Friday, March 22, 2024

Disney Reveals Deleted 'Parent Trap' Scene & It Features Queen Elizabeth

— Disney Studios/ TikTok

You might think you know everything there is to know about The Parent Trap. The beloved 1998 movie starring Lindsay Lohan as long lost twins Hallie Parker/Annie James is the quintessential summer camp movie of our generation, full of emotional moments and memorable characters. But, here we are in 2024 and Disney just revealed that a pretty incredible scene, featuring none other than Queen Elizabeth, had shockingly been cut from the movie.

This week, Disney Studios released footage from a deleted scene from The Parent Trap on TikTok, and it really does have everything. Hallie is in a limo with her butler Martin (Simon Kunz), who is technically Annie’s butler Martin since he lives with her and her wedding dress designer mom Elizabeth (the late, great Natasha Richardson), but Hallie is busy impersonating Annie so he’s none the wiser. Or sort of none the wiser. He starts to get suspicious of Hallie/Annie when she asks him to go to Buckingham Palace because she’s never seen the King’s Guard up close.

“You’ve seen those guards up close a million times,” Martin reminds her in the deleted clip, and Hallie/Annie has to think fast. “But never with short hair and pierced ears,” she improvises, and it works. Until she asks to see them for “just for a sec” and then he’s worried that she’s “behaving like an American tourist.” And I don’t think he means it as a compliment.

Hallie/Annie gets her way, and goes to ask the King’s Guard (in her regular California accent) if the Queen is home. They don’t answer but it’s okay, she finds out soon enough. Because Queen Elizabeth herself (an actress playing her, of course) comes driving past in her fancy car and strikes up a conversation. This version of the Queen is super relaxed, has loads of time to ask questions, and tells Hallie/Annie not to worry about trying a curtsy. Fiction indeed.

Fans of the Disney classic really couldn’t believe it had been cut. “This scene doesn’t do anything for the plot but the amount of work to do this scene just for it to be cut is insane,” wrote one person, while another was impressed with the actress playing Queen Elizabeth. “Is that THE queen or an actress? I can’t tell,” they wrote.

The Parent Trap remains a huge fan favorite and even a favorite of Lohan’s herself, so much so that she got emotional talking about her baby boy Luai, who she shares with husband Bader Shammas, watching it while he ate recently. “It was just on the TV. I started crying,” she told Drew Barrymore earlier this month, getting emotional because, “He doesn’t even know that’s mommy.”

Mommy x 2, in fact. One of them with a British accent who stops Queen Elizabeth dead in her tracks. Impressive.


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