Thursday, May 18, 2023

'The Alphabutt Book' From Huggies Celebrates Every Kind Of Baby Booty

Everybody is born with a butt, and yet somehow, no two are exactly alike. In The Alphabutt Book, Huggies sets out to celebrate the many silly, adorable, unique kinds of baby butts while providing diapers for real life little bottoms around the nation.

The funny primer takes readers through an alphabet of butts, cheering on babies with capital-I Itty Bitty Butts, Jiggly Jelly Butts, and Old Man Butts alike (you know the kind). Each page is illustrated by a different indie artist with a style as individual as the babies they’re drawing. Best of all, 100% of the proceeds from sales of The Alphabutt Book benefit the National Diaper Bank Network, which notes that 1 in 3 American families experience diaper need.

Ahead of the book’s release, Romper spoke with Huggies partner TikToker Abbie Herbert, who has more than 15 million followers. She chatted about the book’s funny-yet-uplifting message, and how she hopes to discuss body positivity with her kids, Poppy (2) and Jagger (2 months).

For starters, let’s dive into the book — it is so, so cute. What made you want to get involved with this project?

It’s wild. With my first child, I was like, “Oh, she’s little, she’s petite.” She was always small, and I was like, “Oh, I’m always going to have a small baby.” And then I had my son who is in the 96th percentile of everything. This book literally is the definition of what I’m experiencing. All babies’ butts come in different shapes and sizes; I never thought that I would have a 96th percentile child with this chunky little butt. So when I read the book, I could relate to it so much.

There’s a lot to love about this book, from the diverse range of artists who illustrated it to, of course, the fact that it supports the National Diaper Bank Network. What’s your favorite thing about it?

Poppy really enjoys it and then that’s why I enjoy it so much because, like you said, all the different artists, all the different pages — it’s just a fun book to read at night to the kids. And I think the number one thing is the giving back with 100% of the proceeds going to the National Diaper Bank Network.

And I love that they’re incorporating a TikTok dance. If you’ve seen a lot of my recent videos, I love to dance with Poppy. She’s now at that age where she hears a song, she starts dancing. With the dance, if you [recreate it and] use the hashtag, that triggers a donation as well to the National Diaper Bank Network.

I was wondering if your family used a different word for butts in your house, or if this book was Poppy’s introduction to the word “butt.”

Oh, Poppy, she knows a butt. That kid, when I read the book she literally goes, “Butt, butt.” I’m like, “Yes, Poppy, butt.”

The Alphabutt Book has a body positive message, which is lovely to see in a book for such a young audience. And I’m wondering how you’re thinking about body positivity as you’re raising your kids.

Before social media, I was in the modeling industry and that’s something I was very vocal about before we went into the family space. We’re all different shapes, sizes, starting from babies, literally. We’re born all different, and that’s the best thing about being humans and people. We’re all different and we can be different things. And I think with Poppy being on social media, seeing me when she’s older, I just want her to watch my stuff back and see me be positive. I try not to use filters or talk badly about myself or my body because there’s people out there watching and listening.

I think that’s another reason why I gravitated towards this book, because of the positive message that it teaches at such a young age. And I hope that I can continue to do that with my children as well.

When do you carve out time to read books together, now that you have two under 2?

It’s part of the whole nighttime routine for us. So you get the bath, then we get the diaper on, the pajamas on, and then we sit her chair, and we just read a book. Now with having another child, that is our one-on-one time, even though I try to give it during the day, but I know every night, reading time is when we have that time together and that connection. It’s something that I enjoy, she enjoys, and she looks forward to it.

The Alphabutt Book is available now for $19.99, and is sold exclusively online.

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