Friday, July 16, 2021

'Learn Italian With Luca!' Video From Pixar Is The Perfect Teacher

If you’ve been wishing you could communicate with your kids on a different level, here’s a tip. Watch Pixar’s new Learn Italian With Luca! video, maybe while you dine on pizza or spaghetti or something equally delicious. After just a few minutes, you’ll all be saying things like “Ciao” and “Andiamo!” and all sorts of phrases that manage to sound more charming in Italian. Especially if they’re spoken by little kids.

Luca is currently streaming on Disney+, and feels like a mini vacation on its own. In the movie, young Luca is having the summer of his life in the village of Portarosso on the Italian Riviera. He is eating all the gelato, zipping around town on chic little scooters, and hoping no one will figure out that he is secretly a sea monster from an underwater world. Sea monster aside, Luca is a sweet, colorful, escapist coming-of-age movie that offers a slice of life in Italy. And now, Pixar is helping families do an even deeper dive into what it is to be Italian with a cute little video teaching kids (and probably their adults) how to speak the language.

The video released by Pixar on July 15 features phrases that would be used in every day life, like “Ciao” (hello or goodbye), “Benvenuti” (welcome), “Andiamo” (let’s go), and for the parents who need a break, “Silenzio” (silence). Then there are other words like “Forza” (strength or courage), and the all-important word for fans of Italian cuisine, “Delizioso” (delicious). Unfortunately, they do share how to say the word stupid in Italian, but if you’re worried your kid will go wild with that one just stop the video before the 2:20 mark.

The video also points out that many of the words used in the movie are actually just different cheeses and also some fish, which I found to be particularly helpful.

Kids tend to be like little sponges when it comes to learning a second language, with their fresh young memory retention and ability to process new information so much faster than us adults. Especially when they are given phrases to listen for from movies like Luca. So why not make a big bowl of spaghetti and sit down for an Italian lesson together? As the Italian might say, “Provare!”

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