Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Best Family Charities To Donate To in 2021

One of the important lessons that any parent can pass down to their children is the importance of giving back. And a good way to do this as a family is by finding a charity where you can donate clothes, time, or resources — especially on Giving Tuesday.

Giving Tuesday, which is annually the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, is referred to as a “global generosity movement.” It was started in 2012 to help inspire everyone around the world to do some sort of simple act of kindness in their community. And this year, on Nov. 30, I’ve rounded up a list of charities that are perfect for families to talk about and to donate to on Giving Tuesday.

Every so often I call my kids to their room and ask them to pull out clothes or other items they want to bless a child with. The first time we did this, I sat them down and explained that every child doesn’t have a life like theirs. Some kids don’t have a grown-up at home to care for them. Some don’t have a lot of clothes or even a day full of big meals. There are even families that don’t have a home to stay in or beds of their own. It was an eye-opening moment for them, and I could feel their desire to give rise up.

Although this is generally considered a season of giving, it’s always the perfect time to show kindness through a generous task or donation. This list of charities offers your family the perfect opportunity to help people in need on Giving Tuesday, and can open your own children’s eyes to how much of a difference they can make.

The Bautista Project

The Bautista Project is a veteran-run, Tampa-based charity on a mission to end homelessness. Bi-weekly they take bags of basic living items and deliver them to their “friends without homes” in the community. Each bag carries food, water, hygiene products, and something special that fits the needs of the season like sweatpants or blankets for winter. The founder is extremely passionate about her work because she herself has experienced homelessness. You can contribute to their mission by sending essentials from their Amazon wish list.

Cedars Kids

Keeping families together and creating healthy bonds are the goal of Cedars Kids. For over 75 years, the organization has been housing kids who come out of abusive situations, giving shelter and resources to families, and providing positive intervention programs for at-risk youth. For the holidays, Cedars Kids has special items that your family can donate toward (ranging from $10 to $75), to give a child a special Christmas gift, or a much needed item like a winter coat.

Save The Children

Save the Children provides protection, education, healthcare, and advocacy for children all around the world. A staple of their mission is reaching children in the hardest to reach places. Their website has multiple ways to give, including single donations, monthly donations, sponsoring a child and shopping their gift catalog.

Prevent Child Abuse America

Prevent Child Abuse America wants to stop abuse and neglect before it happens. This year, the organization made a commitment to reshape how our country views and handles child abuse by becoming more proactive in its efforts. They provide resources and services through home visits and also advocate for the needs of families at a national, state, and local level. Your family can donate to this charity on a one-time or monthly basis.

North American Council On Adoptable Children (NACAC)

So many children need safe and loving families to adopt them. And the North American Council on Adoptable Children advocates for these children. They promote adoption from foster care, defend children's rights in the welfare system, and train parent advocates, among other things. NACAC has been doing this amazing work since 1974, and your donations will help them continue this work.

Funding Love

So much support for adoptive families stops once the papers have been signed, but adoption can change families in lots of big and small ways throughout the years. Funding Love is an organization helping create strong family bonds through the ultimate magic — a Disney vacation. The non-profit sends adoptive families on an all-expenses paid dream vacation to Disney World, complete with meal plans and shopping money. Your donation can help create those memories for families who need an extra dose of magic.

Children International

Poverty is a reality for many children globally, and Children International is working to end it. During this pandemic, those living in poor conditions have been hit the hardest. Children International builds community centers in these underserved areas, and they offer updates amidst the pandemic about the children and families on their website by country. Your family can make a difference by donating to their work.


Every child should have a safe space to play and KaBOOM is working to end playspace inequity. They not only build play areas, but also enhance existing spaces by adding things like benches, planters and shading. KaBOOM even offers resources to guide others in creating better, safer play spaces in their communities. Your kids will love donating to help other kids have safe fun!

National Federation Of The Blind

This nationwide charity is an organized group of blind Americans who work so that blind children and adults can have better opportunities. They give resources and support to ensure that the needs of those who cannot see are met. Your donation can help them purchase more white canes, and improve both the Braille literacy rate and the blind employment rate.

Children’s Defense Fund

Helping poor children, children of color, and children with disabilities is where the Children’s Defense Fund focuses their efforts. They believe that “fixing America’s systemic inequities begins with our children.” So they host vaccination events, literacy and cultural enrichment programs, work to prevent crisis situations for children, and so much more. Giving to this foundation would be a blessing to many.

Compassion International

There are so many children around the world that don’t have their basic needs met. For these children, struggle and poverty are their typical everyday experiences. Compassion International has a roster of children that need sponsors. But you can also donate specifically to medical assistance, unsponsored children, moms and babies, and disaster relief.

Wounded Warriors Family Support

Those who serve in our military have committed themselves to keep our country safe. In doing so, some have been injured and some have died, and their families feel the effects of it all. The Wounded Warriors Family Support stands in the gap for those families and military members advocating for their needs and providing resources. They do this through caregiver services, family retreats, veteran training, and mobility services for the wounded. These heroes deserve our respect and help. You can help as well by making a special donation to this charity.

Equal Justice Initiative

Our country has a long history of racial injustice and it has affected many Black and marginalized families. The Equal Justice Initiative (EJI) is a nonprofit that fights wrongful convictions and educates the public through a resourceful toolkit that has reports, interactive lesson plans, and more. EJI also works with communities to “install history markers.” Your family can donate to join them in changing the inequities in our judicial system.

Feeding America

Feeding America is a hunger relief charity. During this season, many families don’t have the means to prepare a decent meal for their children. Feeding America has a network of 200 food banks providing meals to families and combating food insecurity on a daily basis. Any donation made by your family will be helpful in their mission.

Give Kids The World

Give Kids The World is a resort in Central Florida where children who are critically ill and their families can have a sponsored vacation. These families endure physical and emotional struggles and deserve the opportunity to enjoy life on this 89-acre getaway. You can donate to give a child and their family some joy and time away.

Heart To Heart International

Everyone needs access to proper healthcare. Heart to Heart International is providing it globally. They believe that “sustained access to health sets the foundation for individual and community development.” They source volunteers to respond to disasters and distribute resources as well. There are several ways you and your family can donate to their cause.

If you post your act of charity to social on November 30th to social media, be sure to add the hashtag #givingtuesday to show your support of this worldwide movement.


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