Thursday, July 1, 2021

18 Single Mom Memes That Prove Women Are Strong As Hell

Raising kids takes a tremendous amount of time and effort and love, as any parent can tell you. And plenty of people are doing the whole parenting thing solo, taking on every role at once. As these single mom memes go to show, these parents deserve all the love and support imaginable, because their lives tend to be incredibly busy.

With some 12 million single-parents families in the US, growing up in a household with one parent is incredibly common, according to the Journal of Counseling Psychology. And for the most part, it looks like single parents are doing an amazing job. Although there’s been some concern about how kids are affected by life with a single mom, it turns out quality family relationships appear to matter more than simply having a two-parent household, as noted in the Journal of Family Psychology. In fact, there were no noted differences in the mother’s mental health or the children’s behavior. However, a big concern for all of these families was the stress of parenting a child through the middle childhood years (around the ages of 6 to 12). For the most part, single parents are able to raise happy, healthy kids on their own, which is no small feat. Here’s some inspiring and occasionally silly memes that celebrate single mothers everywhere.

Studies referenced:

Golombok, Susan. (2021). Single mothers by choice: Parenting and child adjustment in middle childhood. Journal of Family Psychology,

Richard JY. (2019). A qualitative study of racial minority single mothers' work experiences. The Journal of Counseling Psychology,

Making It Work

Because you can’t be everywhere at once, sometimes you have to make tough decisions. If only you could clone yourself.

A Little Frazzled

You’re keeping it together, but some days are just a bit much. That’s okay.


It can feel like you never get a break. Here’s some actual ways to offer help to single moms, such as pitching in with household chores or dropping off a surprise meal

So Many Roles

Doing so much of the parental heavy lifting can be tough. But your bond with the kids is everything

Learning On The Job

It’s okay. Nobody gets a manual.

Like Arguing With Yourself

Kids really do pick up on all your habits. This can be both endearing and sometimes embarrassing

Staying Involved

Sometimes communicating with your kids means meeting them where they are. So you level up your meme game or join TikTok to stay in the loop.

Side Eye

Is there a good way to respond? Just say “Thaaaanks” and go find your child?

Adapting & Growing

Helping your kid grow and learn also means growing and changing yourself, too. In fact, being a single mom can make you realize just how strong you really are.

Seriously Strong

It’s OK if you need a reminder about that strength from time to time, too.

Say It Again

If you know a single mom who’s going through a tough time, then try to listen and help out where you can. On the flip side, avoid the low-key ways people can shame single moms (maybe without meaning any offense).


It’s fine to make mistakes, too

Keep It Going

You’re doing an amazing job, even if it feels a bit thankless sometimes. (One day your kid will appreciate the effort, though!)

A Perfect Evening

Is anything more romantic than the person who lets you sleep undisturbed? Flowers and wine are nice and all, but nothing is better than a solid rest.

Show Me The Lie

Well, there’s a reason toddlers aren’t in charge of meal planning. On the plus side, they know what they like.

How, Though?

Really, this goes for just about any toy aisle in a store. Somehow, they always know exactly where it is, too.

Look Away

Really, this goes for just about any toy aisle in a store. Somehow, they always know exactly where it is, too.

Too True

Will they complain about any food other than a PB&J? Probably, but you’re still serving those veggies like a champ.

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