Can you really beat October when it comes to birth months? I’d say no, because between pumpkins, Halloween, and fall foliage, October is a gorgeous month for your baby to be born in. And while all babies are wonderful and precious, there are just so many reasons why October babies are the best babies out there.
Full confession: I wanted to write this story because I, too, have an October baby. And she is, quite frankly, pretty fab. She is our first fall baby, which is hands down my favorite season of the year. When we brought her home from the hospital, the leaves were golden orange, the air was crisp (but not cold), and it felt like fall. We were able to go outside with her and soak in all the beauty of nature without worrying about her getting sick, another plus for October babies.
For me, October is an anticipatory month, because there is so much to look forward to in just a few short weeks. Right around the corner are holidays like Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa. And let’s not forget about New Year’s. And your little one will be here to partake in all the parties. In short, October babies are over-the-top awesome. Let me count the ways — 20 of them, to be exact.
They Have Two Birthstones
Unlike other months that only have one special stone, October has two birthstone gemstones: the opal and the tourmaline, which is considered to be the most colorful gemstone on Earth, Geology.com reported. Which matches the colorful personalities of the October babies perfectly.
They Have Good Astrological Signs
Depending on the day that they’re born in October, babies might either be a Libra (born September 23-October 22) or a Scorpio sign (born October 23-November 21). My girl falls into the former category, and true to her astrological sign, she’s social and sparkly, funny and full of energy, according to Mom365. Scorpio babies tend to be strong-willed and intense, with an unmistakable charm.
It’s A Pretty Time of Year

You couldn’t pick a more natural (or beautiful) backdrop than fall. With autumnal leaves everywhere, you just have to take your baby outside for some swoon-worthy photos. And taking long walks with your baby is easy, since the weather is likely to be comfortable.
They Can Have A Halloween-Themed Birthday
Kids can get away with dressing up for their birthdays, but Halloween means that you can have a spooktacular celebration in honor of your little one. So if your little one wants to dress up as Dracula or Vampirina in a couple of years, it will be ghoulishly great. Break out the apple bobbing and prepare for some creepy good fun.
Pumpkins, Pumpkins Everywhere
Is there anything more synonymous with October? How sweet would it be to take your baby’s birth announcement photo amidst a pile of pumpkins? You’re welcome.
You Can Have Fun With Them
There are so many fun things to do when you have an October baby. You can go to various farms and farmer’s markets with your beautiful babe. And the best part is that the weather will hold up, so you can have your baby outside for longer periods of time, than, say, a January baby.
They’re Easier To Nurse
While you might have to go through the month of August heavily pregnant (which isn’t a lot of fun), having an October babe means that boobing can be a breeze. You won’t have to worry about your baby sticking to you, or the two of you bonding together in a sweaty mess.
They Experience Lower Rates Of Depression
In addition to being physically strong, people born in October also tend to have a decreased risk of depression and suicide, a PLOS ONE study found.
They Might Be President One Day
No matter which side of the aisle you’re on, having an October baby means that your baby might be President one day. There have been 6 Presidents born in October, starting with John Adams (October 30), Rutherford B. Hayes (October 4), Chester Arthur (October 5), Teddy Roosevelt (October 27), Dwight D. Eisenhower (October 14), and finally, Jimmy Carter (October 1).
They’re Born In A Mild Month
Kinda like Goldilocks, where summer is too hot, and winter is too cold, October-born babies are just right. Just past the blistering heat of summer, but not quite into the freezing months, October is a cool month to be born in — literally.
They Get To Celebrate Their B-day In School
When your birthday falls during the summer months, you can get kind of screwed when it comes to birthdays. But in October, everyone is into the back to school swing of things, which means your kid can have birthday parties in school with all of his friends.
Your Baby’s Firsts Are Right Away

Having an October baby means that you get to celebrate your baby’s firsts in rapid succession. Think Halloween, Thanksgiving, and then the holidays. For me, it just makes the season even more special.
They’re Athletic
Sure, right now your little one might be mushy, but that blobby little baby is going to grow up to be athletically inclined. A study published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine found that October-born kids are stronger and more physically fit than babies born in other months, reported The Cut.
They Have A Longer Lifespan
Babies born in October tend to live longer than those born in other months. In fact, if your baby is born between September and November, she has a greater likelihood of seeing 100 candles on her birthday cake, the Journal of Aging Research reported.
They’re Here For Halloween
Sure, painting your bump for Halloween is cute, but imagine putting your lil’ pumpkin in a 0-3 size pumpkin Halloween costume. Instant aahhhs guaranteed.
They’re Taller
If you’re looking for a six-footer in the future, try having a baby in October. A Bristol University study reported that babies born in the 10th month of the year tended to be taller than other kids their age.
They’re Charming

