If your childhood was anything like mine was, then you probably grew up hearing all the scary stories and urban legends surrounding the supposedly unlucky date of Friday the 13. The concept that this day somehow causes a person to incur bad fortune has permeated pop culture so much that there has even been a movie (plus many sequels and questionable crossovers) with the same title. If your due date happens to be around that time frame, then you'll probably be interested to learn about old wives’ tales about baby born on Friday the 13th. Who knows? Maybe being born on this supposedly cursed date might not be so terrible.
Sure, there's plenty of folklore that used to link unexplained events or natural phenomenon with a person's actions or a certain date. But many of these long-held beliefs have since been debunked by modern science. Still, it's interesting how these old wives’ tales about babies born on Friday the 13th and superstitions tend to hold meaning even today. Plus, it’s just a little bit fun to learn about. Maybe it's because everyone loves a good mystery — and nothing is as mysterious or miraculous as giving birth. So, no matter where your personal beliefs land on the matter, you can discover some of the more odd myths (and their origins) about babies born on Friday the 13th.
Babies born on Friday the 13th will have good luck

The concept of coordinating a specific act (such as, step on a crack) with a specific outcome (break your mother's back) is nothing new in the old wives tale world. Still, it's interesting to learn about how previous generations had a superstition for just about anything — down to how your dress a newborn. For example, in the 1903 second volume of the Encyclopaedia of Superstitions, Folklore, and the Occult Sciences of the World, it's noted that a baby born on a Friday will have good luck — but only if it is put into new clothes. Though the origins are a bit murky, the explanation could be as simple as wanting to dress your child in something special and new on the day they're born.
They’ll be a bit of a hot mess
Thirteen is considered an unlucky number, and has been for a long time. It’s traditionally associated with chaos and disorder, and has negative biblical connotations. Perhaps your newborn will be a bit of a chaos agent, themselves.
They're total sweethearts

As it turns out, taking quizzes to decide what a random thing says about your personality has been around much longer than the internet has. There is a well-known rhyme that matches your child's day of birth to a specific trait or characteristic that's been around in various incarnations throughout the ages. But, what a version dating back hundreds of years has to say about fated Fridays might just surprise you. Although people typically associate Friday with being unlucky, in Traditions, Legends, Superstitions, and Sketches of Devonshire, a 16th century birth fortune noted, "Friday's child is loving and giving," and mentioned nothing of ill fortune. Maybe just this once it could be a good thing if this old wives tale turns out to be true after all.
If your baby is born on Friday the 13th, we think they’re probably going to be just wonderful. And, though we have no real expertise in your particular baby, neither did the “old wives’,” so you might as well put as much stock in our opinion as theirs.
Daniels, Cora Linn Morrison, (1903) Encyclopaedia of Superstitions, Folklore, and the Occult Sciences of the World. J. H. Yewdale & Sons Company, https://ift.tt/VioG4ES
Bray, Anna Eliza, (1838), Traditions, Legends, Superstitions, and Sketches of Devonshire: On the Borders of the Tamar and the Tavy, Illustrative of Its Manners, Customs, History, Antiquities, Scenery, and Natural History, in a Series of Letters to Robert Southey, Esq, Volume 2. https://ift.tt/kaPYJHd
Markovsky, B. (2022). Why is 13 considered unlucky? Explaining the power of its bad reputation. University of South Carolina, https://ift.tt/GYe2zfT
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