Sunday, December 31, 2023

18 Winter Baby Names For Boys & Girls That Mean Snow, Strength, & More

— Borisenkov Andrei/E+/Getty Images

While the thought of hosting a winter birthday party in a few years may make you want to scream, there is something so special about a winter baby. Whether your baby’s born in early December (when it’s not quite winter), or closing in on March, these winter baby names can help you celebrate the coziness and the absolute hardiness of a tiny winter babe.

Honestly, even if your baby isn’t born in the winter, this list of winter baby names is great for anybody who loves snow, nature, or just wants to evoke the spirit of winter. Winter used to be a much harder time for people with the physical demands of finding food, staying warm, and taking care of a family, but now it’s harder in different ways. Losing sunlight, staying indoors more, and feeling a little cabin fever can make it tough to appreciate winter. But when your lungs fill with that cold air and you get to see just how much sky there is beyond the leaves of your favorite trees, it’s hard not to fall in love. These winter baby names have some subtle connections to the frosty season, as well as some more obvious choices, but they all help bring that winter magic straight to your baby’s moniker.


Holly may make you think of Christmas, but this name is symbolic of the winter months in general, too. It’s a cold-hardy plant that survives well in the winter, and is used in many winter and holiday festivals. Holly is such a sweet name for a little winter baby girl, and it gives some fun glamour vibes thanks to Breakfast at Tiffany’s.


Even if your baby isn’t born in January, the month makes a great name — just ask January Jones. The name January comes from the Roman god Janus, who stood for beginnings and transitions. What feels like more of a beginning and a transition than a brand new baby?


— ArtMarie/E+/Getty Images

Iris is one of February’s birth month flowers, and is such a darling, vintage baby girl name. Iris is sweet and short, and I love how unique it still feels even though so many vintage names are making a comeback.


As in Jack Frost? Oh yes, we’re going there. Jack is a great winter name, and is just a solid, classic baby boy name in general. The name Jack also means “God is gracious,” which feels just lovely for a little one.


Does anyone represent winter more than Queen Elsa of Arendelle? The baby name Elsa has gained some popularity over the years, but it’s such a great choice for your winter babe, and you can use Ella or El as a nickname.


Audrey is a lovely, classic name for your girl, and its meaning of nobility and strength makes it a fun choice for a winter baby name. It represents perseverance and resilience, which is absolutely necessary for surviving winter.


— d3sign/Moment/Getty Images

Lumi is a Norse name that means “light-bringer” and “snow,” and it just doesn’t get much more wintery than that. It’s unique and sweet, and gender-neutral, too.


If Peter gives you winter vibes because you’re thinking of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, then you’re right there with me. Peter Pevensie kills the White Witch’s Wolf Captain and helps his siblings to save Narnia. He’s a great literary character to name your baby boy after, and has some excellent winter connections.


An Irish classic, the baby name Bridget means “strength” or “vigor, virtue” and if those aren’t traits you need for the winter, I don’t know which ones are. It’s a timeless name with a playful feel, and I think Bridget is perfect for your winter babe.


Bird names have become a bit of a trend recently, and Finch is one to add to your collection. You can spot finches in the winter as they are happy little birds in the cold, so naming your winter baby after this hardy, sweet little being is a great choice.


Afton is such a lovely, gender-neutral name. It has Scottish and Swedish origins with a nice nature connection, but I love that the name literally means “afternoon” or “evening.” There is something about the watery sunlight of a winter afternoon, and Afton is a baby name that pays the sweetest homage to that.


Blair hasn’t been super popular in recent years, but I love the name for a winter baby as Blair means “plain, field” or “battlefield.” Winter can be a tough time, so the battle aspect is a nice touch, but with everything bare and kind of gray, the name Blair meaning “plain” is a great winter name choice.


Piren is a gorgeous name from the Mapuche, a group of native indigenous people in South America, and it means “to snow.”


Lucy is a nickname for Lucille, but if you don’t like the formal option, don’t feel obligated. The name Lucy means “light” and if there’s one thing we’re all looking for in the winter, it’s a bit of brightness. Your little Lucy will be a dollop of sunshine during the winter months.


February has another birth month flower: Violet. Consider this one for your little winter gal, especially since it has sweet nicknames like Vi and Lettie.


Feels a little retro, but Nicki (often a nickname for Nicholas or Nicole) is a fun choice for a winter name as its meaning — “victory of the people” — gives off a bit of a determination and resilient spirit. Both are definitely needed in the long months of winter.


Poppy is just the sweetest name, and it pays homage to the incredible hardiness of this adorable little flower in the cold months.


Phoenix isn’t just a place name — you can choose this baby name as a tribute to the mythological phoenix creature that rises from the ashes (and survives just about anything) better than ever, or you can pick it for the meaning “crimson.” Every winter day deserves a little beacon of red hope for warmth and light to come, and your Phoenix babe can be just that.

Whether you want a subtle winter baby name like Peter or something more obvious like January, these winter baby names are great inspiration.

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