I don’t know about you all, but I’ve never met a nature documentary I didn’t like. Not only do they offer a fascinating look at the natural world, but they’re great family entertainment. On Oct. 25, Netflix will premiere Life on Our Planet, a first of its kind series from the the Emmy Award-winning team of Planet Earth and Our Planet in partnership with Industrial Light & Magic (ILM), aka the greatest visual effects shop in Hollywood.
Did you know that even though there are more than 20 million species on our planet, 99% of all creatures who’ve ever been on Earth are now extinct? But while these myriad organisms might be lost to the ancient past, Life on Our Planet recreates their often interconnected stories, from their struggles to get a foothold (or in some cases, fin-, wing-, or tentaclehold) in this world to their ultimate extinction or survival.
Narrated by Morgan Freeman and executive produced by Steven Spielberg, Life on Our Planet is a family-friendly show and a must-watch for any animal lover, including (and perhaps especially) any dinosaur-lover in your life. (Of course the documentary talks about dinosaurs!)
Romper’s exclusive teaser trailer has fun with our ancient ancestors and (very distant) cousins. It shows that, indeed, life on Earth is a beautiful, interwoven symphony... and sometimes even the animals themselves know the music... especially if it’s the “Blue Danube Waltz.”
From LUCA (the Last Universal Common Ancestor), a single cell floating somewhere in the oceans 4 billion years ago to the present day, this sweeping epic will give you and your kiddos a new appreciation for our planet and our place in this remarkable story of adaptation and survival... also more mammoths and dinosaurs than they can shake a stick at, which is always a win.
Life on Our Planet premieres on Netflix on Wednesday, Oct. 25.
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