Saturday, October 2, 2021

15 'Twilight' Baby Names That Go Beyond Bella

People love to poke fun at Twilight, but if you’ve read the books, you likely found them engaging and hard to put down. Not only that, but if you’re a parent-to-be you know that those books are full of some beautiful ideas for Twilight baby names. Inspiration can come from anywhere, including from a family of vampires.

Say what you want about the werewolf and vampire love triangle storyline that fuels a lot of the Twilight saga, but it’s hard to deny that so many of the series’ characters have some pretty amazing names. Sure, there are Bella’s friends like Jessica, Eric, Angela, and Mike that are pretty generic, but as you get deeper into the books, you find names from different eras and cultures that are beautiful and unique. Shoot, in the final book, readers are introduced to so many new characters that it could serve as a baby name book in and of itself.

Seriously, though, you really don’t need to worry about finding some good Twilight baby names because simply re-reading the series will probably give you plenty of ideas. However, if you’re too busy to plow through four very long books, then here are a few options to consider for your little one.


Let’s start with the most obvious Twilight baby name. If you’re looking for something feminine, name your baby after Ms. Swan herself. Isabella is an absolutely beautiful name, and the nickname Bella is equally as gorgeous. Whether or not your baby will be as awkward and quirky as human-Bella is in the series is no guarantee.


The series’ leading vampire obviously deserves a spot on this list. It’s not just that Edward is one of the main characters that makes it a great choice for a baby name, it’s also that it’s a total classic that has remained popular for well over 100 years, so with a name like that your baby will be in very good company.


In the Twilight books, Alice is Bella’s best friend and Edward’s sister. The name is simple and timeless, however, it’s not nearly as popular now as it once was, so if you’re looking to give your baby a name that’s unique without being super uncommon (or possibly strange), then you can’t go wrong with Alice.


Everyone’s favorite werewolf’s name has remained popular for decades. Jacob is a Hebrew name that goes back centuries and means “supplanter.” It’s a strong choice for a baby and parents have the option of using the cute nickname, Jake.


Charlie is Bella’s dad in the series, but it’s a name that works well for boys or girls and you can decide whether you want to officially name the baby Charles instead (but, there’s definitely no need to get overly formal if you don’t want to). There’s also the option to spell it in different ways like Charleigh, Charley, and Charli.


The name Jasper means “bringer of treasure,” though in the books Jasper’s character was more a bringer of emotions. What is so appealing about this name is that it’s well-known but not overly popular, so if you give it to your child they will definitely stand out in the best way.


Sure, she was the antagonist in three of the novels, but the fact remains that her name is timeless and beautiful. The name Victoria goes back centuries and means “victory” (which is ironic, given that Victoria definitely didn’t see victory in the books). If you’re looking for something less formal, you can always go with Tori, Vicky, or Vic.


Riley is the newborn vampire in Eclipse, so it’s a great name choice if you want to give the book series a subtle nod. The name means “courageous” and it’s one that has commonly been used for boys and girls.


Emmett means “universal,” which is interesting because as it stands now, it’s not really an over-used “universal” name. Fans of Twilight know Emmett as Edward’s super-strong brother, but if you’re looking for something similar with more femininity Emmerson is also a fantastic choice.


Throughout the book series, Rosalie has a bit of a prickly personality, which is fitting since her name means “rose” and roses do have thorns, right? That’s not to say your baby would be equally as prickly, especially with such a lovely, unique name, but it never hurts to have a little bit of edge.


In the movies, Jane is played by Dakota Fanning and is a fierce (if not mean) vampire. Still, it’s a good name choice for a parent who wants to name their baby something Twilight-inspired without it being blatantly obvious. Not to mention, it’s a classic name that will never go out of style.


Laurent is a really good choice for a parent who loves Twilight and the French language. The name means “of Laurentium” and, although it’s a well-known name, it’s not popular in the US, so you don’t have to worry about your baby sharing its name with several classmates every year.


Seth is one of Jacob’s fellow werewolves and his name means “appointed” in Hebrew. This is a good option for parents who aren’t interested in names that sound super old-timey because even though it goes back centuries, it didn’t become really popular until the 1970s and 1980s so it’s really one of the more modern options from the Twilight series.


Esme is Edward’s mother in the series, and her name is just downright beautiful. It has French origins and means “beloved.” It’s a short name on its own, so there aren’t any obvious nicknames to choose from, but if you were to name your baby Esmerelda, then Esme would be the perfect nickname.


Irina has Greek and Russian origins and means “peace,” which is definitely interesting given Irina is the vampire who caused all of the chaos in the second half of Breaking Dawn. Even if her actions weren’t great, her name certainly is, and it’s a wonderful choice for a new baby.

If there’s anything that Twilight gave us, besides vampire and werewolf love triangles, it’s some amazing baby name inspiration. The many characters offer so many great options from timeless classics to modern, to totally unique. Fans of the books know that there is no shortage of inspo for baby names if you like Twilight.


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