Sunday, April 16, 2023

The Tea Collection Rewear Site Lets You Sell & Buy Tea Collection Hand-Me-Downs

I have three daughters, which means I live for clothing that is cute, affordable, and built to last. It’s not always easy to find a brand that hits all three, but Tea Collection does, and the clothing line been one of our family’s favorites for years. While my girls pass their items down to each other (my third girl basically has an entire wardrobe for the next seven years ready to go), I’m thrilled to learn about Tea Rewear, Tea Collection’s eco-conscious shopping platform.

This re-commerce program, Tea Rewear, gives you the opportunity to not only recycle and sell your well-loved Tea Collection items, but you can also buy hand-me-downs, too. And the program offers two ways to sell your previously worn Tea Collection items. You can either opt for a trade-in, where you mail or drop off your products and receive a credit towards new items for each item accepted, or you can sell directly to other families by listing the items yourself through the Tea Rewear platform.

Trust me: if you’ve never tried to buy Tea Collection hand-me-downs, they’re worth it. Tea Collection wants to be known as an heirloom-quality brand, and it has earned that right. Three girls here, you guys — three girls who are hard on clothes, who play in dresses, who jump in mud puddles and climb trees and ride bikes and their clothes still look brand new. Especially pajamas. Tea Collection pajamas have thick stitching, perfect snug-fit material, and also manage to wash beautifully so they never look dreary or blah.

I took a look at the Tea Rewear platform and was also pleasantly surprised to see the prices (and shipping!) for so many items. The listings give very specific details and images of any flaws in the item, and a lot of the listings also include free shipping. If you want to sell but don’t know where to start, the Tea Rewear platform also offers help through Kidizen to give you a professional seller who can sell the items for you on your behalf.

The Tea Rewear program has been around for a year, and Tea Collection estimates that they’ve already given a second life to thousands of Tea Collection pieces. It feels right in line for a brand that loves to celebrate the world to also help save it by keeping clothing out of landfills and inspiring more sustainable shopping.

So if there are Tea Collection items you wished you’d ordered in extra sizes or a pattern that you could never get a hold of, the Tea Rewear program is just the platform for you. And if you don’t have a younger sibling or friend to share your Tea Collection items with, 100% it’s time to trade them in and rack up them credits. Save them for Christmas jammies!

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