Monday, August 29, 2022

These Multitasking Vitamins Were A Game Changer For My Family’s Back To School Routine

Our family has been through six back-to-school seasons so far, so I feel like I’ve learned a thing or two. But I won’t pretend that I’ve got it all together. Maybe by high school graduation, I’ll be able to navigate the return to school without any stress at all, but I can’t be certain. This season is just inherently stressful, and for me, emotional. I love my summers with my babies, but I also find myself a little bit exhausted by the 24/7 demands of motherhood when school is out. Sending them back to school is the epitome of bittersweet for me.

This year, I decided I was going to do my very best to reduce the BTS stress by trying something new: incorporating OLLY Vitamins into our routine as a way to help my kiddos calm their minds and bodies, and let me tell you: It’s been a game changer. Here’s why:

1. I worry less about breakfast.

I’ve got one reliable eater, one who won’t touch breakfast for hours after waking, and one who is fully hit-or-miss. OLLY Kids Multi Gummy Worms taste like sour fruit punch, and they provide my kids with tons of essential vitamins and minerals. Even when they won’t eat a balanced breakfast, I feel better knowing they’re getting the things they need. And what kid doesn’t want a gummy worm before school every single day?

OLLY Kids Multi Worms

2. My nervous kiddo gets a little extra support.

I am open with my kids about my own struggle with an anxiety disorder. That’s why I love OLLY’s mission “to break down barriers and squash the stigma around those struggling with mental wellbeing,” by partnering with organizations focused on making mental health care accessible to more of our youth. Our pediatrician would handle any serious anxiety symptoms if they started to show up, but for the totally common back-to-school jitters, we love OLLY Kids Chillax. The sherbet-flavored gummies contain calming magnesium and lemon balm, and the act of taking the chewy treat with the promise of a little increased comfort helps my son feel like he has a bit more power over his school-day nerves.

OLLY Kids Chillax

3. I feel better about back-to-school germs.

My kids have healthy immune systems, and we use OLLY Kids Immunity to support them. We go over all the basic stay-healthy habits, like frequent hand-washing, keeping our hands away from our faces, and not sharing drinks or food, but I know kids aren’t always going to do an amazing job of following those practices. I can’t be at school to remind them, but I can send them with bottle of hand sanitizer in their backpacks and a Cherry Berry flavored OLLY gummy in their bellies.

OLLY Kids Immunity

4. When they’re too excited to sleep, I have a way to help them calm down.

For the occasional sleepless night, like the exciting night just before they start a new school year, I keep OLLY Kids Sleep gummies on hand. They contain a low dose of melatonin, a few time-honored botanicals, and, if you ask my kids, a little sprinkle of magic. Bedtime is easier for everyone when little bodies are nice and sleepy.

OLLY Kids Sleep

5. Vitamins create a “next step” to keep our routine moving.

The biggest benefit of incorporating various OLLY products into our back-to-school routine is the way they keep my kids moving. Our house functions best in the morning when everyone knows what’s coming next, and everyone has something else to do. Since they look forward to their OLLY gummy worm and immunity gummy, I save them for last. They get their “treats” as they are walking out the front door, so they’re more motivated to complete all their morning tasks. If they are lagging behind, they might miss their yummy gummies.

6. I get to take good care of my whole fam — including me.

OLLY isn’t just for the kiddos! My husband and I do our best to model the habits we want our children to form, so we both take OLLY Multi + Probiotic every morning. I’m also working my way through the OLLY Beauty from Within collection to find the ones I love most! When I feel healthy, I am more confident in my ability to keep my family on the right track.

OLLY Adult Multi + Probiotic Vitamins


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