If you’re welcoming a new Elf on the Shelf into the family this year, you’re going to need a name. Whether your kids have already come up with the perfect moniker, you’re having a family vote, or you need some inspiration, there are plenty of elf boy names to choose from if your family decides your new addition is a boy.
The Elf on the Shelf tradition adds a ton of fun and mischief to the whole month of December. Whether your elf has a sweet personality and delivers the occasional treat or is more of the mischievous type is up to you (and your sense of humor), but either way, you’ll be spending a lot of time thinking of, planning, and staging his nightly escapades around the house. So, since you’re already going to be mentally toiling over that, scroll down for some name ideas that may help save you some time.
If you want to come up with the perfect elf boy name, consider your favorite Christmas movies, songs, books, treats, and traditions. Somewhere in all those lyrics, lines, and memories lies the perfect name for your elf, who will surely become one of your kids’ favorite Christmas traditions from this year on.
When you say it aloud, Bow sounds like the boys’ name Bo or Beau, but spelled this way, it pays homage to one of the things that symbolizes Christmas best. What would a Christmas present be without a big red bow on top? Well, just a well-dressed box.
Tinsel only comes around once a year, just like your Elf on the Shelf, and when it does, you know it’s officially Christmas time. Name your boy elf Tinsel and let him help you light up the whole month of December a little bit brighter.

For a Christmas decoration, the word Garland kind of sounds like a real name, which makes it a great choice for your boy Elf. He sounds like a very studious, dedicated-to-his-job kind of guy, so if your Elf on the Shelf will be less of a trouble maker and more of a rule-following elf, this would be an appropriate name choice. Tinsel, on the other hand, you can’t watch that guy close enough. If you’re adopting a second or third elf for your youngest child, playing into some fun dynamics like that can help you with ideas. Maybe Garland is constantly trying to clean up after Tinsel or fix his funny antics.
Polish for foolish. Which is what we parents are for buying into this insanity.
Mistletoe is a nice finishing touch to your holiday decorations, and sharing a smooch underneath it is a fun tradition too. Naming your elf Mistletoe is perfect if you want to choose a moniker that’s obviously Christmas-y in nature, and is derived from one of the holiday’s oldest traditions.
One of the best parts about Christmas is the weather. That extra nip in the air means you get to cozy up by the fireplace, sip hot cocoa, wear fuzzy socks and sweaters, and break out the cold weather recipes (hello again, soup and chili season). So, why not honor that feeling with a name like Chilly for your elf? You could also opt for names like Snowball, Blizzard, or Bluster if the cold and snow are some of your favorite things about the holiday season. That said, Chilly has the benefit of being easy for young children to say.
If you want to name your boy Elf on the Shelf something that is, in fact, a real human name, but also has ties to Christmas, Graham might just be your No. 1 pick. S’mores are just one of those desserts that scream wintertime, and graham crackers quite literally carry the whole thing.
Simple. Classic. Easy for a small child to scream when you forget to reposition it the next morning.
Chestnuts roasting on an open fire may not be a scene you see too much anymore, but the idea sure brings to mind feelings of getting warm and cozy, being with family, and all-around Christmas joy. If that’s the kind of stuff you want your Elf on the Shelf to evoke, then Chestnut might be the perfect moniker for him. Besides, it’s also a nod to “The Christmas Song,” which is actually the real title of the tune that includes that homey chestnut scene. Chestnut sounds like a great name for a wacky elf who likes to get into all sorts of hijinks. He might just be the perfect sidekick for Tinsel (and send Garland over the edge).
Tylenol O'Tingles
Which Mommy will need after 25 days of this nonsense.
A fun play on 'ol Scrooge. Not to be confused with Weezer. Though that could also be good... and provide you with an excuse to play their cover of "Africa" for your children.
Do it. Go meta.
If your elf arrives with a big jug of apple cider in tow, the kids are sure to fall in love with him right away. And he’ll have already earned his name: Cider. Maybe a few evenings out of December he’s caught trying to take a hot apple cider bath in your slow cooker, or stealing the half gallon back out of the fridge. And on Christmas Eve, he can bring your kids their very own cups to enjoy.
