Monday, November 22, 2021

13 Funny Hanukkah Memes To Kick Off Your Celebration Right

The internet has meme-ified pretty much everything in existence, and major holidays like Hanukkah are no exception. Why not get in on the fun? Funny Hanukkah memes highlight the most humorous moments of the celebration. And because this is the Internet, there are plenty of cat pics, geeky references, and terrible dad jokes ahead. It can only be expected. Latke puns, dreidel jokes, and some unconventional menorahs are all a part of our roundup of funny Hanukkah memes. There is enough material for eight days' worth of laughs. (I do apologize, but the jokes are only going to get worse from here on out.)

What else should you know about Hanukkah 2021? Hanukkah starts on Sunday, Nov. 28, 2021 and continues until Monday, December 6, 2021. There is still plenty of time to fire up those menorahs and celebrate the beautiful Festival of Lights.

If you are feeling a little rusty about Hanukkah history, here is a quick refresher. This eight-day celebration is held every year to commemorate the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem, in which the Jewish people stood up to their oppressors in the Maccabean Revolt. The celebration lasts for eight days because, during the time of this conflict, the Greeks trashed all of the oils in the Temple. Because oil was the source of light in the days before electricity, this was a major problem, and when the Jewish people finally defeated their oppressors, only one vessel of oil remained unharmed. It should have only lasted a day, but this oil miraculously provided eight days' worth of light. The yearly Hanukkah celebration commemorates this miracle.

Although the holiday is a sacred event, there are plenty of humorous and lighthearted takes on Hanukkah traditions most anyone can appreciate. For instance, you can buy funny menorahs made to look like elephants, octopi, or even dancing rabbis. Also, there’s the inevitable mash-up of Dr. DreDel merch and memes all over the internet. The resulting image is hilarious, of course. For still more Hanukkah funnies, continue reading these memes.

Modern Hanukkah, Explained

To get a better idea of the miracle that is celebrated during Hanukkah, think of it in 21st century terms. You’re nearly all out of battery. No one would ever expect your remaining phone juice to last longer than a day, but somehow it lasts for eight. Yes, that would, by definition, be a miracle.

“Hello” By Adele

With her new album, 30, released on Nov. 19 after a six-year hiatus, it’s only fitting to include an Adele-themed Hanukkah meme here. And you can’t look at this “Shalom, it’s me” picture with an absolutely serene-looking Adele and not crack a smile, right? Now it’s just time to keep your eyes peeled for any good “Easy On Me” memes to replace the highly frequented “Hello” jokes that are deeply entwined all across the internet.

The Grinch Who Stole Hanukkah

You can only imagine the absolute turmoil the Grinch would be in upon his return to the mountain cave when he realizes he stole a whole town’s worth of Hanukkah candles. Honestly, what were you thinking, Mr. Grinch? Better stick to stealing Christmas next time, unless you have some kind of major winter storm power outage and find yourself in need of about nine billion candles.

A Potato’s Nightmare

It’s really not a good time to be a potato. It may have been a dream, Mr. Potato Head, but your concerns are valid. A freshly fried, crispy latke is sounding like the perfect yummy Hanukkah recipe right about now — and will be for a good eight days. Possibly even longer.

Solo-bration Time

Star Wars geeks will flip for this hilarious meme featuring the beloved character, Han Solo. Lightsaber, who? He's wielding that menorah like he means it. Plus, it just makes too much sense that this guy really does put the “Han” in Hanukkah.

Accurate Food Pyramid

Olive oil is totally a vegetable, right? I mean, olives have to be healthy. Please tell me they are healthy. If eating grains and fruit is the base of the food pyramid, sign me up for extra jelly doughnuts, please. And can you ever really eat enough potatoes? Don’t think so. New Year's resolutions don’t start for another month or so, anyways.

Practicing Pup

Not. At. All. This pup is ready to celebrate. There’s really nothing as heartwarming as a four-legged child who’s just as excited for the holiday traditions as you are. Just don’t light the candles if you’re going to try to recreate this hilarious meme with your own hound.

Literal Translation

Yes, it is a terrible joke. But admit it, you chuckled a little. And come on, what’s more lit than a candle? Try eight candles. It’s the dad joke of the season.

Guess The Song

OK, so it is not specifically a Hanukkah meme, but I have been cracking up over this pic forever. I will never hear the original lyrics to "Jump in the Line (Shake, Señora)" again. It's all "Snape, Snape, Snape, menorah" from here on out. And once you figure out the meme puzzle, the song will 100% be stuck in your head on repeat. You’re welcome.

Dreidel Trivia

Now that song is stuck in your head, right? At least it's a fun bit of trivia to share at the next family dinner. And it’s another song you can sing all together with newfound meaning. Plus, who doesn’t love random fun facts?

Getting Ready

Hey, turning into a fabulous dreidel takes some time. Don't try to rush it. There’s just something about a sassy dreidel that feels so very relatable and lovable at the same time. But seriously, let Miss Dreidel do her glam for Hanukkah family dinner.

Love It A Latke

OK, but now I want some fried potato pancakes. Why are they so delicious? These happy potatoes look way too cheerful for what’s about to go down with them at dinner. Although, that frying pan does look oddly relaxing, no?

Searching For Gelt

Hey, it wouldn't be a meme roundup without at least one cat picture. They did practically invent meme culture, after all. And this one is wearing a yarmulke, so you know he's serious about the holiday. Apparently he can hide gelt like a champion, and he doesn’t look too keen on giving helping hints either.

However you plan to celebrate this year, these funny Hanukkah memes are a hilarious way to get you started (it’s never too early to dole out unsolicited dad jokes). And there is plenty more than enough here to last you all eight days and nights.

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