10 Hanukkah Poems To Celebrate The Festival Of Lights
I'm not Jewish, but I've always been incredibly fond of Hanukkah and have wished I could join in on a friend's traditions more times than I can count. I've always imagined that lighting the menorah each night would be accomp…Read More
25 Elf On The Shelf Names For Your Family's Elf
It’s that time of year again: when Christmas music invades every store you go into, holiday lights glitter and gleam from the homes all around you, and the mischievous little Elf on the Shelf comes back to take over your hom…Read More
Why Do I Scar So Easily? Here's What It Says About Your Health
Chances are pretty good that you've gotten a scar at least once in your life. Whether it was an accident as a kid — learning to ride your bike, running around the neighborhood, roller skating — or an incident that happened w…Read More
'Ice Age: Adventures Of Buck Wild': Release Date, Trailer, News
There’s a new Ice Age movie coming out in the near future, and do you know what that means? That means there will be a total of six Ice Age movies. Six. And yet, that doesn’t seem like too many times to hang out with Sid, Ma…Read More
20 Photos Of Royals Acting Like Regular Kids Over The Years
Being a kid in the royal family is a bit of a mixed bag of tricks. On the one hand, you get to live in palaces and go on vacations with Queen Elizabeth and ride ponies and such. On the other hand, they have duties that other…Read More
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