It’s been ... a year! (And a half). To say the least. And through it all, moms have kept on truckin’, just like we always do. So, we’re especially thrilled to announce that Romper will once again serve as a national media partner of Mom 2.0 Everywhere. We are super excited to participate in and help amplify this annual celebration of entrepreneurship, digital professionalism, and the power of storytelling — all things that feel especially meaningful right now.
In 2019, Romper's joined as National Media Partner of the Mom 2.0 Summit in Austin, Texas, and it was an absolute blast. Last year, we pivoted along with them for their first ever virtual summit, which turned out to be exactly what the doctor ordered: in the midst of lockdown and virtual learning chaos, we spent a couple of days with this incredible community, learning from and commiserating with some of the smartest, most compassionate and hardest working moms out there.
We’re proud to join again for the second virtual summit, which definitely felt right in the midst of so much uncertainty about what this fall will bring. We’re looking forward to Mom 2.0 Everywhere on October 13 and 14, and we’d love to see you “there,” too!

Romper is also sponsoring the popular “People’s Choice Award” at the 2021 Iris Awards, which honors the public’s favorite parenting content creator and influencers of the year. The Iris Awards, for those new to this fantastic community, are like the parenting community's Oscars, highlighting excellence in online media in several categories. The People's Choice award is specifically for your favorite parenting blogger, Youtuber, TikTok-er, Stories-er, or Newsletter-er. And we know you have one! Think about the parents who have kept you entertained, informed, or just plain somewhat sane online year, and then let us know who they are!
Voting for the “People’s Choice Award” is live now through Friday, October 1.
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