” by Paul Berchtold

Grandparents don’t always realize the impact they have on our lives and our kid's lives. But when they hear this poem it will be crystal clear. Author, Paul Berchtold, takes an eloquent approach to tell all the ways grandparents inspire us. Here’s where you can read the entire poem.

You inspire respect.

Years in the school of hard knocks.

Work, experience, toil.

You have wisdom, influence.

You inspire courage.

Brave in the big things, Because faithful in the small.

Strong. A gentle strength.

“Gifts Galore” by Paul Berchtold

Paul Berchold’s poem about grandmother’s “gifts” intrinsically points out all the things they are amazing at doing. Including how they talk, play and even listen to our kids. They’ll love hearing how much all their efforts and daily behaviors are acknowledged and appreciated in this poem. Find the full poem here.

Grandma you have, a sensitive nose,

Smelling our treats, when they're baked just right.

You take time, to smell the rose,

And smell the trouble, when little boys fight.

A Poem by Mary Dawson Hughes

This sweet grandparent’s day poem by Mary Dawson Hughes covers some of the many ways we love grandmothers. Like her twinkling, knowing eyes, and how she always knows just what to do. Check out the entire poem here.

You can tell when a grandmother's teasing

By the twinkle that shines in her eyes

She's an expert at settling problems,

For she's loving, patient and wise.

Her grandchildren always admire her,

Even when they are grown

They always feel proud and happy

To claim Grandmother as their own!

Grandparent’s Day Poem Author Unknown

It’s true. Grandparents get to load our kids up on desserts and plenty of fun while we get all the responsibility. But they’ve earned that right to be the merrymakers, and this cute poem says it all.

Grandmas and Grandpas are everything nice.

Like presents and candy and raspberry ice.

And chocolate fudge sundaes, with cherries on top.

And popcorn and peanuts and grape soda pop.

In winter or summer, in rain or in sun,

Grandmas and Grandpas are wonderful fun!!!

“A Poem On Grandparents” Author Unknown

This poem is from a child’s perspective and helps us see their grandparents through their eyes. They can draw a nice picture and write it in a card, or just make a call to read it aloud to their grandparents.

From early in the morning,

Until I go to sleep each day,

I know my grandparents love me,

In a very special way.

Sometimes it’s tea and crackers,

Sometimes a walk in the park,

Sometimes it’s just a hug when I’m scared and in the dark.

I love to hear their stories,

About the past and where they’re from,

And I know their hearts are filled for me,

With never-ending love.

“My Grandma’s Teeth” by Bruce Lansky

You can’t read this poem by Bruce Lansky without laughing. And if grandma can pull her teeth out at night, she’ll get a good laugh hearing the kids read this one to her.

My grandma's teeth are like the stars.

She keeps them sparkling bright.

And like the stars up in the sky

Her teeth come out at night.

“Grandfathers” by Joyce C. Lock

Joyce C. Lock got it right with this poem. Grandfathers definitely bring in the love and all the fun, and the kids know it. And since it’s no secret, sharing this poem on grandparent’s day would be perfect.

Grandfathers are a special breed.

Of kinfolk, all their own.

They love you and hug you,

And spoil you to death.

And then, they send you home.


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