If your October baby has you wrapped around his little finger, there’s a reason why. October babies are ruled by Venus, which makes them natural born peacemakers. And who can resist a sweet little Prince Charming?
They Have A Good Heart — Literally
There are some biological benefits to being born in a particular month. For October babies, this means having a reduced risk for cardiovascular disease, Today reported. It can offer some piece of mind knowing that your baby will be healthy and have a decreased chance for heart-related issues in the future.
Their Birth Flower Is Healing
For October babies, their birth flower is the calendula. It’s a beautiful pot marigold, and its leaves are often used in cooking. But apart from seasoning a stew, the calendula plant’s flowers can be used as a fever reducer, ease muscle spasms, and even start your period, WebMD reported.
They're In Good Company

Babies born in October share their birth month with some pretty notable names from history: John Lennon, Eleanor Roosevelt, Pablo Picasso, and Sylvia Plath are just a few, according to Mental Floss.
October Babies Possess Flower Power
October’s flower, the marigold, is awesomely autumnal. They represent love, power, and inner strength, traits that you definitely would want your baby to possess. And woot, if you’re given a marigold plant in place of flowers for Baby’s birth, you’ll be happy to know that marigold is a total deer deterrent, and can protect your other outdoor plants.
October Babies Are More Affectionate
When you gaze lovingly at your October baby, chances are they’ll return the adoration right back. That’s right, babies born in the 10th month of the year are ruled by Venus, per Astrology Zodiac Signs. This makes them more loving in nature, so expect lots of snuggles from your little sweetie.
October Babies Are Less Allergic
Yet another reason why October babies rock when it comes to health: according to a study, babies that are in utero during the allergy season (such as an October babe would be), are less likely to develop them. The study found that women who were pregnant during a complete spring pollen season had lower levels of lgE, an antibody that the body produces in response to the presence of allergens.
October Babies Tend To Be Healthier Mentally
Although it’s a sensitive subject, suicide can be connected to your birth month. As it turns out, people born in the spring and summer have higher rates of suicide as opposed to those born in autumn and early winter, per a PubMed study. Plus, October babies also experience some of the lowest rates of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder as well.
October Babies Let You Make More Mommy Friends
Think about it: when it’s sweltering outside, you’re not going to want to take your baby out for fear of burning that beautiful newborn skin. But in October, when the weather is just starting to change and you can load on the layers, you might be more likely to take your baby to the park — where you’ll meet other new moms who might be looking to forge new friendships, too.
Although any month in which you welcome your baby is bound to be the best, there’s definitely something to be said for those delicious October babies. So bring on all things pumpkin spice, embrace the start of sweater weather, and soak up all the benefits that having a baby in October brings.
Study cited:
Salid, E., Cortina-Borja, M. “Effect of month of birth on the risk of suicide” 2006.
October Babies Are Diplomatic

While every birth sign has its own set of strengths and weaknesses, Libra (which runs from September 23-October 23) is one of the most mild-mannered signs in the zodiac. That’s right, this seventh sign is one that is focused on fairness, kindness, connection, and diplomacy. October babies born during the first three weeks of the month tend to be calmer and value balance (hence, their ruling symbol is the scales).
October Babies Are Intense, Too
If your baby seems to feel everything, it might be because your October baby is a Scorpio. Sure, with its scorpion symbolism, you might assume that October babies born at the end of the month (Scorpio runs from October 23 – November 22) might be tougher to care for, but that’s simply not true. Instead, you’ll see that your baby is full of pure passion for everything; they love with all their might, and are deep thinkers. So expect a lot of questions from your October kiddo as they get older and conversations that will absolutely amaze you.
October Babies Are Tougher
Think about it: babies born in October are exposed to things that other newborns aren’t. Like what? Well, they’re going to experience the change of seasons, since it starts to get colder in October. One day, the temps might be in the 70s — and the next day, it might be 55 degrees and blustery. That inconsistency can make your babe stronger, but that’s not all. Imagine being born at a time of year when your home is adorned with skeletons, green, wart-faced witches, and spooky sounds? The fact that October babies take it all in stride (or, you know, swaddled) just shows how strong they are.
October Babies Can Go Apple Picking
Sure, they’re the apple of your eye. So why not stick your sweetie in a carrier and take them apple picking? Although September is more suited for grabbing those Granny Smiths from the trees, you can still take advantage of warm days to go to an orchard for some pick-your-own fun. Baby will probably snooze for most of the trip, since they’re often lulled to sleep when you’re walking. But if you can manage a trip in between feedings, going apple picking with your honey for some Honeycrisp apples can set the stage for more outings as a family.
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