Bridget Bishop
Pay homage to one of the women burned in the Salem witch trials! (See, there are no gender rules here.) Reflect on the fact that if this were the 1600s and you proclaimed to keep a magical elf in your home, you would likely be tossed into the nearest creek.

Has there ever been a delicious, decadent dessert made without butter? Yeah, didn’t think so. If you want to pay homage to all the holiday treats at once, you’ll need to honor one of their two main ingredients: Butter (the other is Sugar, if you need a name for Butters’s pal).
Elsa Elberfield
This is actually the name of the Baroness in The Sound of Music. It's a fun way to let your kiddos know there's more than one ice queen named Elsa, and breaks the "boy" stereotype of a name.
Linzer cookies are one of the most popular Christmas confections, and they happen to be one of Santa’s favorite cookies.
Evil... but cute. Just like the elf.
Sir Poopington Hogburp of Fartsborough East
Trust me. Your kid will totally get on board with this.
There is no way to talk about boy elf names without throwing Buddy in the ring. If you’ve seen Elf, you know Buddy is king of Christmas cheer, and a devout believer in the magic of Santa Claus. Naming your Elf on the Shelf Buddy can provide some extra ideas for how to pose him in mischievous ways too. For example, set him up with an elf-sized bowl of spaghetti with candy and chocolate sauce a la the famous movie scene.
Is there another version of “White Christmas?” Because Bing Crosby’s is definitely the most played recording of the classic tune. If Bing isn’t your thing, choose the name of any artist depending on what your favorite Christmas carol. Michael Bublé has a solid Christmas fanbase, Elvis Presley’s “Blue Christmas” can’t be beaten, and then there’s always Chuck Berry’s “Run Rudolph Run.” And if you name your boy elf Mariah, that’s OK, too.
The Patriarchy
Think of the fun of hearing your child tell others about the elf's antics! "And then The Patriarchy played a mean trick on us! The Patriarchy is always up to something!"
The whole backstory of the Elf on the Shelf is that each night he runs back to the North Pole to report on the kids’ behavior to Santa Claus, right? Then a name like Dash accurately, and adorably, sums up his responsibilities. It’s also reminiscent of Dasher, presumably Santa’s fastest of the nine reindeer who pull his sleigh. Alternative reindeer-inspired options: Blitzen, Comet, and Donner.
“Jingle Bells” is one of those Christmas songs everybody knows and loves. It’s also the name of one of the elf protagonists in The Year Without A Santa Claus, the ‘70s stop motion movie with that awesome “Snow Miser vs. Heat Miser” song that is just as catchy today.
If you remember Santa Claus: The Movie from 1985, the name Patch won’t need much explaining. For those who haven’t seen it, Patch is one of Santa’s elves who, to meet the rising toy demands of Christmas, builds an automated machine to help build them faster. But when the toys fall apart, he resigns, takes a job in New York, and accidentally endangers Christmas altogether. Long story short, everything works out, but Patch remains one of the most recognizable elf names, and a great choice for your Elf on the Shelf if you want to throw it back to the ‘80s.
Did you know that Santa Claus might actually be a member of elf kind? If that’s true (and all do signs point to it being true), he’s far and away the most famous elf of all time. Your elf’s name could reasonably be derived from or inspired by him. If you’re into this idea, Nicholas isn’t your only option. See also: Nick, Saint, Kris, and Kringle. You could also borrow from other countries’ names for Santa Claus, like Babbo Natale from Italy or Père Noël from France. Perry or Bobbo would be cute adaptations.
Peppy Twinkleton
This comes courtesy of the Elf on the Shelf site's very own name generator. So you know it's legit.
Jingle, Snowflake, or Snowball
This is what Melissa Joan Hart has named her three elves. And if it's good enough for Sabrina the Teenage Witch, then by god it's good enough for you.
Fuzzy Sloth Splash
OK, this one actually comes from a cocktail drink name generator, but it works just as well, no? And anyway, you'll need a drink after your 5-year-old starts wailing on the floor in hysterics because the dog went near the elf and sniffed up all of its magic and now Christmas is dead.
Idris Elba
And lastly, a name for the sexy, suave elf.
Whether you choose a quirky Elf on the Shelf boy name inspired by food, decorations, or Father Christmas, these suggestions will suit your elf, no matter their personality.
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