Meghan Markle dipped a delicate toe back into acting recently. After taking a long hiatus from her chosen career to move to England, marry a royal prince, move back to California, and give birth to two royal babies, she is back at it. And this time around, she’s playing a “slightly nerdy” intern working at a coffee company. With pretty much no lines, to be fair, but she looks like she’s having a great time.
The Duchess of Sussex showed up for a surprise cameo in a recent video for coffee brand Clevr Blends, a company that sells “barista-style lattes” packed with super foods like mushrooms, probiotics, and adaptogens. On Tuesday, Clevr’s CEO, Hannah Mendoza gave a behind-the-scenes “tour” of the brand’s headquarters in an effort to give a “shoutout to our amazing Clevr team.” Which included Meghan Markle working diligently as an intern in the background. There she is, “lovingly” packing boxes of lattes while wearing a hoodie, no less, as Mendoza walks by, where she and the other staff members have been “listening to Britney [Spears] on loop since 2019.”
Then Markle threw on a pair of glasses to show us that she was part of the “only slightly nerdy digital team,” where she and the other members of the team are apparently making sure Clevr’s website doesn’t crash. Finally, Mendoza is walking by a fridge as Markle reaches in to hand her a drink, and then somehow appears outside in a different outfit to try (and fail) to fist bump a member of the ops team. Which left them all laughing.
That’s the magic of cinéma vérité, folks. We love it when they break the fourth wall.
The former Suits star, who left the series in 2017 when she got engaged to Prince Harry, invested in Clevr Brands back in 2020. The ethical wellness company clearly means a lot to her, as she is now investing not just her money but also her talent. And we really love to see it.
Meanwhile, Suits has seen a huge resurgence in popularity on Netflix, so much so that series creator Aaron Korsh addressed rumors that there could be a tenth season in the future. Sadly, Korsh said there are no plans in the works, but we will still hold out hope that Markle might yet return to her acting roots. She’s still got the stuff, as we saw in her brief walk-on role as a latte intern. We’re ready for more.
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