Monday, March 18, 2024

10 Indoor Easter Egg Hunt Ideas For Rainy Days

— Cavan Images/Cavan/Getty Images

It’s nearly Easter bunny and egg hunt season. That means that it’s time to break out the plastic pastel eggs, grab some jelly beans, M&Ms, and obviously Peeps, and do some sneaky stashing and egg hiding. While most Easter egg hunts follow the standard hide-and-seek-in-a-spring-garden concept, the weather in early April can sometimes be frigid and wet (April showers, and so on). In those cases, if you’re not really wanting to make your kids brave their Easter egg hunt in the rain, you might opt for an inside hunt. Fortunately, these 10 creative indoor Easter Egg hunt ideas can happen in any location, no rain check required.

Easter egg hunts are traditionally done outside, of course, but that doesn’t mean you can’t play with the idea and get a little creative if it’s just too stormy to pull one off outside. You might be surprised how excited your kids are to try something new. Besides, if your egg hunt includes multiple ages and some of the younger tots typically lose out in the foot race to find the most eggs, a twist on the hunt could actually make the annual event a bit more fair for your participants. (Pssst: This means less chance of a meltdown or tantrum.)

The best tip of all: Whatever you do, make it fun, be enthusiastic, and your little ones will love every minute of their indoor Easter egg hunt.

Map it out.

— Julien Fourniol/Baloulumix/Moment/Getty Images

If your kids are really little and still learning what this whole Easter egg hunt thing is about, they’ll probably need a few nudges in the right direction. A fun map of your home, illustrated by you, of course, will help your little bunny find the eggs placed around the house. If you need some help with hiding places, think bookshelves, mantles, and even in kitchen cupboards.

Blindfold the Easter egg hunters.

Want to amp up the fun on your indoor hunt? Then grab a scarf and use it as a blindfold to send your kid on a tricky tour through your house. Keep in mind, this egg hunt idea requires extra supervision (we don’t want any egg-related injuries), but it can be super fun, especially for a small family missing their larger gathering of cousins on Easter.

Turn the lights off.

PartySticks Mini Glow Sticks, 200-Pack


Who says the Easter egg hunt has to happen in the daylight? Pop some mini glow sticks into a bunch of plastic eggs so they’re lit from within. Take a batch of these eggs, hide them all over your house, then wait for nighttime to send your kids on an egg hunt they’ll never forget.

Have the parents take a turn.

— RgStudio/E+/Getty Images

If your kids have found every last egg, but you still want to keep them entertained, why not have them turn the tables and hide the eggs for you to find? Handing over control will give them a thrill as they play Easter bunny running through your house. Be sure to give proper hiding parameters. (“No putting eggs in the toilet or washing machine, please.”)

Include a golden egg.

It worked in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, so why can’t it work for your kids? Getting candy-filled eggs is great and all, but what about a bonus surprise? Stash a golden egg filled with an epic prize — a toy or a giant chocolate Easter bunny, or if you’re feeling flush, a $10 bill.

Make it a treasure hunt.

What’s more fun than searching for eggs? Having to answer clues to find the next clutch of them. Parents can make their hunt thematic with questions all about Easter or silly with funny bunny puns. Just be sure to tailor your clues to your children’s age range so that they can actually answer them.

Add a Ninja Warrior element.

As if an indoor Easter egg hunt on a rainy day weren’t enough fun, what about making it into an obstacle course? Have your kids navigate various challenges in order to find their eggs. Think: balance beam, tunnel, maybe some cart wheel requirements. Granted, if you’re doing this indoors, you’ll want to set it up in the play area or space where you don’t mind a little tumbling action.

Have an Easter egg relay race.

— Gpointstudio/Image Source/Getty Images

Bringing an additional competitive element to the egg hunt can be great for rambunctious kids (just don’t let them get too rambunctious inside). Turn your hunt into a relay race: once one kid has found a certain number of eggs, they have to pass the baton to someone on their team to find the next five, then they share the wealth together.

Consider some pattern play.

This idea comes from Play Party Plan and it’s a good one for indoor Easter egg hunts. Find eggs in particular patterns, then hide them and have your kids collect them in the correct pattern in order to receive their reward. For instance, you could say you must find the striped, polka dot, checked, then diamond-decorated eggs in that order. Each time they find one they have to bring it back to you so you can check if they got the pattern right. For toddlers learning their shapes, ask them to find all the eggs with circles on them, then squares, and so on.

Make it a puzzle.

You can make your indoor Easter egg hunt educational while still being a boatload of fun. This idea comes from Martha Stewart: “Have children solve math puzzles that tell them how many steps they need to walk to find the next egg.” It’ll take a little advance planning, but just picture your child’s pride when they solve the equations and get the ultimate reward: eggs filled with candies.

If you and the kids opt out of doing an outdoor Easter egg hunt in the rain, you can still have tons of fun. And these 10 indoor egg hunt ideas prove it.


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